
"List" of Major U.S. Trials

author:Identification Technology Group

Major U.S. Trials: On


Anne Hutchinson case: 1637 and 1638

Dorothy Talbye case: 1638

Judith Catchpole case: 1656

Mary Dyer Case: 1659 and 1660

Impeachment of Nicholas More: 1685

The case of Jacob Leisler: 1691

Salem's Witchcraft Case: 1692


John Peter Zenger case: 1735

The Great Negro Plot case, 1741

Rescue Order: 1761

Parish Priest's Lawsuit: 1763

Boston Massacre: 1770

Sergeant Thomas Hickey tried in a military court: 1776

Penhallow v. Lusanna: 1777

Major John Andre Case: 1780

Quock Walker case: 1781–1783

Alien and Sedition Acts: 1798

John Fries case: 1799


Marbury v. Madison: 1803

Samuel Chase Impeachment: 1805

George Sweeney case: 1806

Aaron Burr case: 1807

John Francis Knapp and Joseph Jenkinss Knapp: 1830

Cherokee v. Georgia: 1831

United States of America v. Cinque: 1839

Alexander Holmes case: 1842

Mackenzie Court-Martial Trial: 1843

Albert Tirrell case: 1846

Dr. John Webster Case: 1850

Missouri v. Celia: 1855

Dred Scott Decision: 1856

Emma Cunningham case: 1857

Armstrong case of "dried fruit pudding": 1858

Daniel Sickles case: 1859

John Brown case: 1859

Packard v. Packard: 1864

Dr. Samuel Mudd case: 1865

Henry Wirz case: 1865

Impeachment of Andrew Johnson: 1868

Hester Vaughan case: 1868

The case of the partial Ex Parte McCardle: 1868

Corruption Tweed Case: 1873

United States of America v. Susan B. Anthony: 1873

Tilton v. Beecher: 1875

United States of America v. Cruikshank: 1875

Martinez v. Del Valle: 1877

Reynolds v. United States of America: 1879

Charles Guiteau: 1881

Yick Wo v. Hopkins: 1886

Haymarket case: 1886

New Orleans Mafia Case: 1891

Lizzie Borden case: 1893

Debs case: 1895

Theo Durrant case: 1895

Plessy v. Ferguson: 1896

Roland Molineux case: 1899


Leon Czolgosz case: 1901

Albert Patrick case: 1902

Captain William Van Schaick case: 1906

Chester Gillette case: 1906

Harry Thaw case: 1907–1908

William "Big Bill" Haywood: 1907


Dr. Hyde Case: 1910

The McNamara Brothers Case: 1911

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire: 1911

Floyd Allen case: 1912

Charles Becker case: 1912-1914

Leo Frank case: 1913

Joe Hill case: 1914

Tom Mooney case: 1917

Alice Paul and Other Members of the National Women's Group: 1917

Schenck v. United States of America Appeal: 1919


Sacco-Vanzetti case: 1921

The Case of "Fat Man" Arbuckle: 1921-1922

Moore et al. v. Dempsey: 1923

Marcus Mosiah Garvey case: 1923

Leopold and Loeb case: 1924

John Thomas Scopes case ("Monkey"): 1925

Billy Mitchell Tried in a Court-Martial: 1925

David Curtis Stephenson (D.C. Stephenson) case: 1925

Frances Hall, Henry Stevens and William Stevens: 1926

Teapot Dome case: 1926-1930

Buck v. Bell: 1927

The case of Ruth Snyder and Judd Gray: 1927

Alexander Pantages: 1929


Scottsboro case: 1931-1937

Al Capone case: 1931

Thomas Massie case: 1932

Joseph Zangara case: 1933

Ulysses case: 1933

Berrett-Molway case: 1934

Gloria Vanderbilt Special Custody Case: 1934

Samuel Insull case: 1934

Bruno Richard Hauptmann case: 1935

Vera Stretz case: 1936

Charles "Lucky" Luciano: 1936

Mary Astor Divorce: 1936

Martin T. Manton: 1939


Homicide Syndicate Case: 1941

Major U.S. Trials: Part II

Errol Flynn case: 1943

Eddie Slovik Court-Martial: 1944

Endo Single Scheme: 1944

Ezra Pound case: 1946

Sally Rand case: 1946

Bercvici v. Chaplin: 1947

Caryl Chessman case: 1948

Hollywood Ten: 1948–1950

Alger Hiss case: 1949-1950

Martha Beck case: 1949

Tokyo Rose Case: 1949


The cases of Julius Rosenberg, Ethel Rosenberg and Morton Sobell: 1951

Dennis v. United States of America Appeal: 1951

Reynolds v. Pegler: 1954

Brown v. Board of Education: 1954

Sanuel Sheppard case: 1954 and 1966

Burton Abbott: 1955

Cheryl Christina Crane Survey: 1958


Raymond Bernard Finch and Carole Tregoff: 1960 and 1961

Richard Hickock and Perry Smith case: 1960

Boynton v. Republic of Virginia: 1960

Clarence Earl Gideon: 1961 and 1963

John Henry Faulk v. Aware Corporation et al.: 1962

Ernesto Miranda case: 1963 and 1967

Georgetown College v. Jones: 1963

United States of America v. Hoffa: 1964

New York Times Corporation v. Sullivan: 1964

Griswold v. Connecticut: 1964

Lenny Bruce case: 1964

Whitmore Confessions and the Richard Robles Case: 1965

Collie Leroy Wilkins case: 1965

Candace Mossler and Melvin Lane Powers: 1966

Carl Anthony Coppolino: 1967

Albert Henry DeSalvo case: 1967

Richard Franklin Speck: 1967

Price and Bowers case: 1967

Alice Crimmins case: 1968 and 1971

John Marshall Branion case: 1968

Huey P. Newton: 1968

United States of America v. Berrigan: 1968

Sirhan Bishara Sirhan case: 1969

Clay Shaw case: 1969

Chicago Seven: 1969


Chaeles Manson: 1970-1971

William Calley Court-Martial Trial: 1970

John Hill case: 1971

United States of America v. The New York Times: 1971

Angela Davis case: 1972

Furman v. Georgia: 1972

Roe et al. v. Wade: 1973

Tony Boyle case: 1974

United States of America v. Nixon: 1974

Joan Little: 1975

Karen Ann Quinlan Incident: 1975

Patty Hearst case: 1976

Theodore Robert Bundy case: 1976 and 1979

Gary Mark Gilmore case: 1976 and 1979

Randall Adams: 1977

Marvin Mandel case: 1977

Collin v. Smith: 1977

Son of Sam case: 1978

Baker v. University of California Appeal: 1978

Michelle Marvin v. Lee Marvin for "Cohabitation Costs": 1979

Silkwood v. Kerr-McGee: 1979

United States of America v. Progressive: 1979

Daniel James White: 1979

Jeffrey Robert MacDonald case: 1979


Appeal of the United States of America v. Snepp: 1980

Abdul Limited (ABSVAM) case: 1980 and 1981

Jean Harris case: 1980-1981

John Demjanjuk's Case of Denonation: 1981

Wayne Williams case: 1981

Jack Henry Abbott: 1982

Claus Von Bulow case: 1982 and 1985

John Hinckley: 1982

Pulitzer Divorce: 1982

Brinks, a member of the Weather Underground Party: 1983

New Bedford rape: 1984

Westmoreland v. CBS: 1984

Falwell v. Flynt: 1984

On Infant M: 1987

Bernhard Goetz case: 1987

Cipollone v. Liggett Group: 1988

Joel Steinberg case: 1988-1989

Oliver North: 1989

Texas v. Johnson: 1989

United States of America v. Helmsley: 1989

Jim Bakker case: 1989


Pete Rose case: 1990

Marion Barry case: 1990

Central Park Jogger Rape Case: 1990

Mapplethorpe Obscenity Case: 1990

Carolyn Worms Carolyn Warmus) case: 1991 and 1992

Pamela Smart case: 1991

Manuel Noriega case: 1991

El Sayyid Nosair Trial: 1991

Charles Keating: 1991–1993

William Kennedy Smith: 1991

John Gotti) case: 1992

The case of Mike Tyson: 1992

Los Angeles Police Case: 1992 and 1993

"List" of Major U.S. Trials

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