
There are many dangers of money-piling parenting, not only did not cultivate the vision, but created the child's utilitarianism blindly let the child pursue the grade, and will not cultivate the child's vision blindly let the child pursue the harm of the grade, many mothers do not see through what kind of child is considered to have vision? If you want your child to "truly" broaden their horizons, how should parents do it? In addition to the cultivation of "vision", it also needs the care of parents, and meeting their small expectations is beneficial and harmless

author:Babe Bean Parenting Class

"Text/Beibei bean (original article, welcome to personal reprint and share)"

Now many parents have started a new round of parenting boom, that is, in addition to cultivating their children's learning and strengths, there is also a deliberate cultivation of children's temperament and vision. Simply put, it is to make their children high-end atmosphere high-end, low-key luxury, but the parents' education method is not low-key at all.

Mother A: "Is your baby still learning the piano?"

Mother B: "Yes, I am still learning it, and the piano especially cultivates the gentlemanly temperament of children"

Mother A: "Our children have begun to participate in the Western aristocratic etiquette training, especially long insight!" I also let my kids stop by for a weekend celebrity class! It feels good and you try it too! ”

Mother B: "Well, now our child is preparing a foreign language, after the summer vacation I will take him abroad to see how to learn how people live abroad, to prepare for studying abroad!"

There are many dangers of money-piling parenting, not only did not cultivate the vision, but created the child's utilitarianism blindly let the child pursue the grade, and will not cultivate the child's vision blindly let the child pursue the harm of the grade, many mothers do not see through what kind of child is considered to have vision? If you want your child to "truly" broaden their horizons, how should parents do it? In addition to the cultivation of "vision", it also needs the care of parents, and meeting their small expectations is beneficial and harmless

<h1>Blindly letting children pursue grades will not cultivate children's vision</h1>

There are many mothers who have such ideas, so that their children can participate in aristocratic training, learn Western culture, go to luxurious private schools, save money by tightening their clothes and food, just to take their children on vacation to travel abroad, open their eyes, increase their insights, and smash pots and sell iron to let their children study abroad.

Mothers think that only their children's horizons are wide, they know what others don't know, and they have experienced things that others don't have, so that their children are on the grade, but is this really the case?

There was an African chief who went sightseeing in the British Isles, and when he came back, he was asked what was going on there, and the chief thought about it and replied: People there speak English, even children. Objectively speaking, the chief was not wrong, but all he noticed was this, which also showed his vision!

Just like the eagle even if it soars high, it only sees the rabbits on the ground, and the scarab beetle's eyes only have the dung balls on the grassland, which shows that the vision is a person's value orientation.

There are many dangers of money-piling parenting, not only did not cultivate the vision, but created the child's utilitarianism blindly let the child pursue the grade, and will not cultivate the child's vision blindly let the child pursue the harm of the grade, many mothers do not see through what kind of child is considered to have vision? If you want your child to "truly" broaden their horizons, how should parents do it? In addition to the cultivation of "vision", it also needs the care of parents, and meeting their small expectations is beneficial and harmless

Philosopher Daisaku Ikeda historian Toynbee: "If you could choose the time and place of birth, how would you choose?" ”

Toynbee said, "If only time could be turned back. He was willing to be born in the first year of the Common Era at the meeting point of Eurasia. At that time, the ancient Egyptian civilization, The European civilization and the Asian civilization converged in this region and expanded to the world, and after experiencing it firsthand, we could accurately observe the influence of various civilization forms on the world. ”

Therefore, the vision is also the mind that travels through ancient and modern times and focuses on the vastness of history.

Therefore, for children, only with a true vision, can they stand tall and see far, and the probability of success will be greater! Definitely not parents simply let their children participate in some aristocratic courses, nor is it based on money, blindly taking their children out and seeing the world, and the vision is the vision in the child's heart.

<h1>The harm of blindly letting children pursue grades, many mothers have not seen through</h1>

Now the impact of society, the fierce competition, many parents are in order for their children to be able to get ahead, the future will make a difference, so the children are raised, do not eat human fireworks fairies, immortals, have begun to implement high-grade education, just like mentioned above, a variety of training courses, a variety of temperament cultivation, holidays, weekends a variety of overseas travel, in fact, such education in the end in exchange for only a few likes in the circle of friends.

Because these so-called high-end and high-grade education, too utilitarian, just to grow and add points, but let the child lose the original opportunity to see the world, and take the child to see the world, is not simply how many places you take your child to go, how many different cultural folklore you have seen, nor how many setbacks can be decided, and it is not that you can quickly cultivate the "celebrity class" and "noble training class" of 90,000 yuan in 7 days.

There are many dangers of money-piling parenting, not only did not cultivate the vision, but created the child's utilitarianism blindly let the child pursue the grade, and will not cultivate the child's vision blindly let the child pursue the harm of the grade, many mothers do not see through what kind of child is considered to have vision? If you want your child to "truly" broaden their horizons, how should parents do it? In addition to the cultivation of "vision", it also needs the care of parents, and meeting their small expectations is beneficial and harmless

What will the atmosphere of the child become in such a high-grade mode? Has it become visionary? No, most children build utilitarianism. Blindly using value to measure everything around them, began to compare with each other, the high end of children's education and life, bringing only children's spiritual barrenness.

<h1>What kind of child is considered to have vision? </h1>

One: Children with vision have a potential personality charm

For example, politeness, morality, behavior, the most important thing is the child's attitude towards people and things, can recognize their own shortcomings, know the advantages of being people, positive and confident, not inferior, not cowardly, not narrowly face their own life.

Whether a person has seen the world or not, it is not simply to train, on the contrary, the purpose is strong, so that children can learn piano, ballet, etiquette, temperament, just a simple skill training.

Two: Children with vision who understand the fun and life of "grounded children"

The child's vision is the silent influence and long-term guidance of parents on the child, just like the hard irrigation of the grass seedlings, moisturizing things silently!

Three: Children with vision know better how to treat things around them with their humility and kindness

Such children have a broad heart, a generous heart, their own emotional temperature for people and things, children with vision, independent and free, can find beautiful people and things in the world, and can also withstand difficulties and setbacks.

<h1>If you want your child to "truly" broaden their horizons, how should parents do it? </h1>

One: Taking children to see the true meaning of the world should be to see the most authentic scenes of life

This is to suggest that parents take their children out of the house, to see the "world", only with the child to see the world, the child will naturally have their own world view, but in order to accompany the child around the world, tight clothing and food behavior, we do not have to do, in order to enjoy the show off, go to the high cost of travel, we do not need to do, as long as you want, nature, the market, the streets and alleys, can become the child out of the "see the world" scene.

Many parents feel that their children are still young and can't remember anything at all, but going out for a walk allows children to retain different experiences and experiences. While experiencing the world, children gradually grow up, what scenery they have seen, what food they have eaten, and who they have met will be the most beautiful memories on the road of children's growth! Although at a later time, the child may forget such an experience. In the process, the memories of the experiences felt by the child's body and mind will remain forever, but they will see the world from their own unique perspective during the journey.

Two: Take your child to understand the whole picture of life and use reading to cultivate the mind

Now parenting is a full-name rich second generation trend, too many children are soaked in the honeypot, many children's personality is also arrogant, grumpy, do not know how to be grateful to their parents.

You can take your children to the mountainous areas to see and go to the welfare home for welfare condolences, so that the children understand how happy and beautiful their current life is, realize that there are still many people in life who are carrying the weight forward, know some hardships, and learn to cherish the world and treat everyone around them well.

Accompanying children to read, leading children into the world of the protagonist in the book, gradually connecting themselves with the protagonist of the story, and empathizing with their happiness and sadness is a kind of cultivation of children's body and mind.

There are many dangers of money-piling parenting, not only did not cultivate the vision, but created the child's utilitarianism blindly let the child pursue the grade, and will not cultivate the child's vision blindly let the child pursue the harm of the grade, many mothers do not see through what kind of child is considered to have vision? If you want your child to "truly" broaden their horizons, how should parents do it? In addition to the cultivation of "vision", it also needs the care of parents, and meeting their small expectations is beneficial and harmless

<h1>In addition to the cultivation of "vision", it also needs the care of parents, and meeting their small expectations is beneficial and harmless</h1>

One: Respect the whimsical ideas that come out of your child's mouth

In the same world, adults feel that it is commonplace, but children invest their greatest imagination to feel and recognize, adults and children look at the world in different ways, and many boring things in the eyes of adults are new and interesting in the eyes of children.

--- "It's raining today, it's wet and cold, and I'm very uncomfortable."

--- "Wow, you can play in the water again"

--- "Mom, can I put this little boat of mine in the water?" ”

Don't always use the eyes and thinking of adults to look at the child's ideas, if the child expresses his own fantastic ideas, may wish to achieve it with the child, learn the innocence and beauty of the child, and also let the child broaden his thinking in the actual, "grounded child" feeling.

Two: Give your child enough security and freedom

The child's bravery and self-confidence depends on whether the parents give the child enough security and freedom. The child's bravery and self-confidence depends on whether the parents give the child enough security and freedom.

As a parent, in addition to the necessities of material life, the most meaningful thing that can give the child is a sense of security and freedom, which is to make the child believe that the child is safe and free in the family, and the mother is at home, and the mother is not at home. This requires parents to establish a close relationship with their children, as a child's father, as far as possible with the child to sit and play games, play with toys, watch cartoons together, sing together, dance together.

Let the children maximize the joy of life, let the sweet and warm sweetness of the family accompany the growth of the children, and also let the children be as bright and brilliant as the little sun, whether it is for people or things. You will find that the world that children want to see is actually their own inner bravery and self-confidence.

There are many dangers of money-piling parenting, not only did not cultivate the vision, but created the child's utilitarianism blindly let the child pursue the grade, and will not cultivate the child's vision blindly let the child pursue the harm of the grade, many mothers do not see through what kind of child is considered to have vision? If you want your child to "truly" broaden their horizons, how should parents do it? In addition to the cultivation of "vision", it also needs the care of parents, and meeting their small expectations is beneficial and harmless

Three: Give children the full right to speak in their growth

Teach children to have the courage to pursue their rights and freedoms. So what is giving children the right to speak? Simply put, to give the child the right to speak is to let the child fully express his meaning.

Having the right to speak is an inherent need for children's self-development, and for children in this world, they must know the world, understand the world, and satisfy their curiosity and curiosity. The ideas and appeals that children put forward to parents, teachers and others are the children's active interaction to understand the world and enrich their own vision and cognition.

Therefore, parents give their children a full right to speak, let the children freely express their thoughts and feelings, and give the children the right response and guidance in time, avoid suppressing and preventing the right to speak, and promote the key to the healthy development of children.

The growth of children is the process of exploration of the world, often through feedback to find the causal relationship between things. Therefore, it is very important to implement life to cultivate children, "grounded gas" to cultivate children, the most important thing is not to play, but the feeling of growth, so that children can "see" more with their hearts, they will be clear about what they want, and when they grow up, they will not be easily tempted by various floating prosperity and vanity, so as to achieve a better self.

Moms, have you ever been educated to pursue the "money" model? Do you think that will really cultivate your child's vision? Share your opinions and discuss them together! For more parenting knowledge, please join the fan circle and give you a different parenting concept, limited time free

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There are many dangers of money-piling parenting, not only did not cultivate the vision, but created the child's utilitarianism blindly let the child pursue the grade, and will not cultivate the child's vision blindly let the child pursue the harm of the grade, many mothers do not see through what kind of child is considered to have vision? If you want your child to "truly" broaden their horizons, how should parents do it? In addition to the cultivation of "vision", it also needs the care of parents, and meeting their small expectations is beneficial and harmless

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