
How are angora rabbits fed and bred?

author:Moe Pet House IMHD

Having a pet is a very meaningful thing, not only to accompany our daily life, but also to increase the joy of life. Among them, raising rabbits is a more challenging thing, because rabbit diet, living habits, breeding and other aspects need to be paid attention to, otherwise various problems will occur. This article will introduce in detail how to feed and breed angora rabbits scientifically, and give owners some maintenance instructions to make your pet rabbits grow up healthy and happy.

How are angora rabbits fed and bred?

Step 1: Feeding

How are angora rabbits fed and bred?

Rabbits are completely herbivores, which needs our attention. Because rabbit teeth can grow continuously for life, it is necessary to eat a lot of hay to achieve the effect of teeth grinding, otherwise the teeth are too long and prone to various diseases.

Although rabbits like to eat vegetables and fruits very much, they should not use this as a staple food, long-term eating is easy to cause teeth bite problems, and the lack of crude fiber in the stomach and intestines causes gastrointestinal stagnation. Therefore, the correct way to feed rabbit food is to eat rabbit food at regular times every day, and an unlimited supply of hay 24 hours a day (Timothy grass or Australian oat grass can be used as the main grass, and rabbits such as grass in the lawn cannot eat). In addition, do not forget about an uninterrupted supply of drinking water, it is best to use a roll-on kettle, because drinking water from a bowl is prone to stomatitis.

Step 2: Living environment

How are angora rabbits fed and bred?

Each rabbit needs about 2 square meters of space to live in, and this space can also allow rabbits to get full movement inside. Squirrel cages, large bird cages, and cat cages are available. A special toilet for rabbits can also be placed in the cage, some rabbits are born with good hygiene habits and excrete in designated corners (special square toilets can be placed), and some rabbits need to be trained to develop good hygiene habits.

Estrus can cause rabbits to urinate and spray urine to fight for territory, which is a normal phenomenon. Age-appropriate sterilization can improve the situation.

Step 3: Reproduction

How are angora rabbits fed and bred?

Rabbits are sexually mature about 8 months after birth. When the female rabbit is irritable, it is a sign of estrus. After mating, the male rabbit will make a high-pitched call and become unconscious. After the female rabbit becomes pregnant, it should be separated from the male rabbit. Lay straw or other hay inside the cage and surround the cage with a cloth, trying not to touch it, so that the female rabbit remains quiet and stable. Note that the female rabbit will use the hair of her abdomen to make a nest, from pregnancy to childbirth, the female rabbit will become very neurotic, too contact, the mother rabbit may bite the owner, or bite the rabbit she gave birth to.

How are angora rabbits fed and bred?

A litter can give birth to 5-6 rabbits, and when food or water is insufficient, the mother may eat the rabbits, so the amount should be slightly higher than usual. After about 30 days, the rabbit can leave the nest, at which time the rabbit can be allowed to leave the mother. Rabbits should develop good scientific feeding and excretion habits from an early age, regularly feed young rabbit food every day before 6 months, and supply dry alfalfa grass in unlimited quantities throughout the day to enhance physical fitness and grow up not easy to get sick.

Step 4: Feed the water

How are angora rabbits fed and bred?

There is no creature on earth that does not need to drink water! There are still many people who believe in the superstition that letting rabbits drink water will kill immediately, and even pet stores will tell owners that it is best not to feed rabbits water. This thinking is wrong!

Rabbits, like other animals, are bound to die if they don't drink water. Some people think that vegetables and weeds that contain a lot of water are enough water in these foods. But this thinking is wrong. Therefore, it is important to change the rabbit's drinking water frequently, and accurately determine whether it needs to be replaced from the rabbit's drinking water.

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