
What are the new opportunities for education in the digital intelligence era? Experts: Actively explore potential innovation and cautiously respond to challenges

author:China News Network
What are the new opportunities for education in the digital intelligence era? Experts: Actively explore potential innovation and cautiously respond to challenges

Guests unveiled the new book on the spot, courtesy of China Translation Press

Beijing, June 7 -- The rapid development of artificial intelligence has profoundly changed human life and has become an important driving force for educational reform and innovation.

With the vigorous development of artificial intelligence, China Translation Publishing House, Zhongguancun Internet Education Innovation Center and China Education 30 Forum recently jointly held a book launch conference in Beijing entitled "New Opportunities for Education in the Digital Intelligence Era and the Waste of Education" and "The Boundary of Education Marketization".

Gu Mingyuan, a well-known educator and honorary president of the Chinese Education Society, believes that in evaluating intelligent applications, it is necessary to solve the three educational relationships between information technology and humanism, modern education and traditional education, and the real world and virtual world. "Technology is always a means, not an end, and educators should cherish the educational experience accumulated over the years, rather than abandoning the previous education methods entirely."

What are the new opportunities for education in the digital intelligence era? Experts: Actively explore potential innovation and cautiously respond to challenges

"The Boundary of Education Marketization" book cover Courtesy of China Translation Press

Yu Guoming, director of the Academic Committee of the School of Journalism and Communication of Beijing Normal University and Jiang Scholar Distinguished Professor of the Ministry of Education, believes that the development of the Internet is moving from the "first half" of networking to the "second half" of digitalization, intelligence and scenario. Standing at such a moment of major transformation, strategic problem solving "where to do" and "what" is more important than tactical problem solving "how".

Li Zhimin, Vice President of China Society for Education Development Strategy and Chairman of the Talent Development Professional Committee, and Shang Junjie, former Vice Dean of the School of Education of Peking University and Chairman of the Educational Game Special Committee of the China Education Technology Association, delivered speeches on two topics: "Giving Play to the Decisive Role of the Market in Resource Allocation and Improving the Efficiency of Education Input and Output" and "Generative Artificial Intelligence and Education Transformation".

Experts believe that in the era of digital intelligence, artificial intelligence technology brings more opportunities than challenges, and its potential in educational innovation should be actively explored, while carefully coping with possible problems and challenges.

The new book "The Waste of Education" explores the true return of education from the perspective of an economist and explores the true value that education brings to society, and author Kaplan's exploration of the future direction of education development, that is, using signal models to solve the true value of education.

By reviewing the evolution of the Edison Project and the "Knowledge is Power" project in the United States, as well as the educational reform process in different countries such as Chile, Sweden and Finland, "The Frontier of Education Marketization" finds that decades of education marketization reform have not solved the problems originally envisaged, but schools can still learn some lessons from the business community.

What are the new opportunities for education in the digital intelligence era? Experts: Actively explore potential innovation and cautiously respond to challenges

"The Waste of Education" book cover Courtesy of China Translation Press

The two books examine the problems and challenges facing education from different angles, and have important reference significance for thinking and innovation in Chinese education.

Qiao Weibing, executive director (president) and editor-in-chief of China Translation Publishing House, pointed out that the era of digital intelligence will revolutionize the concepts, technologies, methods, subject-object objects, modes, scenarios, and evaluations of education, and provide new opportunities for the development of educational technology intelligence and scenarios, teaching mode autonomy, learning personalization, and diversification of learning resources. Education practitioners and educational institutions should enthusiastically embrace the wave of digital intelligence, integrate advanced technologies and methods into teaching practice, continuously improve the quality of students and teachers, improve teaching models, reduce education costs, improve education quality, and make positive contributions to building an educational power. (End)

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