
Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang

author:Bright Net
Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang
Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang

Yang Mingchen is a member of the 5th, 6th and 7th Directors of the Chinese Calligraphers Association and the Deputy Director of the Calligraphy Professional Committee

The birth of the Communist Party of China was an earth-shaking event in human history. Over the past hundred years, the land of China has been spinning, the sun and the moon have changed their appearance, and the Cpc Central Committee has led the people of the whole country to overthrow the three mountains and establish a new China through arduous struggle, so that the Chinese nation can move step by step toward prosperity, strength, and prosperity, and let the people of the Chinese live a happy life day by day. Every Chinese living in this land today enjoys a long-term peaceful environment and a beautiful life brought about by reform and opening up. Everyone can express their feelings from different angles and different aspects, and what I think most about are those martyrs who gave their precious lives for the independence and liberation of the Chinese nation and the founding of New China, those benevolent people and great people who led the party and the country step by step toward becoming strong, and the first thing that comes to mind is the great Comrade Mao Zedong, who with an unparalleled mind, boldness, and wisdom, created an unparalleled great cause, and became an immortal monument that glorifies the history of the Chinese nation and the history of the Communist Party of China. Here, I dedicate a few small poems that I have written three times to Shaoshan to Comrade Mao Zedong, the founder of the Communist Party of China and the People's Republic of China.

"Paying Respects to the Bronze Statue of Chairman Mao"

A bronze statue looked at each other together, and the face was silently solemn.

The Lile garland lingered in the ears, and the wet shirt was wet with tears.

"Feeling Chairman Mao Sacrificed Six Relatives"

The world's love and blood are true, who wants their relatives to go to the axe anvil.

Only the People of Sri Lanka are all good, selfless and fearless only for the people.

"Visiting Chairman Mao's Former Residence"

In front of the old site, there was a flood of passengers, and the great man Deye won over Tang Yao.

The three mountains and five mountains have all arrived, and it is still the highest in Shaoshan Mountain.

"Touching the Past and Remembering Chairman Mao"

Aspirations are in the country's affection for the people, and the ancient and modern sages and saints have no faith.

If Mao Gong made a heavy wave, who would dare the clown to make a mistake.

Xin Ugly Zhongchun, Yang Mingchen and the book.

Exhibit works

Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang
Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang

Li Honghai

Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang

Li Honghai Chinese Vice President of the Calligraphy and Painting Institute of the Military Museum of the People's Revolution, and the Seventh Director of the Chinese Calligraphers Association

Tell me what you want

I joined the Party in 1968, and for half a century, I have been deeply nourished by the Party's rain and dew, and it is the party's centennial birthday, looking back on the past, saying a thousand words to exhaust the party's kindness, and sighing again and again. O Party, you are incomparably great. Under your leadership, when you were founded with only fifty members, and now it is a super party with ninety-one million members, the people of all ethnic groups in the country have worked hard to strengthen and transform a poor and backward old China from standing up, getting rich, and becoming strong, and leaping into the world's second largest economy. Dang, you are very wise. You regard the service of the people as your aim, your scientific decision-making, your wise policy, whether it is revolutionary war or socialist construction, victory after victory. The crown epidemic is raging, adhering to the supremacy of the people, the supremacy of life, and the strength of the whole country, in only three months, we have achieved decisive results in the defense of Wuhan and Hubei, which has attracted the attention of the world. Dang, your future is incomparable. You did not stop in the face of glory, and you made great plans, struggled for fifteen years, and basically realized socialist modernization by 2035. We will strive for another fifteen years to build our country into a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful socialist power. I am proud of the party and determined to add glory to the great cause.

Xin Ugly Chun, Hong Hai Shu.

Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang

Lu Cairong

Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang

Lu Cairong, Deputy Director general of CIPG, is a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association

Let's say something from the heart -- I feel nostalgic for the centenary of the founding of the party

Time flies, and the years fly by. Life is a hundred years, it is not easy, the joy of a hundred years, He and the people. A political party, a centenary birthday, is particularly rare, and the celebration of a hundred years old moves the world.

The Communist Party of China, which came from the red boat on the South Lake in those years, overcame all kinds of tests through storms and hardships, wrote a magnificent chapter in the history of the development of the Chinese nation, stood tall among the world's political parties, and became a century-old party that stood still.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the 100 years of our party is a hundred years of dedication to practicing the original mission, a hundred years of laying the foundation of the yanlu blue wisp, and a hundred years of creating brilliant and opening up the future. In the course of one hundred years of continuous struggle, the party has led the people to create great history, forge a great spirit, and form valuable experience, enabling the Chinese nation to usher in a great leap from standing up and getting rich to becoming strong, and creating a great miracle in the history of the development of the Chinese nation and the history of human progress. The century-old history of our party is a history of practicing the party's original mission and mission, and a history of the party and the people connecting hearts, breathing together, and sharing a common destiny. History has fully proved that the jiangshan is the people, the people are the jiangshan, and the people's hearts and minds have a bearing on the life and death of the party. By winning the people's trust and the people's support, the party will be able to overcome any difficulties and be invincible.

As communists, we must profoundly understand the purpose of the party, adhere to everything for the people, rely on the people in everything, always put the people in the highest position in our hearts, take the people's yearning for a better life as the goal of struggle, promote more and fairer achievements in reform and development to benefit all the people, promote common prosperity to achieve more obvious substantive progress, and condense the 1.4 billion Chinese people into a magnificent force to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

History is the best teacher. Looking back at the road of struggle in the past and the road of endeavor ahead, we must study and sum up the party's history well, and do a good job in inheriting and carrying forward the party's experience. Keeping in mind the original mission, we will continue to forge ahead, further summon up the spirit of entering a new journey and forging ahead into a new era, unswervingly promote the great historical cause of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and let the light of happiness shine on the land of China and the world of happiness.

Lu Cairong, Xin Ugly Spring Book.

Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang
Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang
Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang
Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang
Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang
Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang

Meng Shiqiang

Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang

Meng Shiqiang is a member of the Appraisal and Evaluation Committee of the Chinese Calligraphers Association and the honorary chairman of the Qinghai Artists Association

I am grateful for the centenary of the founding of the Party

2021 was a great and memorable year. Because a hundred years ago, in the land of China, which was in the midst of the sea, there was a red spark that was ignited, and this was the birth of the great Communist Party of China. The establishment of this party, she is completely different from other political parties, she is close to the people and selfless, patriotic and bold and loyal. She should be grounded and popular. She took Marxism-Leninism as her guiding ideology. It is our duty to be loyal to the country and serve the people. Over the past one hundred years, under the leadership of the great leader Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou Enlai, and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation, the Chinese Communists have relayed from generation to generation, feared no hardships and hardships, were not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice, threw their heads and spilled their blood, drove out the imperialist aggressors, defeated the Kuomintang reactionaries, overthrew the three mountains, and established a new China. We have built an old China that was weak and poor into a prosperous and strong new China, and enabled the great and ancient Chinese nation to stand tall among the world's great powers.

The practice of one hundred years has proved that the Communist Party of China is a great, glorious, and correct party, a party that loves the country, the people, is selfless, and dedicated, is a party that is deeply loved and supported by the people of the whole country, and is a party that can withstand the test of history and is invincible. Today, after the centenary of the founding of the Party, we communists in the new era must bear in mind the party's purpose, inherit the party's cause, shoulder the heavy historical responsibility of the new era, closely unite around the party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, carry forward the revolutionary tradition, never forget the original intention, inspire morale, work hard, and make new contributions. We should further strengthen party building, build our country stronger, more prosperous and stronger, and make our people happier and more healthy.

In the early spring of Xin Ugly, Meng Shiqiang wrote and wrote a book.

Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang
Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang
Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang
Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang
Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang
Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang
Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang
Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang
Episode 9 of "Xin Ugly Yangshan Yaji" Works Exhibition: Yang Mingchen, Li Honghai, Lu Cairong, Meng Shiqiang

Source: Zhonghong Network

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