
Huang Kunming, Zhu Rongji, Li Lanqing, Wu Guanzheng, Liu Yunshan, and others mourned February River

author:Political affairs of the Beijing News

In the early morning of December 15, the famous writer February River (real name Ling Jiefang) died at the age of 73 due to ineffective medical treatment.

On the morning of December 19, the farewell ceremony for the remains of February River was held at the Nanyang Funeral Home.

Huang Kunming, Zhu Rongji, Li Lanqing, Wu Guanzheng, Liu Yunshan, and others mourned February River

According to the "Henan Daily", after February He's death, Huang Kunming, Zhu Rongji, Li Lanqing, Wu Guanzheng, Liu Yunshan, Zhang Chunxian, Ji Bingxuan, Liu Qibao, Xiao Jie, Liu Yandong, Chen Zhili, Sun Jiazheng, Chang Wanquan, and other party and state leaders and veteran comrades expressed their deep condolences to him in various forms and expressed their deep condolences to their relatives.

According to the Nanyang Daily, those who expressed their condolences and condolences for the death of Comrade Februaryhe were also: Tie Ning, Li Yi, Qian Xiaoqian, Chen Baosheng, Xie Fuzhan, Wang Guosheng, Chen Run'er, Nan Zhenzhong, Song Zhaosu, Jin Binghua, Peng Xiaofeng, Zhi Shuping, Li Jinming, Qi Jianguo, Guo Xuheng, Liu Wei, Ye Dongsong, Shen Changyu, Chen Dong, Xi Yuanping, Zhao Shi, Zhai Taifeng, Li Bing, Li Jingze, Zhao Suping, Ren Zhengxiao, Kong Changsheng, Mu Weimin, Mao Chaofeng, Li Wenhui, Wang Shou, Dai Baihua, Cheng Zhiming, Xie Yu'an, Liu Jiongtian, Luo Yichang, Ren Guoquan, Xu Baolong, Xu Hang, Du Xianghuan, Xia Lin, Li Shenming, Tao Ke, Lu Changjian, Yuan Qitong, Wang Quanshu, Yin Jinhua, Cao Weixin, Zhang David, Wang Jumei, Liu Mancang, Kong Yufang, Zhang Pu, Wang Heping, Tian Yongqing, Wan Changhong, Liu Dianchang, Mo Yan, Xiong Zhaozheng, Zhou Daxin, Liu Jianwei, Yan Chongnian, Lv Qixiang, Zhang Qingshan, Li Gengchen, Sun Weike, Chen Changqi, Xia Shujuan, Zhang Wenshen, Huo Haosheng, etc.

The General Office of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Chinese Writers Association, the Ministry of Education, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Henan Provincial CPC Committee, the Standing Committee of the Henan Provincial People's Congress, the Henan Provincial People's Government, the Henan Provincial COMMITTEE, the Henan Provincial CPC Committee, the Henan Provincial PEOPLE's Congress Standing Committee, the Henan Provincial CPPCC Committee, the Provincial COMMITTEE Ministries and Commissions, the relevant departments and bureaus directly under the provincial government, the colleges and universities in the province, the Nanyang Municipal CPC Committee, the Municipal Government, the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal CPPCC Committee, and the Xiyang County CPC Committee and county government in February River's hometown, laid wreaths.

Reluctance to become an official: "The writing process made him always vigilant about the officialdom"

Huang Kunming, Zhu Rongji, Li Lanqing, Wu Guanzheng, Liu Yunshan, and others mourned February River

Born in 1945 in Xiyang, Shanxi, February River has lived in Nanyang, Henan For a long time. At the age of 40, he began to create literature, and in 20 years completed the five-million-word "Emperor Series": "Kangxi Emperor", "Yongzheng Emperor" and "Qianlong Emperor" three works, and the TV series adapted from this became the memory of a generation. Because of his love for the Yellow River, he gave himself the pen name "February River".

More than 10 years ago, the Organization Department of the Henan Provincial Party Committee talked to him and wanted him to be the chairman of the Provincial Federation of Literature and Literature. February River resolutely refused, "I can't manage things, I can't manage people, and I can't earn money, what are you asking me to do?" In the view of Zhou Daxin, a good friend of February River before his death, when writing historical novels, February River's understanding of the officialdom was more profound than that of ordinary people. "These writing processes have always made him wary of the bureaucracy."

February River is not an official but is concerned about current affairs, and in recent years, his intensive voice on anti-corruption issues has attracted attention. In 2015, his first collection of anti-corruption essays, February River Anti-Corruption, was published.

Named February River: "February River refers specifically to the Yellow River" "I love the Yellow River"

In August this year, the People's Publishing House published the book "Dense Clouds And No Rain" by February River, which became the last book published by February River before his death. The book recounts the life experiences of his grandparents, fathers, and the first half of his life.

February River was born into a revolutionary family. In his early years, his parents' unit was frequently moved, and he had to constantly transfer schools. "I didn't go to school well, and I didn't go to school, and I didn't repeat my grades in elementary, junior high, and high school until 1966." After the Cultural Revolution began, the college entrance examination was gone, he went to be a soldier, joined the army for another ten years, and became an instructor at the age of 33. Someone else is 33 years old when he is in the main group, I am still a deputy instructor, I don't want to be an official, I want to do something. ”

February River, who did not want to be an official, became fascinated by the study of "Dream of the Red Chamber" and began to create literature. And his name "February River" also has a deep meaning. In the book, he also responds to why he named it "February River".

"In February, it is Ling flood, and the Yellow River in this area of Shaanxi County is not frozen, and it is the upper reaches of the loop that freeze. But in February, a large chunk of ice will suddenly gush out of the Yellow River, covering the riverbed, colliding with each other, crowding, wandering down the river and rolling east, and in a rush, you will see the spectacular "ice reading scene" of the 'ice team' slowly but without hesitation 'marching eastward' from The Middle Strip Andiao Mountains and the Mountains, with a chill and a cold sense of slaughter. ”

"In addition to the reason for the coordination of the content of the book with the name, the fundamental reason is that I love this Yellow River. Therefore, when answering this question, I often add the sentence 'The February River refers specifically to the Yellow River'. ”

Writing the Imperial Series: "History always reminds us not to repeat the mistakes of the past"

In his early years, February River studied "Dream of the Red Chamber" and studied the history of the Qing Dynasty. In 1982, after the third national symposium on "Dream of the Red Chamber" was held in Shanghai, February River began to write About Kangxi. At the end of 1985, the 340,000-word "Kangxi Emperor" was completed and published in June of the following year. At that time, the famous historian Mr. Feng Qiyong read it and said, "You don't have to do anything, "The Kangxi Emperor" is your future." ”

February River once recalled his experience of staying up all night to write "The Kangxi Emperor": at 7:30 in the morning, when the sky was dark, he would get up and light a coal stove to cook porridge, then ride a bicycle to buy a burnt cake to eat, go to work at the unit; sleep for two hours after dinner, and then get up again at 10 o'clock in the evening to write, until three or four o'clock in the morning to sleep. In this way, in 20 years, February River wrote a 5.2 million-word "Imperial Trilogy", "Kangxi Emperor", "Yongzheng Emperor" and "Qianlong Emperor". The tv series adapted from this has also become the memory of a generation.

"It's like a spiritual desert trip, exhausting, but as long as you cross the desert, there is an oasis in front of you." He described the entire creative process in this way. February River had suffered a stroke when he was creating "The Qianlong Emperor", coupled with perennial asthma, and his health has been bad. He once talked about the influence of physical reasons on creation in an interview, "When I finished writing "Qianlong Emperor", I originally wanted to write another book, Jiaqing immediately checked Hezhen after coming to power, this historical event is inseparable from Qianlong, put this historical event behind "Qianlong Emperor", so that it is complete, but the physical condition at that time did not allow me to continue to write. ”

Talking about anti-corruption: "The current anti-corruption intensity cannot be found after reading twenty-four histories"

In July 2014, in an interview with the website of the Supervision Department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Yuehe said, "I write about the emperor not because I have a fondness for the emperor, but because such a person is easy to lead the overall situation." They were all the supreme rulers at that time, and the era they led was the last glory of China's feudal society, showing the glory of traditional Chinese culture in the return to the light. ”

"I use this art form to tell you that this has happened to our nation. History always reminds us not to repeat the mistakes of the past, and this is the responsibility of the writer. February River had said.

At the two sessions of the National People's Congress in 2014, February River attracted attention for his speech on anti-corruption. "Wang Qishan is here, what do I say about anti-corruption?" February River recalled that for the anti-corruption efforts, he used descriptions such as "dragon anger, fish turtle panic" and so on. "After reading through twenty-four histories, I have not found such a strong anti-corruption force as it is now."

Wang Qishan responded with "Zhiyin": "I understand the meaning of the February River." I read the 'Emperor Series' he wrote carefully. If you read his book, you can read him. After being called "Zhiyin" by Wang Qishan, the name of February River was closely linked to the fight against corruption. At that time, the septuagenarian repeatedly explained to the media, "I have no personal relationship with Wang Qishan." In 2015, at the suggestion of the People's Publishing House, some of his essays and novels on anti-corruption were collected into a volume and titled "February River Says Anti-Corruption".

"Political Affairs" (WeChat ID: xjbzse) Written / He Qiang Proofreader Wang Xin

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