
Ask what the world is, Shakespeare's long poems, telling you about the feelings engraved in the soul

author:A little time in xia yanqiu

Poetry originates from the heart, stops at emotion, and becomes intentional. They are either romantic and beautiful, or gentle and affectionate, or implicitly ironic... However, either way, it can bring people a touch from the depths of the soul. In Western literature, the playwright Shakespeare, who is revered as "Shakespeare", not only writes plays well, but is also recognized as excellent in poetry.

Therefore, we can see both plays such as Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear, and Othello, as well as classic long poems such as Navis and Adoni, Sonnets, Mistress, and The Seeker of Love. In this exquisite "Shakespeare Love Poems", four of Shakespeare's beloved works are included. Coupled with the illustrations specially drawn by the famous British artist Eric Gill at the beginning of the 20th century, the reading process becomes full of surprises.

Ask what the world is, Shakespeare's long poems, telling you about the feelings engraved in the soul

For love, there is almost no one who does not yearn for it. However, it turns out that love is honey and poison, which can make people happy immediately, and can also make people die instantly. Therefore, there will be so many idiot men and women in this world, shouting that they no longer believe in love, and at the same time sinking into a new encounter.

In the long poem "Venus and Adonis", the obsession of the goddess Venus with the handsome young Adonis is a good proof. When the enthusiastic Venus meets Adoni, she knows she has been shot by Cupid's arrow. Unfortunately, in the face of Venus's various temptations, Adoni had a deep love for hunting.

Ask what the world is, Shakespeare's long poems, telling you about the feelings engraved in the soul

As a result, the so-called love at first sight became unrequited love. And Adoni refused again and again, completely breaking the heart of the goddess. Venus loves and can't help but let go. Who would have thought that the departing Adoni would actually be injured to death by a wild boar. Venus, who heard the news, was so surprised that he couldn't believe it, and then he had this insight from the book:

"Incredible love, incredible!

Suddenly suspicious of god and ghost, suddenly see the wind is rain!

Either grief or ecstasy,

Despair and hope make you seem ridiculous;

I hope to make you happy with 'not necessarily',

Despair uses 'maybe' to make you miserable. ”

In the long poem "Mistress Grudge", it also tells a love that is not beautiful. In the first person, the story depicts "I" (the old man) listening to the tearful girl tell her past love story.

Ask what the world is, Shakespeare's long poems, telling you about the feelings engraved in the soul

From the initial sweet words to the last eating and wiping away, how can this kind of man who treats love as a game deserve the girl to shed tears for him?

Ironically, "Just by virtue of a cloak of elegance,

He concealed his naked demonic essence,

The naïve girl was deceived,

Thought he was an angel circling overhead. ”

Even though "what innocent girl doesn't want to be loved?" But in the face of love, always polish your eyes, stay away from the scumbag, and stop the loss in time, which is the right way. Unfortunately, this long poem ends abruptly, with a feeling of unfinished business. If you feel that you have the ability, you may wish to try to continue writing, which is quite interesting.

Of course, Although Shakespeare's long poems are about love, they are also full of praise for friendship, the exposure of ugliness, and the yearning for free personality. From the content point of view, the "Sonnets" is relatively rich. Among them, there is the fiery friendship between the poet and the youth, there is also the sadness and indignation of the lover to seduce the friend, and the poet's chagrin that the friend likes another poet.

Ask what the world is, Shakespeare's long poems, telling you about the feelings engraved in the soul

It is in such a complex and changeable relationship that the poet reveals his true disposition little by little. There is no doubt that the friend is like a spiritual pillar to the poet, although he seems to have done something less than satisfactory. After all, when the poet himself complains, what position does he have to ask his friends to be perfect?

My favorite passages in this work are:

"I don't recognize two hearts that genuinely love each other

There will be some obstacles that prevent it from combining.

The kind of love that changes when you see it is not true,

That kind of love that goes downwind is not true love.

oh! Love is a constant lighthouse tower,

It stands tall in the face of a storm;

Love is the star bucket that guides the trek ship,

Its location is measurable but its value is little known. ”

Shakespeare's Love Poems is such a meaningful but moving work. Whether it's the binding of the book, or the poetry in the book, it's perfect enough. If you are troubled by some problems in your life, I think Shakespeare's long poems will definitely calm you down and even bring many revelations.

#Punch in a good life##National Book recommender##情感 #

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