
Geng Biao: He once sent tiger meat to Mao Zedong, he served as the minister of national defense without a military rank, the funeral was called a national funeral brave charge victory but was "reviewed" to protect the field and hunt, and although the tiger meat sent to Mao Zedong was monitored, it could get secrets from the mouths of secret agents for national diplomacy and suggest changes in diplomatic tactics for the country


After the founding of the People's Republic of China, domestic construction gradually stabilized, but with the history of the Qing court before "closed or backward", in addition to the need to strengthen the country's own social construction, enhancing international status and influence has also become a compulsory course.

To this end, China has successively sent 20 general ambassadors to foreign countries for diplomacy.

However, in foreign exchanges, some cognitive biases often cause a burden on our country, and General Geng Biao, one of the diplomats at the time, saw this situation and directly reflected the situation to the central authorities, avoiding more losses caused by foreign aid.

At that time, Geng Biao, as one of the few people who raised some bad situations, was praised by Mao Zedong, saying that he was "a good ambassador who dared to tell the truth, reflected the real situation."

People who know Geng Biao's personality know that whether he is fighting now or before, his straightforward and straightforward words have never changed, and during the war, he was even reviewed for this reason.

At that time, most of the Chinese diplomats were generals from the war years, and one of them was brought out from the Southern Expedition and the Northern War, and they were burdened with special meritorious service, geng Biao, as one of them, not only could be diplomatized, but also extremely fierce in hunting operations, once led the troops to kill 4 tigers, and also gave one of the tiger meat to Mao Zedong to replenish his body.

Unlike other people's innate divine powers, Geng Biao had received professional "training" from an early age.

So, what kind of legendary experience did General Geng Biao have, and how did he create a legendary story that is as wonderful as a novel? Why was he deeply loved and appreciated by Mao Zedong?

Geng Biao: He once sent tiger meat to Mao Zedong, he served as the minister of national defense without a military rank, the funeral was called a national funeral brave charge victory but was "reviewed" to protect the field and hunt, and although the tiger meat sent to Mao Zedong was monitored, it could get secrets from the mouths of secret agents for national diplomacy and suggest changes in diplomatic tactics for the country

Geng Biao

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="16" > brave charge victory was "reviewed"</h1>

On August 26, 1909, Geng Biao was born in Yan Jiachong, Beixiang, Liling County, Hunan Province, and was born in a poor family at that time, which meant that the future would be very difficult. But what worries his parents even more is that this child was born weak and sickly, and until he was five years old, his body and bones were weaker than his peers.

In order to let the child grow up healthy, the mother fed him a little good grain at home every time, afraid that the child would not grow well, so she changed her name to "Geng Biao" in order to feed him well. And his father also took his child to learn martial arts every day, hoping that he would be healthy and tough, so he raised him for several years before he trained his body very strongly.

Because he learned martial arts from his father since he was a child, what Southern Fist, Qigong, Egg Single Knife, Point Point, as long as it was taught by his father, Geng Biao learned very seriously, and later on the battlefield, he could often rely on the martial arts skills of the day after tomorrow to fight against one hundred and one hundred, and repeatedly built Qigong.

However, it was precisely for this reason that once he killed on the battlefield, or was reminded by his comrades-in-arms, he found that only the regiment he led was fighting, and there was no other army around him.

Geng Biao: He once sent tiger meat to Mao Zedong, he served as the minister of national defense without a military rank, the funeral was called a national funeral brave charge victory but was "reviewed" to protect the field and hunt, and although the tiger meat sent to Mao Zedong was monitored, it could get secrets from the mouths of secret agents for national diplomacy and suggest changes in diplomatic tactics for the country

This happened in July 1934, during the anti-"encirclement and suppression" war against the Kuomintang, Geng Biao, while leading people to reconnoiter the enemy's situation, caught an enemy soldier, and after examination, it was learned that the Kuomintang Eighth Brigade, which was facing them, had left the fortress and was preparing to attack the Red Army.

In order to seize the opportunity, Geng Biao and Yang Chengwu rushed to the regimental headquarters almost immediately, reported the situation to Lin Biao and Nie Rongzhen, and proposed the idea of launching an attack. Because of the disparity in strength between the enemy and us, there were not many opportunities to find a counterattack, so this idea was quickly adopted, and it was decided to throw away the fortress against the fortress and adopt the guerrilla play method that the Red Army was good at.

As soon as the order was given, the Red I Army quickly spread out a large net and surrounded the enemy's Eighth Brigade. Among them, Geng Biao and Yang Chengwu's Red Fourth Regiment served as a frontal assault, directly confronting the enemy and pointing directly at the headquarters of the Kuomintang army in Wenfang.

As soon as the war broke out, Geng Biao was the first to rush to the front, and the superb skills he had trained since childhood made him at ease in battle, coupled with a good kung fu of a point hole, only two clashes, those Nationalist soldiers who only knew how to rampage were easily solved by him.

The first battalion he led went straight in, intersected with the enemy's short soldiers, and after a fierce attack, its command post quickly fell, and many weapons and equipment were harvested. After taking the command post, Geng Biao hit the iron while it was hot, and led the soldiers of the third battalion to attack the octagonal tower of the enemy's main position with all his might, and surrounded the soldiers inside.

Geng Biao: He once sent tiger meat to Mao Zedong, he served as the minister of national defense without a military rank, the funeral was called a national funeral brave charge victory but was "reviewed" to protect the field and hunt, and although the tiger meat sent to Mao Zedong was monitored, it could get secrets from the mouths of secret agents for national diplomacy and suggest changes in diplomatic tactics for the country

In the face of the fierce attack of Geng Biao and others, the opposite side was strictly guarded, and under such an advantage, the two sides could even face each other for a long time. Looking at the sparks that came out from time to time because of the shooting on the octagonal building, Geng Biao gradually became a little impatient: "It is estimated that it will be unfavorable to us if we drag it out any longer, it seems that we have to change our strategy!" ”

Just when Geng Biao was thinking about how to capture the Octagonal Tower, Yang Chengwu on the side felt more and more wrong the more he fought, so he quickly found Geng Biao and said, "Commander, why do I think that only one of our regiments is fighting?" Is it too quiet around? ”

When he said this, Geng Biao listened, there was indeed no extra gunfire in all directions, and the four regiments seemed to be unconsciously in a situation of fighting alone, and they did not know whether other troops were solving the enemy in front of them or withdrawing by the change in the enemy's situation.

If it is the former, it is better to say, but if the units have really left, the four regiments will attack again, and it is very likely that they will fall into the enemy's trap. Just as Geng Biao was pondering, the regimental chief of staff also came over to ask what to do next.

At this critical moment, looking at the octagonal building in front of him, the fierce force in Geng Biao's bones surged up, and he immediately ordered: "No matter how much, first knock down Wenfang and then say!" ”

This sentence gave the warriors a backbone, and under geng biao's instructions, the troops arranged their firepower and then launched an offensive overnight. After everything was ready, Geng Biao swung his pistol and shouted, "Cadres and party members come with me, we rush!" ”

With that, he led the commandos into the fire net first. Although only four regiments were still fighting at that time, the battle was still fought resolutely and decisively, and the fierce appearance of the soldiers made the enemy collapse and quickly set the victory. After the battle, our side only consumed 400 rounds of ammunition, but captured thousands of enemies, and the results were fruitful and exciting.

Geng Biao: He once sent tiger meat to Mao Zedong, he served as the minister of national defense without a military rank, the funeral was called a national funeral brave charge victory but was "reviewed" to protect the field and hunt, and although the tiger meat sent to Mao Zedong was monitored, it could get secrets from the mouths of secret agents for national diplomacy and suggest changes in diplomatic tactics for the country

After the war, Geng Biao learned that shortly after the battle began, the Red First Army changed its deployment due to various considerations, and ordered the troops to stop attacking, but the four regiments did not receive the order, because they were a frontal assault force, the battle was so fierce that the order could not be sent over. Later, when it was learned that Geng Biao had successfully led the fourth regiment to take Wenfang, division commander Chen Guang made a phone call to the regimental headquarters, first praising Geng Biao's bravery and mobility in the course of this operation.

Although Geng Biao was charging forward at that time, and his spirit was commendable, Chen Guang's tone immediately became serious as soon as he turned around, and he said, "But do you know if you have made a mistake?" I heard that you brought cadres and party members up to fight the charge, in case they are defeated, how much we lose, do you know? ”

"Chief, I was wrong!"

Although the situation was special at that time, Geng Biao was also a little afraid afterwards, and he admitted this mistake very dryly: "Next time, I will definitely think twice, and I will not make this mistake again." ”

Looking at Geng Biao's courageous attitude of admitting mistakes, Chen Guang said: "It is a good thing to change your mistakes if you know your mistakes, but if you still have to punish them, we will punish you for writing an article, and we must emphasize collective heroism, the title is "Opposing Individual Bravery", and you are limited to writing it within three days. ”

In this regard, Geng Biao wrote it and sent it to Chen Guang on the same day, and then he was also very satisfied, and let people send it to "Red China" for publication.

In the subsequent battlefield, Geng Biao's performance was still very brave, because with the lessons of the past, he also learned to observe the situation and think twice when commanding the battle.

Geng Biao: He once sent tiger meat to Mao Zedong, he served as the minister of national defense without a military rank, the funeral was called a national funeral brave charge victory but was "reviewed" to protect the field and hunt, and although the tiger meat sent to Mao Zedong was monitored, it could get secrets from the mouths of secret agents for national diplomacy and suggest changes in diplomatic tactics for the country

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="40" > hunted in the field and sent tiger meat to Mao Zedong</h1>

In the continuous confrontation, the strength of the Red Army was constantly increasing, and the enemy's offensive became more and more fierce. In the end, the Kuomintang reactionaries formed a blockade with Yan'an as the center, intending to completely isolate the Red Army in the encirclement and slowly consume them to death.

In addition to the daily search for the Red Army's base points, planes would pass by from time to time over the coast, and then a large stack of leaflets to persuade them to surrender was scattered, with the intention of crushing the will of the Red Army. Looking at the words on the leaflet, Geng Biao scoffed, and then led the regimental headquarters to ambush and reconnoiter the lurking Kuomintang soldiers.

If the grain does not come in, the warriors will have nothing to eat and will not be able to compete with the enemy. In order to ensure that grain and grass were sufficient, Mao Zedong issued a call for "self-reliance and abundant food and clothing" at this critical moment, and the large-scale production movement between the military and the people was thus vigorously launched.

At that time, everyone had production indicators, and different jobs, the indicators were different. Geng Biao has a good fitter's skill, and he made a hand-cranked spinning wheel for his wife Zhao Lanxiang to facilitate her work. The place where the two of them worked was the open space in front of the dormitory of the Central Party School, where Geng Biao worked in the field, and his wife would come to help from time to time.

Geng Biao: He once sent tiger meat to Mao Zedong, he served as the minister of national defense without a military rank, the funeral was called a national funeral brave charge victory but was "reviewed" to protect the field and hunt, and although the tiger meat sent to Mao Zedong was monitored, it could get secrets from the mouths of secret agents for national diplomacy and suggest changes in diplomatic tactics for the country

Geng Biao and his wife Zhao Lanxiang

At that time, the 358th Brigade was in the meridian ridge northeast of Qingyang, not far from Yan'an, but there were often wild beasts in the Wilderness Mountains, and some ordinary animals would destroy crops, waste grain, and occasionally jackals, tigers and leopards would come down the mountain, and would also harm people and animals.

After Geng Biao heard about this incident, he thought that this was not okay, the crops planted were destroyed, what did the villagers and warriors eat? There are also those tigers and leopards and other beasts that often bite and injure people, hindering the troops from opening up land and cultivating land. So he organized the soldiers to carry out hunting activities, and several people went up the mountain with guns on their backs.

With their innate hunting talent, those jackals, tigers and leopards can not only hide their shape through the bushes in the forest, but even surprise them and attack quickly.

When he came, Geng Biao specifically reminded the warriors: "These beasts are fierce, not only fast in action, but also in size, as long as they find it and shoot immediately, don't give it a chance to attack." ”

As soon as the words fell, a small soft sound came from the bush next to it, and Geng Biao immediately waved his hand quietly, and then stared dead at the place where the movement was made.

Geng Biao: He once sent tiger meat to Mao Zedong, he served as the minister of national defense without a military rank, the funeral was called a national funeral brave charge victory but was "reviewed" to protect the field and hunt, and although the tiger meat sent to Mao Zedong was monitored, it could get secrets from the mouths of secret agents for national diplomacy and suggest changes in diplomatic tactics for the country

As if knowing that he had been discovered, a huge yellow shadow suddenly jumped up from the bushes and rushed straight to Geng Biao's head, which was an ordinary person, afraid that he would have been frightened and let him fall down. But Geng Biao was not afraid of this, only to see him staring at the shadow without changing his face, and his other two hands quickly took the gun, aimed it, and shot it.

"Boom boom!" Listening only to three gunshots, the yellow shadow suddenly weakened, and then fell not far away.

Everyone fixed their eyes on it, it turned out to be a big fat tiger, just now Geng Biao's three shots all hit the tiger, one of them was in the middle of the skull, and one shot killed him. Such a good marksmanship and calm attitude make people admire.

"Such a big tiger, how to deal with it?" After it was determined that the tiger was dead, everyone was worried about the whereabouts and disposal of its body.

"What to do? Isn't this ready-made meat? If you don't move back to eat a good meal, it's hard not to become a wolf in the cheap mountain. Looking at this tiger, Geng Biao's whole thought was to improve the food, and he hurriedly beckoned the warriors to help him carry the tiger back.

Geng Biao: He once sent tiger meat to Mao Zedong, he served as the minister of national defense without a military rank, the funeral was called a national funeral brave charge victory but was "reviewed" to protect the field and hunt, and although the tiger meat sent to Mao Zedong was monitored, it could get secrets from the mouths of secret agents for national diplomacy and suggest changes in diplomatic tactics for the country

The People's Liberation Army eliminates harm for the people

Later, Geng Biao killed three more tigers and sent people to send tiger meat to Yan'an to replenish the bodies of Mao Zedong, Zhu De, and other central leaders. Looking at the fresh tiger meat, Mao Zedong smiled and said, "I have seen Comrade Geng Biao's bravery, and with him, our crops can finally grow well." ”

Geng Biao: He once sent tiger meat to Mao Zedong, he served as the minister of national defense without a military rank, the funeral was called a national funeral brave charge victory but was "reviewed" to protect the field and hunt, and although the tiger meat sent to Mao Zedong was monitored, it could get secrets from the mouths of secret agents for national diplomacy and suggest changes in diplomatic tactics for the country

Mao Zedong

Sure enough, Geng Biao led people to patrol the mountains and forests every day, scaring away many wild beasts, without the harassment of animals, the reclamation work of the troops was carried out very smoothly, ensuring that the grain and grass under the blockade were sufficient.

Later, the situation changed, and with the further invasion of the Japanese invaders, for the sake of homeland security, the Kuomintang and the Communists temporarily reached a consensus to drive the Japanese army out of our country. On October 10, 1945, after the victory of the war, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party negotiated and signed the Double Tenth Agreement in Chongqing, which brought a short period of peace to the people of the whole country.

Although the "Double Tenth Agreement" was the result of negotiations between the two sides, the people's cordiality and admiration for the Chinese Communists made Chiang Kai-shek unhappy, and he pulled out many excuses as a cover to command the Kuomintang troops to attack the liberated areas and expand the civil war. Because the country was devastated by war at that time, in the face of the rebellion of the Kuomintang Chiang Kai-shek faction, the Chinese Communists were reluctant to start another war, so as not to add unnecessary harm to the people.

In order to implement the "Double Tenth Agreement," our Party, together with the Kuomintang and the representatives of the United States, set up a military mediation department to be responsible for consultation and negotiation. Geng Biao, in his capacity as deputy chief of staff of the Eighteenth Army and director of the transportation department of our delegation, assisted Ye Jianying and Li Kenong in their work in the Beiping Military Mediation Department.

Because he had been betrayed by the Kuomintang reactionaries before, during his time in Beiping, Geng Biao was very careful, and sometimes in order to successfully complete the task without being suspected, he could be said to have tried his best.

Geng Biao: He once sent tiger meat to Mao Zedong, he served as the minister of national defense without a military rank, the funeral was called a national funeral brave charge victory but was "reviewed" to protect the field and hunt, and although the tiger meat sent to Mao Zedong was monitored, it could get secrets from the mouths of secret agents for national diplomacy and suggest changes in diplomatic tactics for the country

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="65" > is monitored but can get secrets out of the mouths of agents</h1>

Once, in order to take the 13-year-old daughter of the chemist Mr. Chen Jingkun out and transfer it to Yan'an, and reunite with Mr. Chen, who works in the Government of yan'an Border Region, Li Kenong asked Geng Biao to pretend to be the girl's father, pick up the child, and then send it to Zhangjiakou, where he transferred it to Yan'an.

After receiving the order, in order to get rid of the secret agent's tracking, Geng Biao specially changed into disguise, and then quietly went out from the Beijing Hotel where he lived, but there were too many agents guarding the door, and he did not go far, he found that there were already several "tails" behind him, and it seemed that he was still being watched.

Only to see him walk around the street a few times without hurrying, and then pretend to look back inadvertently, good fellow, these people have not given up yet! However, Geng Biao didn't have time to spend time with them here, so he turned his head and walked towards the Dong'an Market, entered through the West Gate, and then drilled into the crowd.

The Dong'an Market is not only crowded but also has a complicated terrain, and as soon as the agents here entered, Geng Biao had already come out of the north gate and completely got rid of them. Without tracking, he was relieved to pick up the young daughter of the Chen family and live in his room. Externally, Geng Biao called her his daughter and used this to send her to Zhangjiakou.

After many battles, the spies also knew that Geng Biao was a difficult person to deal with, so whenever he went out, two spies would inevitably appear behind him.

Geng Biao: He once sent tiger meat to Mao Zedong, he served as the minister of national defense without a military rank, the funeral was called a national funeral brave charge victory but was "reviewed" to protect the field and hunt, and although the tiger meat sent to Mao Zedong was monitored, it could get secrets from the mouths of secret agents for national diplomacy and suggest changes in diplomatic tactics for the country

When he was concurrently serving as the liaison director of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region, Geng Biao had sent forty or fifty underground workers to Beiping, Tianjin, Baoding and other places during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, but later for various reasons, he lost contact with some people, so he took the opportunity to contact his former subordinates while working in Beiping.

Not only that, the North China Bureau, the Urban Work Department and other units also entrusted him to contact the comrades sent out, frequent outings, making Geng Biao a key target of surveillance by the agents, as long as he took action, there were spies behind, even walking, watching movies and other entertainment projects.

Therefore, whenever Geng Biao carried out a mission, he always had to go around in several circles on the road and in the alley, until he was sure that there was no one behind him to contact, and in the long run, there was gradually contact between Geng Biao and the agents.

Once, when buying tickets at the movie theater, Geng Biao saw two agents behind him, who were waiting a few steps away, looking at them twice from time to time. Seeing that the two agents were very vigilant, Geng Biao thought about it, so he bought two more tickets, and then handed them to them, saying: "Don't wait outside, this movie is a long time, you can also come to see the movie." ”

Because of the opposing identities of the two sides, Geng Biao suddenly made the two agents feel overwhelmed for a while, and while they took the movie ticket and thanked them, they said embarrassedly: "Thank you, we are acting according to orders, it is a routine." ”

Geng Biao: He once sent tiger meat to Mao Zedong, he served as the minister of national defense without a military rank, the funeral was called a national funeral brave charge victory but was "reviewed" to protect the field and hunt, and although the tiger meat sent to Mao Zedong was monitored, it could get secrets from the mouths of secret agents for national diplomacy and suggest changes in diplomatic tactics for the country

It was Geng Biao's friendly attitude from time to time, and over time, many agents became familiar with him, and he knew where some agents lived.

Once, Geng Biao found that the agent who had been monitoring him in the Beijing Hotel had not been seen for a long time, so he inquired with other agents, and only then did he know that the agent was suffering from malaria and could not "go to work".

Because the agent's residence was behind the Beijing Hotel, Geng Biao went out on the street to buy a little quinine to see the other party. Who knows, when the agent saw him, the whole person was moved to tears, and he said: "We really don't do this work, no one cares about it when we are sick, and in the end it is you Communist Party people who take care of me." ”

During the chat, in order to repay Geng Biao's concern, this agent took the initiative to talk about some internal situations of the secret agents, including the division of labor stalked by the comrades of our delegation, such as who was responsible for monitoring Li Kenong and who was responsible for commanding the special agent drivers.

Geng Biao secretly took these things to heart, and seemingly inadvertently said, "What about Ye Jianying?" Wouldn't it also be monitored? ”

"It's not just surveillance for him." The agent shook his head subconsciously.

"I know this, light surveillance is definitely not enough, but the means are more high-end, right?" Listening to this, Geng Biao's heart was cold, but his face still showed a common look, and he continued to talk.

"Well, few of us will install bugging devices, and Cui Mingzhuang is responsible for specialized personnel." The agent who was deceived by Geng Biao's disguise nodded, and his face showed some admiration: "I didn't expect you to even know this, no wonder you can talk to us for so long." ”

In this regard, Geng Biao just smiled and did not say anything more, but then he quickly told the news to Li Kenong.

Geng Biao: He once sent tiger meat to Mao Zedong, he served as the minister of national defense without a military rank, the funeral was called a national funeral brave charge victory but was "reviewed" to protect the field and hunt, and although the tiger meat sent to Mao Zedong was monitored, it could get secrets from the mouths of secret agents for national diplomacy and suggest changes in diplomatic tactics for the country

Li Kenong

Cui Ming Zhuang was the residence specially arranged by the Kuomintang for Ye Jianying, just around the corner of donghua Gate, originally thought that it was used by the Kuomintang to do superficial kung fu, but did not expect that it had long been installed by the secret service.

When he first heard this news, Li Kenong was still a little suspicious, after all, as the "secret agent king" of the CCP, he did not believe that an enemy agent would reveal such a confidential situation.

In this regard, Geng Biao also said: "Whether it is true or not, check it again to be assured, after all, this house is not prepared by us, or it is better to be careful." ”

Li Kenong felt that his words were also reasonable, so he sent someone to Cui Mingzhuang to check, and sure enough, he found the wiretap, at that time he smiled and said: "Geng Biao, you little boy can, you can also let the secret agent give you information." ”

They set up the wiretap as it was, and then called the Kuomintang deputies to Cui Mingzhuang, dug out the wiretaps in front of them, and the moment the things were taken out, the faces of the deputies were red and embarrassed.

Geng Biao: He once sent tiger meat to Mao Zedong, he served as the minister of national defense without a military rank, the funeral was called a national funeral brave charge victory but was "reviewed" to protect the field and hunt, and although the tiger meat sent to Mao Zedong was monitored, it could get secrets from the mouths of secret agents for national diplomacy and suggest changes in diplomatic tactics for the country

Later, for the sake of safety, Comrade Ye Jianying changed to another place to live, and Geng Biao and others also moved out of the Beijing Hotel and stayed at the Meng Fu Lu Pavilion near West Huangchenggen.

Because of the different places of residence, coupled with the frequent going out, Geng Biao got a motorcycle from Zhangjiajie, which was placed outside the Mengfulu Pavilion, and when he usually went out, he rode on a motorcycle, and when he lit a fire, he immediately rushed out of the old distance, and the two legs of the secret agent could not keep up, and he could only stare dryly in the back.

After the outbreak of the civil war, due to the corruption of the Nationalist government, Chiang Kai-shek was quickly criticized by all walks of life throughout the country, and it is well known that "those who have gained the tao have more help, and those who have lost the way" have lost their support, and the Kuomintang army has quickly fallen and retreated to Taiwan.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="94" > for state diplomacy, for the country to suggest changes in diplomatic tactics</h1>

After the liberation of the whole country, under the leadership of the Communist Party, on October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China was established.

After the founding of New China, although Geng Biao did not have a military rank, he successively served as minister of foreign affairs, minister of national defense, and vice premier of the State Council, and began to work on social stability and national order. In accordance with the orders of the central authorities, Geng Biao left the Preparatory Office of the Mission to the United Nations and returned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to participate in the training and study of the first batch of ambassadors stationed abroad.

Geng Biao: He once sent tiger meat to Mao Zedong, he served as the minister of national defense without a military rank, the funeral was called a national funeral brave charge victory but was "reviewed" to protect the field and hunt, and although the tiger meat sent to Mao Zedong was monitored, it could get secrets from the mouths of secret agents for national diplomacy and suggest changes in diplomatic tactics for the country

One day in 1950, Geng Biao and Zhao Lanxiang joined everyone in rehearsal at the Beijing Hotel, led by Yan Baohang and Hu Jibang, who were then deputy directors of the General Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The main content of the rehearsal is to learn to eat Western food.

While rehearsal was in progress, Zhou Enlai suddenly walked in and told everyone: "Chairman Mao is very happy to hear that you are here to watch the ceremony, and he is going to receive you now." ”

Hearing this news, Geng Biao was very excited in his heart, since the last time they were separated, when he had not seen Chairman Mao for many years, and now that he was about to meet, how could he express his excitement.

At this time, Mao Zedong had already come in, and he went straight to Geng Biao with a smile on his face: "Fellow countryman, you are here." ”

Geng Biao also shook Mao Zedong's hand and replied, "Hello, Chairman! ”

Mao Zedong went on to say, "I remember when I was during the Long March, I ate watermelon at your place, and when I was in Yan'an, I also ate tiger meat that you sent!" ”

After listening to it, Geng Biao only felt that his heart was very warm, and he did not expect that the chairman of these two small things had always remembered.

Geng Biao: He once sent tiger meat to Mao Zedong, he served as the minister of national defense without a military rank, the funeral was called a national funeral brave charge victory but was "reviewed" to protect the field and hunt, and although the tiger meat sent to Mao Zedong was monitored, it could get secrets from the mouths of secret agents for national diplomacy and suggest changes in diplomatic tactics for the country

In 1969, Geng Biao, as the party's first ambassador after the Ninth National Congress, was ordered to albania and shouldered the heavy responsibility of "strengthening and developing Sino-Arab friendly relations" as Mao Zedong said before his departure.

After coming here, he found that due to the different situations of the two countries, China had invested a lot of aid to Afghanistan, but it only played a one percent use, and Geng Biao was very sad to see this situation.

In order not to waste China's materials and funds, Geng Biao boldly proposed to adjust the strategy of aiding Afghanistan and told Mao Zedong the real reasons, and later the central authorities affirmed Geng Biao's proposal.

Geng Biao: He once sent tiger meat to Mao Zedong, he served as the minister of national defense without a military rank, the funeral was called a national funeral brave charge victory but was "reviewed" to protect the field and hunt, and although the tiger meat sent to Mao Zedong was monitored, it could get secrets from the mouths of secret agents for national diplomacy and suggest changes in diplomatic tactics for the country

At 1:06 on June 23, 2000, Geng Biao's elderly predecessor died at the age of 91 due to ineffective medical treatment. At the mourning service on the morning of the 29th, hundreds of important leaders of the central government came to mourn, and the scale of the funeral at that time was a state funeral.

Geng Biao: He once sent tiger meat to Mao Zedong, he served as the minister of national defense without a military rank, the funeral was called a national funeral brave charge victory but was "reviewed" to protect the field and hunt, and although the tiger meat sent to Mao Zedong was monitored, it could get secrets from the mouths of secret agents for national diplomacy and suggest changes in diplomatic tactics for the country

Although his old man is gone forever, his sincerity and tenacity for his faith and for the country will always be remembered.

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