
I can't hear anyone glorify bin Laden! He was never a hero, but an enemy of all mankind

author:Make up for a knife

Writer /Cui Zijian

Terrorism is the enemy of all mankind.

Bin Laden, on the other hand, has never been a hero.

I can't hear anyone glorify bin Laden! He was never a hero, but an enemy of all mankind

As someone who has been involved in some work, to this day, I don't like to go to spaces that are too enclosed, especially those that have only one entrance. If I go to a new occasion or environment, I still habitually look at the surrounding environment first.

I need to find out where the safest way back is the first time, if something happens, how can I find the safest way out, what kind of way can I use, and the fastest way to send the information out. This bad habit is called a sign of "insecurity" by some of my new friends.

Later, I was no longer so direct, but I still couldn't completely change the situation of going to a new environment to find the entrance and exit first, even if it was just to scan it with my eyes. This behavior is always felt by some new friends as overreacting. I try to make them understand the feeling, but for people who haven't experienced it firsthand, no matter how you explain it, you can't understand it.

And I'm not the only one who has this habit. As long as I know, there are some people like me. They are not policemen, they are not civil servants, they are not characters, they are ordinary people. It could be a self-employed person who opens a small shop; it may be a salesman standing at a counter; it may be a waiter, serving a plate; it may be a brother who drives his own taxi.

They have almost the same experience as me, and they share a common memory — terrorism.


This collective memory may be passed down from generation to generation through family reproduction, but young people who have not experienced it still have a hard time understanding what we are expressing. In fact, whether in reality or on the Internet, we rarely mention those details again, and we rarely talk about these things. No one likes to uncover scars and show them over and over again. I don't remember where I saw a passage, which probably means that people don't like to see the weak. Because the experiences of the weak will make those who claim to be strong think of their own weakness. But what they don't understand is that when a man is struggling, that means he is strong. Because the weak don't struggle, they just die. I once wrote about this: when I was young, I didn't understand things, and once in reality, I shared an extreme case with a guy who had just worked, and I didn't add oil and vinegar, just flat and straight. After listening to it, he said that he could not accept my calm telling of the case, and thought that I was a cold-blooded and cruel person, which hurt me. For a long time after that, he would subconsciously avoid me when he saw me, unwilling to contact me. It was as if I had done the case. But I'm not a cop, and I've never been a cop. And the police friends I know, when we are together, almost all of them avoid business and do not talk about it, and everyone tacitly avoids it. Most of the time, everyone is just talking about bragging and passing on the word, at most talking about the story of the stupid thief who doesn't hurt the elegance. Why do we all avoid cases that are too bad? Because every case that is too bad is anti-human. Terrorism, terrorist organizations and terrorists harm ordinary people far beyond what ordinary people can understand. Moreover, those cases, in themselves, are not too universal – but they still exist.


What should the age of four or five be in your perception?

In the bright spring and bright sunshine, in the parks that every city has, a group of children play and chase each other. In this group of children, there will definitely be a particularly naughty one, take another child, hit and run. Then another kid went after it. Or a group of children hurring on the side of the slide, and then lining up to play on the slide, parents guarding around, like an old hen. Or, there will be a big bunker, a group of mud monkeys in the sand with small shovels, small buckets, piled up their own small sand piles, making their own small sandcastles, playing happily, full of sand all over their faces. I believe that many friends have seen such a scene.

I can't hear anyone glorify bin Laden! He was never a hero, but an enemy of all mankind

Have you ever seen another look of a child?

In the dark earthen house, the same children of this age, black, thin, and unfocused, just sat there, their mouths repeating over and over again what they didn't understand. Then there is the back pumping, if the back is wrong, the bearded man sitting in front of them is directly slapped in the face, the child's teeth are loose in an instant, the nosebleed is direct - he can not get any treatment, he can only wipe it with his ragged clothes, and then hide aside to continue to back. If he makes a mistake the second time, is slapped and kicked a few times, it is light, and it is a daily routine to have no food.

What should I do if I am sick? Carry it yourself, carry it yourself, die when you die. Luckily, maybe you will say a word to your parents, maybe the honest young parents who are still children still have the opportunity to take their children back, and thank Dade. Then, these young parents, burying their children themselves, can't cry when they bury them —bad luck, throwing them around, no one knows, and the parents of the children don't know.

Older ones, twelve or thirteen, fourteen or fifteen years old, then take part in military training. Learn to craft with a wide variety of weapons, then practice decapitation on the living. The blade is inserted in the direction of the neck, from the carotid artery on the side of the neck, so that blood will spurt out from the side in front of you... Ever seen a sheep slaughtered? Same. Is that the end of it? Not. The same is to be chanted, over and over again, until the child's eyes are filled with hatred. Then, tie him with an earth bomb, and when there are many people in the market, let him go wherever he goes. When he got to the place with the most people, "Boom"!

There were stumps everywhere.

I can't hear anyone glorify bin Laden! He was never a hero, but an enemy of all mankind

I studied medicine, and when I was in school, I took the certificate of a counselor and studied systematically. Volunteer and give some technical guidance to other comrades. One day I received a phone call, and after greeting me, the comrade asked me, "Do you know what it's like to suddenly lose a certain part of your body?" "All I can say is that I really don't know. He listened and sighed. I asked him, what is the specific situation? He said that it was his friend's lover, and when he was walking in the street, he suddenly exploded, one leg was gone, and his life was saved. But some can't think straight, some suicidal tendencies. So, I recommended a more professional teacher to him, hoping to help him.

I have always remembered this problem, and I have remembered it for more than ten years if I am not careful.

Said boy, said victim, what about girls?

Believe me, you wouldn't want to know what happened to the girl.

A young man in his twenties, in front of the "hit worker". If you are idle, you can write a script to kill, you can watch a movie, you can stay at home, you can play a mobile game, you can accompany the object, or ask God when he has an object.

However, for one of my little brothers, "996" is pediatric. He had been almost 1,000 days without rest, spinning. When I confirmed this with him, he said, no, there was a day off in between, that is, more than 900 days. He's asked me more than once about quitting my job, and I've given him all sorts of career planning advice more than once.

Every time, he said, after surviving this period, when the situation is better, I will leave. I've been listening to him say this for four years. I know, he's not going to go at all. A young man in his twenties didn't have to live that life of licking blood with the tip of a knife. Just like other boys, you can go to the big city to work hard. Maybe you can find a girl, two-compartment guard, a lifetime of whiteheads, maybe you will encounter a good opportunity, and then a shot into the sky, become a role model for other young people, or maybe just an ordinary worker, plain, rough tea and light rice.

However, over the past many years, my predecessors have sent away some of these young and powerful young men, and then I have become the young men to send them away, and later, to send away the new boys. Some of them were killed in the line of duty, and some were attacked while they were working normally. We have been waiting for a total victory, and on the day of total victory, we will have a memorial service to commemorate them.

So far, I have not been able to face the eyes of those old mothers. I still remember those eyes, gritty, angry, sad. There was no crying, no silent tears, no godless gaze, it was a very difficult look to face. Later, a comrade told me that when the old lady saw her son's body, the first action was to gently touch her son's face, and the second action was to slap her son fiercely.

Those young faces, I don't want to think about easily, and even some of them have blurred, but they have always been in the corners of my memory.


These two days are particularly tiring, friends in various places, or some old comrades, constantly sending me messages to judge the attributes of some videos. Speaking out may not be believed by many netizens, I have not had such a hard time in these few days for several years. Many comrades-in-arms and comrades were so busy that they did not want to speak.

A large number of overseas explosive video is pouring into the domestic Internet through self-media channels and platforms - the last time this kind of large-scale back-irrigation was in 2012. Two years after that, in 2014, various violent terrorist attacks reached a climax...

Our country is a victim of terrorism;

This will not change because the external environment changes. We are all well aware that a lot of work has its peculiarities. Therefore, my comrades and I have maintained the greatest restraint. We don't say anything, it doesn't mean we don't know, it doesn't mean we forget, it doesn't mean we don't see.

However, the inappropriate dissemination of some content in the past two days has affected some basic situations. People who haven't seen terrorists, who haven't been hit by terrorist attacks, are entertaining something. Many articles, which seem to make sense, are actually written very unprofessional. All the reviews, summaries, summaries of public material are not complete — because there are many things that are not made public.

I can't hear anyone glorify bin Laden! He was never a hero, but an enemy of all mankind

I know that the relevant departments have noticed this phenomenon and are solving this problem. I also sincerely suggest that some self-media can grasp the basic bottom line and not "only traffic theory". No one can cover the world, and for professional areas that are not understood, maintaining basic restraint and not over-entertaining and disseminating may be the most normal practice. You can forward some news and comments from the official media, but there is no need to make it up or create it yourself. Don't let the flow stain the blood of our compatriots, don't let us misunderstand you – this is not a dispute of opinions, nor a battle of positions, this is the basic expression of emotions born as a human being. Black hair, yellow skin, square words, or recognize who your blood compatriots are.

Counter-terrorism is a war, and we are not finished with this battle. Our warriors are still waiting for each other. We have indeed achieved some results, and those are real achievements. However, those wounds did not fade away. People who have been hurt, even if they don't say it, have no real peace of mind. There are many things that take time to resolve, and perhaps one or two generations may not be able to resolve them.

If it really can, I hope that the empathy of every self-media practitioner can be used on their own compatriots and their own soldiers, empathize with their own people, and empathize with those children, victims, and fighters, which may be more important and more real.

I can't hear anyone glorify bin Laden! He was never a hero, but an enemy of all mankind

Moreover, terrorism is the enemy of all mankind.

Image from the web

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