
The giant grouper is the largest of the groupers, so it is called the "king of groupers"

The seafood is delicious, especially the grouper. In the grouper family, there is one of the largest groupers, that is, the grouper. Grouper is a species of fish in the family Barraceae and groupers. The grouper also has several domineering aliases, dragon's barring, gentian grouper, perch talc, saddle band grouper, etc. The body is brown , with spots and oblique transverse bands on the sides of the juvenile , and a large black spot under the spines of the dorsal fin. The snout is long and pointed, with 64-66 perforations on the lateral line. The posterior edge of the caudal fin is rounded. It is found off the coast of tropical Indian and Pacific Oceans.

The giant grouper is the largest of the groupers, so it is called the "king of groupers"

Grouper is the largest of the groupers, which can be described as big brothers and big Macs, so it is also known as the "king of groupers". According to historical records, the largest gentian found is 2.7m long and weighs 600kg, and in Queensland, Australia, the giant grouper is considered one of the most representative marine organisms.

The giant grouper is the largest of the groupers, so it is called the "king of groupers"

The giant grouper is a ferocious, bottom carnivorous fish that prefers to inhabit the waters within the reef and feed on benthic crustaceans and small fish and shrimp. Although its swimming speed is not fast, but because of its special body structure, it often preys on surprise attacks, catching prey by surprise.

The giant grouper is the largest of the groupers, so it is called the "king of groupers"

Groupers are hermaphrodites, and groupers are naturally no exception, with sexual transformation characteristics, all females at the first sexual maturity, and then converted to males the following year, so the males are significantly less than females. Although the grouper is fierce, but the meat is delicious, nutritious, especially the success of artificial breeding, so that everyone is one step closer to the delicious, of course, the price is still relatively expensive, especially the dragon these.

The giant grouper is the largest of the groupers, so it is called the "king of groupers"

Although fishermen sometimes catch dragon pods, they are not often able to eat them, and fresh groupers are generally sold, and the chances of eating themselves are actually relatively small.

The giant grouper is the largest of the groupers, so it is called the "king of groupers"

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