
Because the baby was crying, Bao's mother and the woman made a big fuss about the high-speed rail: this time, she was scolded so unjustly...

Author: Chestnut

The Mom and Dad Institute (ID: mama_cn) was originally launched


I can't manage my own children

What do you do with this parent?

Just two days ago, a news once again put "whether the high-speed rail needs to set up parent-child carriages" on the hot search.

The scene is another high-speed train, a baby keeps crying, causing a woman's dissatisfaction, she who wanted to sleep, was affected by the baby's noise, so she blamed her mother.

And Baoma scolded her in the slightest, and the volume resounded throughout the carriage.

From the video, you can hear that in their mutual scolding, the baby's crying is still interspersed.

Because the baby was crying, Bao's mother and the woman made a big fuss about the high-speed rail: this time, she was scolded so unjustly...

So far, we can't make any judgment about the right and wrong of this matter, but people with some common sense know that there are many reasons for babies to cry, and they can't be coaxed down.

If other passengers feel troubled, instead of scolding Bao's mother, it is better to apply with the flight attendant to change places.

But this understanding and tolerance is limited to small babies, if the noise is a child who has already understood, then regardless of the parents who do not teach, is the key to the problem.

Remember a hot search from before?

A child on a high-speed train in Beijing was too loud, and passengers on the side reminded him when they saw this.

Unexpectedly, he was angered by the child's parents:

"I can't manage my child, I can't control him!"

"Don't have children in your life, you can't raise them!"

Those traveling with children and parents echoed:

"There is no law that does not allow us to shout, I suspect that you will sit high-level!"

They do not feel sorry for the child's loud noise affecting others, but they are justified, feel that others have a lot of things, and like to be nosy.

Such an attitude made many netizens very angry.

"Shouldn't your own child be a little embarrassed to make noise with others, how can he still be right?! The child is a mirror for parents. ”

Coincidentally, on the same day, on the Liuzhou high-speed railway in Guangxi, a video of a boy repeatedly kicking the front seat with his foot and loudly reciting the multiplication mantra caused heated discussions.

The front seat passengers and flight attendants repeatedly stopped it to no avail, and the parents were always indifferent, and praised the children for memorizing the instructions well.

Because the baby was crying, Bao's mother and the woman made a big fuss about the high-speed rail: this time, she was scolded so unjustly...

In fact, noisy, active and active is the nature of children, and many people can understand it.

If parents sincerely apologize and discourage their children, everyone will not be angry.

But as the guardian of the child, the impulsive and unreasonable response of parents is really irritating.

In this regard, a netizen said: "What can't be managed, it's just reluctant to manage!" ”

Indeed, there are no children who do not educate well, only parents who do not teach.

A child's words and deeds reflect not only whether the tutor is good or not, but also whether the parents are qualified.

No child is born a "bear".

It's just the indulgence and neglect of discipline by parents that create one bear child after another.


Force away goodwill

Eventually eat the consequences

Some time ago, a doctor's post exceeded 10 million views.

One time a doctor was on a train trip, and on the hard sleeper, two bear children ran and jumped wildly, and the flight attendant came to stop it.

The child's parents are very unfriendly towards the flight attendant.

It is clear that the flight attendants are thinking about the safety of their children, but they feel that their children have been criticized and wronged.

And not long after, the two bear children really had an accident.

When a child climbed to the upper bunk, he suddenly encountered a train shaking and fell directly and smashed into the railing of the middle bunk;

Then it smashed into the small table on the lower bunk, and finally fell heavily to the ground.

Another child, probably frightened, fell off a ladder that was climbing between the upper and lower bunks.

Fortunately, in the aisle next to it, the person sitting on the folding chair picked it up.

Because the baby was crying, Bao's mother and the woman made a big fuss about the high-speed rail: this time, she was scolded so unjustly...

At that moment, the parents of the two children panicked and asked the flight attendant to broadcast whether there were medical staff on the train.

The doctor was sitting on the lower bunk, but he did not choose to save people.

For the doctor, after seeing the actions of the parents of the bear child, he really did not dare to save the bear child.

On the one hand, when encountering such parents, everyone is afraid of getting angry.

The law does not protect his treatment in a non-medical setting.

Because the baby was crying, Bao's mother and the woman made a big fuss about the high-speed rail: this time, she was scolded so unjustly...

The child is moderately severe brain damage plus airway obstruction, once no rescue is successful:

The parents of bear children are likely to bankrupt his family and even lose his career.

Because the baby was crying, Bao's mother and the woman made a big fuss about the high-speed rail: this time, she was scolded so unjustly...

On the other hand, he went to the emergency room at night to rescue a 3-and-a-half-year-old child who had been swallowed by a foreign object.

The child's situation was very urgent at one point, and he successfully rescued the child using the inverted wrap method.

The child turned the corner, originally he was still happy about it, but unexpectedly, soon he was in trouble.

Because the baby was crying, Bao's mother and the woman made a big fuss about the high-speed rail: this time, she was scolded so unjustly...

In the second half of the night, the child's stomach hurt, and the parents said that he used too much force during the first aid and cured the child...

After a thorough examination, it was found that there was no problem with the child.

Doctors and parents explain: Inverted wrap first aid method, you need to squeeze hard. It is normal for children to feel unwell.

But his parents just didn't listen and blocked him in the office for a whole day.

In the end, the doctor lost 20,000 yuan.

These parents have made a big mistake: they always think that they are protecting their children, loving their children, and doing it for their own good.

As everyone knows, when onlookers see their true cultivation, even if they need help, others dare not "help".

The victim is always the spoiled "bear child".


Parents' cultivation

Hiding the child's future cultivation

Last month, a video of a mother in Fujian educating her children attracted the attention of many netizens.

Because the child was thrown from a high altitude, the mother did not listen to the advice no matter how to educate, and the mother had no choice but to think of a way.

She asked someone to dress up as someone who had been injured by a toy thrown at a height by a boy, and then came to the door to look for the child.

"Who threw the toy?"

"You come with me!"

When the child saw that the other party was smashed so badly by him and wanted to take him to the police, he immediately panicked.

Because the baby was crying, Bao's mother and the woman made a big fuss about the high-speed rail: this time, she was scolded so unjustly...

"I don't want it! I don't want to go to the police! ”

The boy was afraid and wanted to hide behind his mother, but the mother did not give the child a chance to hide behind, and directly pulled people to stand in front of the "injured" and asked:

"Do you dare to throw anything downstairs in the future?"

The little boy finally knew how serious the consequences of the high-altitude projectile were this time, and cried and promised loudly: "Don't dare to throw it!" ”

The child's problem is actually behind the parent's education problem.

You are now reluctant to educate, do not understand education, neglect education;

In the future, children will be severely educated, and they can only taste their own bitter fruits.

As Professor Li Meijin once said in "Round Table Party":

"In the process of human growth, something must be formed, in addition to love, there must be awe.

If the child breaks the law, the punishment is actually a form of protection.

Let him know that he is afraid, know that he regrets, and will never dare again in the future, and really let him not dare is to protect him. ”

Because the baby was crying, Bao's mother and the woman made a big fuss about the high-speed rail: this time, she was scolded so unjustly...

Also traveling with a baby, a mother in Harbin was praised.

Because the baby was crying, Bao's mother and the woman made a big fuss about the high-speed rail: this time, she was scolded so unjustly...

The mother said that the video was recorded when the baby was more than one year old, and now the baby is three years old.

When traveling, I often can't sit still and make a lot of noise when I travel on public transportation.

I and my husband are afraid of affecting others, so I gave a wet wipe and asked the child to clean the carriage, so that the baby has something to do to divert attention, which is quite effective and has been used until now.

And this, and the news at the beginning of the article, actually appeared on the hot search on the same day.

Because the baby was crying, Bao's mother and the woman made a big fuss about the high-speed rail: this time, she was scolded so unjustly...


As netizens commented: The root cause of bear children lies in the existence of bear parents.

Because the baby was crying, Bao's mother and the woman made a big fuss about the high-speed rail: this time, she was scolded so unjustly...

How to educate children is a topic for parents.

In this subject, the higher the parent's cultivation, the higher the child's cultivation.

In "Leave it alone", what is hidden is the wisdom of parents.


As a parent, "protecting the calf" is a common human feeling.

But beyond protection, there are rules.

The road to the adult world is fraught with danger.

Maybe a bear child today will become the Edison of the future, maybe most of the bear children who were once mischievous will eventually grow up safely and become ordinary people in the world;

But there will also be some bear children who miss the opportunity to be cured by the right medicine, run all the way on the wrong road, and end up in prison, hateful and sad.

And the only one who can illuminate him is you.


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