
Ming Dao officially announced that the second child had a daughter, and the pregnant wife made her first appearance, netizens: How can you let a pregnant woman hold a child

Ming Dao officially announced that the second child had a daughter, and the pregnant wife made her first appearance, netizens: How can you let a pregnant woman hold a child

Original | Pregnancy


Early this morning, Ming Dao brought good news:

"I'm about to welcome my little princess, make up the word 'good'!"

Ming Dao officially announced that the second child had a daughter, and the pregnant wife made her first appearance, netizens: How can you let a pregnant woman hold a child

In the video shared by Ming Dao, the family of three laughed very happily, which was also Ming Dao's first time posting his wife.

The video content is a party with the number "3" on the background panel, which should be Ming Dao's birthday party for his son.

There is also a sex party for the second baby.

When the pink and purple balloons in the box floated out, the audience was boiling.

Ming Dao officially announced that the second child had a daughter, and the pregnant wife made her first appearance, netizens: How can you let a pregnant woman hold a child

It can be seen that Mingdao and his wife are looking forward to having a daughter, and it is really happy to get their wish.

Many netizens watched the video shared by Ming Dao, and they all sent their blessings, and Ming Dao replied one by one to express their gratitude.

Only this time, a small move by Ming Dao caused heated discussions among netizens.

In the video, the pregnant wife holds her 3-year-old son, making many netizens call it inappropriate:

"Why don't men hold children, and their wives have to hold such a big child with a big belly."

"Why doesn't a good father hold the child, but also let his pregnant wife hold it."

"It's not appropriate to hold such a big child when you're pregnant."

"It's better not to send this video, grab the microphone, let the pregnant wife hold such a big child, the character collapses!"

Ming Dao officially announced that the second child had a daughter, and the pregnant wife made her first appearance, netizens: How can you let a pregnant woman hold a child
Ming Dao officially announced that the second child had a daughter, and the pregnant wife made her first appearance, netizens: How can you let a pregnant woman hold a child

I have to say that this session of netizens is really strict.

On such occasions, we should bless more, because no one cares more about the health of the baby than they do.

Secondly, it is not absolutely contraindicated for pregnant mothers to hold babies under the conditions that the body allows.

Today, the pregnant mother will talk about holding the baby during pregnancy, and what can not really be done during pregnancy?

"How can you eat crabs during pregnancy?

Not afraid of miscarriage? ”

Pregnant mothers must have heard many, many taboos about pregnancy:

You can't eat crabs during pregnancy, you can't drink coffee during pregnancy, you can't run during pregnancy..... And so on and so forth.

Many mothers have been criticized for doing these things during pregnancy.

Chen Yihan was reminded by many netizens because of eating crabs when she was pregnant with her second child: pregnant women should eat less crabs, cold, not good for the baby!

Ming Dao officially announced that the second child had a daughter, and the pregnant wife made her first appearance, netizens: How can you let a pregnant woman hold a child
Ming Dao officially announced that the second child had a daughter, and the pregnant wife made her first appearance, netizens: How can you let a pregnant woman hold a child

Sun Yezhen posted pictures of drinking coffee when she was pregnant, and as a result, netizens shouted at her: pregnant or drink less coffee, which has an impact on the baby.

Ming Dao officially announced that the second child had a daughter, and the pregnant wife made her first appearance, netizens: How can you let a pregnant woman hold a child

When Zhu Zhu was pregnant, she also attracted the attention of netizens because of eating crabs and eating broad beans: crabs are cold, pregnant women should not eat them, drunken crabs are raw, and they can't eat them.

Ming Dao officially announced that the second child had a daughter, and the pregnant wife made her first appearance, netizens: How can you let a pregnant woman hold a child

There are also broad beans, pregnant people cannot eat broad beans, and the baby will get broad bean disease when born!

With two heartbeats in one body, this special journey of pregnancy does have a lot to put into detail.

But pregnant women are not unable to eat or do anything.

If you master it well, it will not affect the baby.

Can a pregnant woman hold her baby?

Let's talk about whether a pregnant woman can hold a baby.

Nothing can be one-size-fits-all, and so is holding a baby during pregnancy.

The reason why Ming Dao caused controversy is because the big treasure he is holding is indeed very large, so netizens feel that it is inappropriate.

Indeed, if it is in the first trimester, and the weight of Dabao is not light, the pregnant mother still has to grasp the degree and hold less.

Because mothers in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy holding a very heavy baby is as risky as lifting heavy objects.

●Causes low back pain. After pregnancy, the weight and pressure of the original ligaments, muscles and joints are very large, and then holding a 20-pound child can easily cause low back pain, and the pregnant mother itself is easy to have low back pain.

●Increased risk of falls. The belly becomes bigger, the center of gravity of the pregnant mother is not as stable as ordinary people, and if you hold another big baby, it will increase the risk of falling.

●Increased risk of unintended miscarriage. Holding a child that is too heavy is actually the same as doing heavy work, the entire pregnancy should avoid heavy work, picking, carrying, carrying, carrying, carrying and other strong physical activities, should be avoided as much as possible, barely do these heavy work, will increase the risk of fetal miscarriage or premature birth.

Ming Dao officially announced that the second child had a daughter, and the pregnant wife made her first appearance, netizens: How can you let a pregnant woman hold a child

At any time, pregnant mothers should not let their waist and abdomen be too stressed.

Although there are some risks in holding a baby, as long as you pay attention to the method, you can hold the baby, after all, Dabao also needs the love of the mother.

●If you are too heavy, use a cuddle. For babies over 25 pounds, babies in the first and third trimesters should be replaced with hugs.

●Don't hold your baby for too long. When holding the baby, the pregnant mother's waist and abdomen will be stressed, so it is necessary to grasp the time and put the baby down when you feel tired.

●Protect your baby's tummy when holding it. Dabao is also a child, lively and active, to prevent the stomach from being kicked or hit.

Master the method and pay more attention, pregnant mothers can also hold Dabao.

7 things pregnant mothers can do

Pregnant women are particular about it, but they don't do anything wrong.

Those folk rumors of contraindications during pregnancy, pregnant mothers can actually do it.

●Crabs can be eaten during pregnancy. Whether you can eat crab during pregnancy depends on whether you can eat it before pregnancy, as long as there is no discomfort in the stomach, the pregnant mother can relieve her hunger, as long as it is not excessive.

●You can drink coffee during pregnancy. During pregnancy, it is recommended that the daily caffeine intake should not exceed 200mg, and the amount should be controlled and will not affect the baby and mother.

●You can eat hot pot during pregnancy. I really don't want to see pregnant mothers who secretly go to eat hot pot anymore, as long as the ingredients are clean, the brush meat is cooked through, and the taste is light, you can eat it.

●Skin care and makeup are available during pregnancy. Remember that infection between mother and baby is transmitted through the blood, umbilical cord, no matter what kind of skin care products (except medical intravenous injection and heavy metal severe excess category) are unlikely to penetrate the skin into the bloodstream!

Ming Dao officially announced that the second child had a daughter, and the pregnant wife made her first appearance, netizens: How can you let a pregnant woman hold a child

Therefore, choose natural, regular skin care products, pregnant mothers can normal skin care, can also normal makeup, avoid the use of efficacy products (such as whitening, freckle removal) on the line.

●Exercise is possible during pregnancy. Walking for half an hour every day is good for mom to control weight and stabilize blood sugar.

●Housework can be done during pregnancy. Pregnant mothers with healthy pregnancies, it is no problem to do some basic housework, appropriate activities are more conducive to health, don't let yourself be too tired.

●You can eat chili peppers during pregnancy. Remember the news a while ago when pregnant mothers ate lobster spicy to premature birth? It's really not about eating spicy.

Normal spicy eating during pregnancy will not harm the baby, as long as your body can bear it, don't be so spicy that your stomach hurts, you let the mother in Sichuan and Hunan not eat spicy, it is really a torture.

Compared to this can not eat and that can not be done, under the premise of safety, the pregnant mother is the most important.

9 things pregnant mothers should not do

Of course, pregnancy is also contraindicated, the following things, pregnant mothers must not do.

● Pregnant mothers do not clean up cat litter. Although cats are only likely to shed feces containing Toxoplasma eggs when they are first infected with Toxoplasma gondii, and only once in a lifetime, it is recommended that young pregnant women do not clean the litter box because of the serious consequences of Toxoplasma infection

Such a thing as pregnancy, let your husband come.

●Pregnant mothers cannot eat raw seafood, raw crab, and drunken shrimp and drunk crab. All kinds of seafood may have bacteria, parasites, raw and marinated with wine can not effectively kill bacteria and parasites, there is a risk of fetal infection, drunken shrimp drunk crab alcohol content is very high, alcohol will also affect the fetus through the placenta.

●Never drink alcohol during pregnancy. There is no safe amount of alcohol to drink during pregnancy and should be absolutely avoided.

Alcohol hinders fetal development and affects its intellectual and physical growth. Pregnant mothers should avoid drinking alcohol regardless of the amount of alcohol.

Ming Dao officially announced that the second child had a daughter, and the pregnant wife made her first appearance, netizens: How can you let a pregnant woman hold a child

●Smoking is prohibited during pregnancy. Smoking can easily lead to stillbirth, increase the chance of premature birth and make babies born with low birth weight.

Secondhand smoke increases the risk of sudden death in infants, pneumonia, bronchitis and asthma in young children and children.

Therefore, the pregnant mother's family should consider quitting smoking.

●Do not bathe or sauna with too hot water during pregnancy. In the first trimester of pregnancy, hyperthermia increases the chance of birth defects in the fetus, and pregnant mothers should not allow their body temperature to exceed 39 degrees Celsius.

●Do not exercise strenuously, ride horses, etc. during pregnancy. You can exercise during pregnancy, but you must not exercise vigorously, don't let yourself be out of breath.

Especially horseback riding, pregnant women should try to avoid horseback riding to reduce the risk of falling.

●Do not eat fruit as a meal during pregnancy. Fruit is a good thing, but overeating becomes a bad thing, and overeating fruit can cause blood sugar to spike and cause gestational diabetes.

For mothers with normal blood sugar, it is recommended to eat 200-400g of fruit per day.

In the case of good blood sugar control, sugar mothers recommend that the total amount of fruit consumed per day should not exceed 300g (about 200g for an apple).

●Do not eat unpasteurized milk and dairy products during pregnancy. Pregnant mothers must read the label carefully when drinking dairy products.

Choose pasteurized or pasteurized milk.

Milk and dairy products that have not been strictly sterilized must not be drunk.

●Do not eat fish that may contain excessive mercury levels during pregnancy. Mercury (mercury) can damage the developing nervous system of fetuses and infants, and pregnant mothers should avoid fish with high levels of methylmercury.

Avoid sharks, swordfish, mackerel, marlin, and tilefish.

Finally, the pregnant mother hopes that the little pregnant women can go well and spend the whole pregnant woman happily and healthily!

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