
Yu Shougen, President of the Korea-China Global Association of Korea: Tracing the origin of the new crown virus is a scientific issue, not a political one

Source: Xinhua Net

Yu Shougen, president of the Korea-China Global Association of South Korea, said in a written interview with Xinhua News Agency a few days ago that the traceability of the new crown virus is a scientific health issue directly related to human health, not an international political issue, and it is not advisable for the United States to use the new crown epidemic to "strike China".

Yu Shougen believes that the United States should not make a big fuss about the traceability of the new crown for purposes other than scientific health.

In terms of virus traceability, China has invited WHO experts to China twice to carry out virus traceability research, and the China-WHO traceability joint research report has also obtained the conclusions and recommendations recognized by the international community and the scientific community. However, the United States has used intelligence agencies to unilaterally conduct a traceability investigation of the new crown virus and concoct the so-called "new crown virus traceability investigation report".

Yu Shougen said, "The international community is generally worried that the United States is using the new crown epidemic to carry out political attacks on China, and a series of confusing acts by the United States have also worried and regretted the international community." ”

Yu Shougen said that for the sake of peace and stability in the international community, the United States, as the world's largest economy, should immediately stop politicizing the epidemic and make greater efforts than other countries to control the epidemic. However, the current behavior of the United States is doubly regrettable.

A series of scientific studies have shown that many countries, including the United States, have shown traces of virus invasion earlier than the first case in Wuhan, China. Yu Shougen believes that these results should be thoroughly investigated.

He pointed out that the United States should show a mind that matches its image as a great power, and respond to the reasonable suspicions of the international community about scientific research institutions such as fort Detrick base and the University of North Carolina suspected of leaks. "The international community should also ask the United States to lead by example in tracing the origin of the virus."

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