
International Atomic Energy Agency: South Korea and China will participate in the assessment of the safety of Japan's nuclear-contaminated water discharge from the sea

author:Interface Alerts

Yonhap News Agency reported on September 9 that Lidy Evral, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), who is visiting Japan, said at an online press conference on the 9th that neighboring countries such as South Korea and China will also participate in the safety assessment of the discharge process of nuclear wastewater from Japan's Fukushima.

Asked whether the IAEA would like South Korean and Chinese experts to participate in assessing the safety of nuclear wastewater discharges, Evrar said the IAEA needed to receive help from experts with extensive experience and knowledge, including an international panel of 11 countries, including experts from neighboring countries such as South Korea and China.

Evraer said the IAEA is examining the safety and transparency of the program from a scientific perspective and will continue to listen to the relevant voices and take corresponding measures. As for the question of whether the IAEA will ask the Japanese side to call off the plan if it is determined that there is a danger to the sea of nuclear wastewater discharge in Japan, Evrar did not give a positive answer, saying only that the purpose of the visit was to check the safety of the plan.

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