
7 love stories for Hollywood celebrities to leave! Married 7 times in a lifetime, more than the movie Elizabeth Taylor & Richard Burton Don Johnson & Melanie Griffith Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck Jessica Bell & Justin Timberlake Christine Bell & Dekkers Sharp Drecher Belson & Hayden Christensen Dwyane Wade & Gabriel Yonen


When we first put into a relationship, we never thought that it would break up, and we never thought that it might be difficult to leave, reunite after separation, and eventually get married and divorced. These intermittent relationships make people feel the truth of love, it may not be as flawless as a fairy tale, on the contrary, it may be full of scars, but most importantly, you can grow from love.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > Elizabeth Taylor &amp; Richard Burton</h1>

7 love stories for Hollywood celebrities to leave! Married 7 times in a lifetime, more than the movie Elizabeth Taylor &amp; Richard Burton Don Johnson &amp; Melanie Griffith Jennifer Lopez &amp; Ben Affleck Jessica Bell &amp; Justin Timberlake Christine Bell &amp; Dekkers Sharp Drecher Belson &amp; Hayden Christensen Dwyane Wade &amp; Gabriel Yonen

You'd be hard-pressed to find a saga or complicated romance like the one between Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, who started dating on set in 1962 (when Burton was still a family man). The two then married and began a Hollywood-style life together, then divorced in 1974 and remarried in 1975. The following year, the couple divorced again, and Richard Burton was just one of the seven husbands Elizabeth Taylor had in her lifetime, and life can be said to be quite legendary!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > Don Johnson &amp; Melanie Griffiths</h1>

7 love stories for Hollywood celebrities to leave! Married 7 times in a lifetime, more than the movie Elizabeth Taylor &amp; Richard Burton Don Johnson &amp; Melanie Griffith Jennifer Lopez &amp; Ben Affleck Jessica Bell &amp; Justin Timberlake Christine Bell &amp; Dekkers Sharp Drecher Belson &amp; Hayden Christensen Dwyane Wade &amp; Gabriel Yonen

Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson met on set in 1973 and eventually married for a full six months between January and July 1976. They reunited in 1989 and had a daughter, "Fifty Shades of Grey" dakota Johnson, and did not marry until 1996. Although the two actors married others after the breakup, they still seem to maintain a good relationship.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > Jennifer Lopez &amp; Ben Affleck</h1>

7 love stories for Hollywood celebrities to leave! Married 7 times in a lifetime, more than the movie Elizabeth Taylor &amp; Richard Burton Don Johnson &amp; Melanie Griffith Jennifer Lopez &amp; Ben Affleck Jessica Bell &amp; Justin Timberlake Christine Bell &amp; Dekkers Sharp Drecher Belson &amp; Hayden Christensen Dwyane Wade &amp; Gabriel Yonen

This is the love of celebrities that I hope to be able to rekindle around the world. In May 2021, it was reported that Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were hailed as Bennifer's love affair, which seemed to reunite after the untiement in 2004. They were recently found together, near Ben Affleck's home, and on vacation in Miami, proving that love is stronger today than ever.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > Jessica Bell &amp; Justin Timberlake</h1>

7 love stories for Hollywood celebrities to leave! Married 7 times in a lifetime, more than the movie Elizabeth Taylor &amp; Richard Burton Don Johnson &amp; Melanie Griffith Jennifer Lopez &amp; Ben Affleck Jessica Bell &amp; Justin Timberlake Christine Bell &amp; Dekkers Sharp Drecher Belson &amp; Hayden Christensen Dwyane Wade &amp; Gabriel Yonen

The heavyweight star couple first met in 2007 and broke up in 2011. Less than nine months later, however, the couple was back together and engaged — and they've been together ever since, married in 2012 and had two children together.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > Christine Bell &amp; Dekkers Sharp</h1>

7 love stories for Hollywood celebrities to leave! Married 7 times in a lifetime, more than the movie Elizabeth Taylor &amp; Richard Burton Don Johnson &amp; Melanie Griffith Jennifer Lopez &amp; Ben Affleck Jessica Bell &amp; Justin Timberlake Christine Bell &amp; Dekkers Sharp Drecher Belson &amp; Hayden Christensen Dwyane Wade &amp; Gabriel Yonen

The charming couple had a tortuous past and broke up before finally getting married in 2013. "He sat me down and said, 'I can't have this marriage right now.' I think you're great, but I'm still dating other people," Kristin Bell said. Thank God, these two crazy children finally entered the temple of marriage.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > Rachel Belson &amp; Hayden Christensen</h1>

7 love stories for Hollywood celebrities to leave! Married 7 times in a lifetime, more than the movie Elizabeth Taylor &amp; Richard Burton Don Johnson &amp; Melanie Griffith Jennifer Lopez &amp; Ben Affleck Jessica Bell &amp; Justin Timberlake Christine Bell &amp; Dekkers Sharp Drecher Belson &amp; Hayden Christensen Dwyane Wade &amp; Gabriel Yonen

It's a rare celebrity couple who aren't currently together, but they dated for years, got engaged, broke up, got back together, had kids, and finally broke up in 2017.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="14" > Dwyane Wade &amp; Gabriel Union</h1>

7 love stories for Hollywood celebrities to leave! Married 7 times in a lifetime, more than the movie Elizabeth Taylor &amp; Richard Burton Don Johnson &amp; Melanie Griffith Jennifer Lopez &amp; Ben Affleck Jessica Bell &amp; Justin Timberlake Christine Bell &amp; Dekkers Sharp Drecher Belson &amp; Hayden Christensen Dwyane Wade &amp; Gabriel Yonen

Today Dwyane Wade and Gabriel Union are married and have four children together, but not always so happy. The two broke up in 2013 after four years together, and Gabriel Union said in The Tonight Show: "We supported each other, but we backed off for a while. At the end of the day, we came back together and said: Listen, we want to continue this marriage, but we want to keep improving every day. 」

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