
Funny animal series - Synchronized Flash of Fireflies #Animals##Science##Stories#Everyone knows that fireflies are insects and have the ability to emit light. Inside the Stephen Chow movie

author:Future Industry Research Park

Funny animal series – Synchronised Flash of Fireflies #Animals##Science##故事 #

Everyone knows that fireflies are insects and have the ability to emit light. There is such a classic line in Stephen Chow's movie: "Do you think that hiding will beat you up?" Oh to use! It seems that you are an excellent man, no matter how marginal you are, like a firefly in the dark, sweet and distinct, and glamorous. ”。

When multiple fireflies gather together on a dark summer night, they will flash through synchronization, isn't it very romantic. In fact, they communicate and reproduce in this way. This phenomenon is known as "firefly synchronised flash".

The luminescence of fireflies is achieved by a chemical reaction produced by oxidase catalyzing fluorescein. When luciferin and oxidase combine, energy is produced and light is released. Fireflies can regulate their own luminous intensity and frequency by controlling the secretion of fluorescein.

In the firefly synchronised flash phenomenon, fireflies gather together at night, usually on plants or grass, to form a fixed position. When one firefly emits a flash signal, the other fireflies respond after a few seconds, forming a rhythmic flash sequence.

Scientists' research into the phenomenon of synchronous flashes of fireflies has found that this phenomenon is achieved through a method called "collective behavior." When one firefly emits a flashing signal, other fireflies mimic its behavior by sensing and responding. This collective behavior can help fireflies attract the opposite sex more effectively and can also serve as a warning sign to ward off predators.

The phenomenon of firefly synchronised flashes is also widely used in the fields of biology and physics. By simulating and analyzing the flash behavior of fireflies, scientists can study and simulate complex collective behavior and dynamic systems. Firefly synchronous flash is also used in optical communication, energy-saving lighting and other fields, bringing many conveniences to human life.

Funny animal series - Synchronized Flash of Fireflies #Animals##Science##Stories#Everyone knows that fireflies are insects and have the ability to emit light. Inside the Stephen Chow movie
Funny animal series - Synchronized Flash of Fireflies #Animals##Science##Stories#Everyone knows that fireflies are insects and have the ability to emit light. Inside the Stephen Chow movie
Funny animal series - Synchronized Flash of Fireflies #Animals##Science##Stories#Everyone knows that fireflies are insects and have the ability to emit light. Inside the Stephen Chow movie

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