
Cheng Zhi, a singer who took the oath to | out of the army: he was honored to join the party because of his excellent military skills

author:Art Bloom

Speaking of the singer Cheng Zhi, everyone will think of "Revolutionaries Are Always Young", and also think of the story of him being discovered to learn music because he has a good voice. But many people can't imagine that Cheng Zhi was once a soldier with a real gun and a real bullet, and he was still a number of excellent soldiers with excellent skills when he was in the army... His experience in joining the Communist Party of China is also very much related to his life in the grass-roots troops.

Cheng Zhi, a singer who took the oath to | out of the army: he was honored to join the party because of his excellent military skills

In December 2020, singer Cheng Zhi was at the scene of the performance

Cheng Zhi's yearning for the Chinese Communist Party took root in his heart at a very young age. He was born into a revolutionary family, his father and mother both joined the revolution in the 1920s and 1930s, "My fathers and brothers were all soldiers, and our children went to the army in waves." At that time, Cheng Zhi was still a child, and he remembered that his father often said to the children: "We must treat the soldiers well, and in the future, our whole family will be a soldier, and we will also be a party member." "Going to the army and joining the party has become the family education that Cheng Zhi received from childhood."

In 1962, the 15-year-old Cheng Zhi had just finished high school, and due to the very tense external situation of the country at that time, cheng Zhi wanted to join the army. His father originally wanted Cheng Zhi to go to the army after graduating from high school, but he was bent on going to the battlefield for the country, and finally persuaded his father to go to Guangxi to join the army. "I was in the Secret Service Company at the time, living the life of an ordinary soldier, hard work is hard work, but I don't regret it at all." Cheng Zhi recalled that he got up at five o'clock every morning, began cross-country running, trained with comrades-in-arms, practiced basic projects such as shooting, learned communication and reconnaissance knowledge, and had to be on duty at night.

In 1965, the General Political Song and Dance Troupe came to Cheng Zhi's unit to perform condolence performances, and was also responsible for teaching the soldiers to sing. Because he often led songs in the army, Cheng Zhi's good voice was recognized by his comrades-in-arms, and the company sent him to learn to beat. In this way, Ma Xuan, the singer of the General Political Song and Dance Troupe, took a fancy to this young man who could sing, and specially instructed him: "Sing well to everyone, just sing like this, don't shout, don't shout badly." Not long after, Cheng Zhi received a paper transfer order asking him to report to the General Political Affairs Song and Dance Troupe.

In the company before going to the General Political Department, Cheng Zhi, as an ordinary soldier, submitted an application to join the party, "I first joined the regiment in the army, moved closer to the party organization, and also wrote an application. He officially joined the party in 1971, during which he experienced a different kind of "test.".

It is said that in 1970, Cheng Zhi was transferred back to the army and went from Beijing to work in the Hunan Provincial Military Region. When he first arrived in Hunan, Cheng Zhi temporarily worked in the Mao Zedong Thought Propaganda Brigade, and then went to the company of the Provincial Military Region to defend along the railway line as a soldier, "That was a combat duty company, that is, a military company, because I have always been excellent in military technology in the army, and all the major competitions are among the best, so I was transferred." ”

The troops have very high requirements for officers and men who apply to join the party, and their ideological level, military ability, and personal quality are all considered within the scope of inspection, of which military technology is excellent is a very important inspection item. In the hunan troops, Cheng Zhi is an excellent soldier who can be competent in all technologies, "assassination, bomb throwing, and shooting, these are the three basic technologies we must train, assassination is the first, and the others are also among the best." Therefore, Cheng Zhi once again submitted the application for joining the party to the company instructor.

Cheng Zhi clearly remembers that in 1971, when he was founded on August 1, 1971, he officially joined the party. "I grew up in the army, and I was educated by the party, whether I am a party member or not, I must listen to the party and demand myself according to the standards of party members." After joining the party, Cheng Zhi became more strict with himself and more understood the essence of "the party commands the gun".

Later, Cheng Zhi was transferred back to the General Political Affairs Song and Dance Troupe and sang a number of works praising the party and the people's children and soldiers. As a singer, he turned his feelings for the party into a classic lyric: "I will always hold my hand and be shot..."


Our party has gone through countless hardships and years of tempering to come to this day. On the great day of the centenary of the founding of the party, I sincerely wish that our great party will continue to grow, grow and strengthen, and always lead us to the front of happiness and prosperity. ——Cheng Zhi

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