
Illustrated "The Last Tango in Paris" Heroine Life Maria Schneider Also idol defeated and idol finally depressed

In addition to Romy Schneider, the "Princess Sissi", there is also Maria Schneider, who once played with the "Godfather" legend Marlon Brando. On the achievements of her acting career, many people will think that Maria is inferior to Romei; however, on the ups and downs and tragedies of life, Maria's short life is also full of misfortune. Pictured is Maria's film stills. (Photo attribution: Oriental IC) "

Illustrated "The Last Tango in Paris" Heroine Life Maria Schneider Also idol defeated and idol finally depressed

Maria was born in Paris in March 1952 to a Romanian bookseller and a French actor to a Father, but the two were not married, and the father never recognized his daughter. As a result, Maria was raised by her mother, who followed her surname, and the two lived in a small town on the Franco-German border. Pictured is Maria's film stills. (Photo attribution: g90/Oriental IC) "

Illustrated "The Last Tango in Paris" Heroine Life Maria Schneider Also idol defeated and idol finally depressed

Maria showed her love of cinema as early as she was young, going to the cinema 4 times a week. At the age of 15, she went to Paris alone after an argument with her mother, and made her debut on stage in the same year. At the time, she made ends meet Brigitte Bardot, a French sex icon on set, by working as a model and acting as a film extra. Bardot admired Maria's talent and knew her father, not only promoting her in her acting career, but also letting Maria live in her house. The picture shows maria's stills from her famous work "Last Tango in Paris", with Brando on the left and Maria on the right. (Photo attribution: g90/Oriental IC) "

Illustrated "The Last Tango in Paris" Heroine Life Maria Schneider Also idol defeated and idol finally depressed

Under bardot's promotion and guidance, Maria soon made a name for herself in the Paris film industry, debuting on the screen at the age of 18 and playing against Alain Delon, one of the most popular actors in Europe and the United States at that time. Although she did not play much at the time, her frank temperament and sweet and charming appearance successfully won the attention of the Italian director Bernardo Bertolucci, who chose her as the heroine of her work The Last Tango in Paris. The picture shows maria's stills from her famous work "Last Tango in Paris", with Brando on the left and Maria on the right. (Photo attribution: Anonymous/Oriental IC)

Illustrated "The Last Tango in Paris" Heroine Life Maria Schneider Also idol defeated and idol finally depressed

In The Last Tango in Paris, Maria co-starred with the American "Godfather" Oscar-winning Brando, and Bertolucci claimed that Maria "looks like a Lolita" and that her role is similar to Lolita's. In this film, Brando and Maria's passion scene completely exceeded the dual scale of film and real society at that time, causing great controversy. The picture shows the "Last Tango in Paris" on the set, bertolucci on the left, Brando in the middle, and Maria on the right. (Photo attribution: Anonymous/Oriental IC)

Illustrated "The Last Tango in Paris" Heroine Life Maria Schneider Also idol defeated and idol finally depressed

"The Last Tango in Paris" earned Brando and Bertolucci oscar nominations together, and also made Maria famous overnight, but Maria's tragic life also fell into the abyss: the film not only fixed her image in the minds of audiences to the description of "sexy", but also led to her reputation in the conservative society of the time. At the same time, Maria was still young at the time, did not adapt to the life of a star, began to drink and take drugs, as a way to escape reality, and even attempted suicide many times. Maria goes to a psychiatric hospital for medical treatment in 1978. (Photo attribution: Oriental IC) "

Illustrated "The Last Tango in Paris" Heroine Life Maria Schneider Also idol defeated and idol finally depressed

After filming The Last Tango in Paris, Maria also tried to continue making films, but began to deliberately avoid roles that needed to be nudity, and her acting career was not as smooth as she hoped. Although she has always maintained a friendship with Brando, she has always been suspicious. Maria remained unmarried and had no children. (Photo attribution: Anonymous/Oriental IC)

Illustrated "The Last Tango in Paris" Heroine Life Maria Schneider Also idol defeated and idol finally depressed

Maria died of illness in Paris in February 2011, and numerous filmmakers, including Alain Deron, attended her funeral. Two years later, Bertolucci openly admitted that during the filming of The Last Tango in Paris, he and Brando secretly decided to "fake it" in a passion scene, and declared to Maria afterwards that it was art, while also saying that he felt guilty but did not regret it. As soon as this interview came out, it immediately caused a global uproar. (Photo attribution: Oriental IC) "

Illustrated "The Last Tango in Paris" Heroine Life Maria Schneider Also idol defeated and idol finally depressed

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