
The 2021 Cross-Strait and Hong Kong and Macao Internet Development Forum was held, and the integration of digital intelligence was discussed

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Wu Yi correspondent Yuan Xuyang

On the afternoon of September 26, the World Internet Conference and cross-strait and Hong Kong and Macao Internet Development Forum was held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province. 25 representatives from all walks of life from both sides of the Taiwan Straits, Hong Kong and Macao conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on the theme of "Digital Intelligence Integration and Win-Win Future", and more than 200 on-site audiences and more than 1,000 online audiences watched the forum.

The 2021 World Internet Conference Cross-Strait and Hong Kong and Macao Internet Development Forum is hosted by Sun Yat-sen University, Want Want Zhongshi Media Group, Hong Kong Phoenix Satellite TV, Macao New Media Alliance, etc., and hosted by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Development Research Institute of Sun Yat-sen University, a national high-end think tank.

The 2021 Cross-Strait and Hong Kong and Macao Internet Development Forum was held, and the integration of digital intelligence was discussed

Photo of the forum venue. The pictures in this article are provided by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Development Research Institute

At the opening ceremony, Liang Zhenying, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, delivered a speech in real time, Chen Yuanfeng, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, delivered a speech on the spot, Chen Dong, deputy director of the Hong Kong Central Liaison Office, and Yan Zhichan, deputy director of the Macao Central Liaison Office, delivered video speeches. Chen Chunsheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Sun Yat-sen University, Cai Shaozhong, President of Wang Wang Zhongshi Media Group, Liu Shuang, CEO of and Chief Operating Officer of Phoenix Satellite TV, and Zhu Haisheng, Chairman of The Macau New Media Alliance and President of Macau Business Daily, delivered speeches online and offline.

The 2021 Cross-Strait and Hong Kong and Macao Internet Development Forum was held, and the integration of digital intelligence was discussed

Liang Zhenying, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, delivered a speech in real time.

With the theme of "Digital-Intelligent Integration and Win-Win Future", Leung Chun-ying stressed that scientific and technological innovation will make greater contributions to the well-being of the people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits and Hong Kong and Macao, and to this end, it is necessary to establish mechanisms and rules for cross-border data flow in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, further explore industry-recognized pilot programs, safety standards, and cooperation in supervision and certification.

The 2021 Cross-Strait and Hong Kong and Macao Internet Development Forum was held, and the integration of digital intelligence was discussed

Chen Yuanfeng, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, delivered a speech.

Chen Yuanfeng said that in today's turbulent tradition and modernity and in the "Internet of Everything," in order to further promote cross-strait digital cooperation, we can do a good job in three aspects: First, make good use of the Internet and promote exchanges and exchanges between compatriots on both sides of the strait, because "people cannot meet, but hearts are connected" during the epidemic; second, use the Internet to promote cross-strait media integration, promote cross-strait cultural prosperity, and tell cross-strait stories; third, use the Internet as a platform to build a broad space for young people on both sides of the strait to find employment and start a business.

The 2021 Cross-Strait and Hong Kong and Macao Internet Development Forum was held, and the integration of digital intelligence was discussed

Chen Dong, deputy director of the Liaison Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Hong Kong, delivered a video speech.

Chen Dong made three remarks on the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, Hong Kong and Macao, working hand in hand to move toward a new era of digital civilization. First, Hong Kong will open a new chapter of good governance and good governance, which will press the "fast-forward button" for the development of the local digital economy; second, Hong Kong can make good use of the new platform of the digital economy and actively integrate into the overall situation of national development; third, Hong Kong can give full play to the new advantages of the digital economy and serve the country's high-level opening up.

The 2021 Cross-Strait and Hong Kong and Macao Internet Development Forum was held, and the integration of digital intelligence was discussed

Yan Zhichan, deputy director of the Macao Central Liaison Office, delivered a video speech.

Yan Zhichan said that the "Overall Plan for the Construction of Hengqin-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone" puts forward a series of important measures such as the development of big data, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, which will inject new momentum into Macao's future development. New technologies and applications of the Internet in the mainland continue to emerge, becoming the main channel for Macao residents, especially young people, to experience the development of the country. It is believed that with the strong backing of the motherland, Macao's Internet cause will certainly be able to enter the fast lane.

The 2021 Cross-Strait and Hong Kong and Macao Internet Development Forum was held, and the integration of digital intelligence was discussed

Chen Chunsheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Sun Yat-sen University, delivered a video speech.

Chen Chunsheng said that Sun Yat-sen University is closely integrated into the development of the Bay Area, giving full play to the advantages of talent training, basic research, scientific and technological innovation and decision-making research, actively giving play to major scientific and technological platforms such as the "Tianhe-2" supercomputer and the role of the guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Development Research Institute as a national high-end think tank, and going all out to serve the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

The forum set up three roundtable forums: "Science and Technology, Internet and Anti-epidemic Experience", "Culture, Media Communication and Cultural Integration", and "Life, Digital Economy and Youth Life". The guests conducted in-depth exchanges on how Internet technology can help defeat the epidemic, promote cultural dissemination, and empower digital life, focusing on the value and trend of scientific and technological innovation in promoting cross-strait and Hong Kong-Macao industry cooperation, enhancing people's well-being, and promoting cross-strait prosperity and development.

The 2021 Cross-Strait and Hong Kong and Macao Internet Development Forum was held, and the integration of digital intelligence was discussed

Roundtable forum on "Technology, Internet and Anti-epidemic Experience".

In the roundtable forum on "Technology, Internet and Anti-epidemic Experience", the Secretary for Innovation and Technology of Hong Kong, Xue Yongyong, and the Secretary for Health of Macao, Mr Law Yilong, shared the experience of the Internet and anti-epidemic in Hong Kong and Macao, such as the use of digital technology in Hong Kong to launch convenient application services, and the "mutual recognition and exchange" of Macao health code and Guangdong kang code. Zhang Zhi'an, vice president of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Development Research Institute of Sun Yat-sen University, introduced the practices and effects of different types of technology enterprises in helping to fight the epidemic. Wang Wei, CEO of Weibo COO and Sina Mobile, emphasized that large technology companies should pursue higher value, introduced Sina's data-driven rapid dissemination of authoritative information in mainstream media, and its active role in donating money, seeking help for free clinics, and quickly dispelling rumors. Cai Quan, president of Hunan Wangwang Hospital, has the right to see the changes and trends after the outbreak of the epidemic through the hospital's medical data, and believes that the epidemic has accelerated the process of survival of the fittest in the industry and provided a broad space for enterprises with strong anti-risk ability.

The 2021 Cross-Strait and Hong Kong and Macao Internet Development Forum was held, and the integration of digital intelligence was discussed

Roundtable Forum on "Cultural Media Communication and Cultural Integration".

In the roundtable forum on "Culture, Media Communication and Cultural Integration", iQIYI CEO Gong Yu, Tencent Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations Li Hang, well-known director Cai Yuexun, Director of the Hong Kong Palace Museum Wu Zhihua, Secretary for Cultural Affairs of the Macao SAR Government Mu Xinxin, senior producer Lai Congbi delivered speeches. The guests said that the two sides of the strait and the three places have the same origin, and Internet companies are using different media communication methods to help the integration and development of China's excellent traditional culture.

Gong Yu said that iQIYI is using "intelligent production" to achieve technical support for the whole process from data analysis to content prediction, industry standardization, and intelligent production tool assistance. Li Hang believes that in inheriting and promoting traditional culture, the Internet has the role of breaking the boundaries of time and space, amplifying high-quality content, and building interactive platforms. Cai Yuexun suggested that the two sides of the taiwan strait can focus on movies, variety shows, TV dramas, etc. as the starting point, create content that can be "dialogue", and further strengthen "identity". Mu Xinxin introduced the relevant situation of Art And Culture Macao, pointing out that the use of scientific and technological means such as the Internet is enriching the cultural experience of the Macao public, and has also given new connotations to art as a medium in the post-epidemic era.

The 2021 Cross-Strait and Hong Kong and Macao Internet Development Forum was held, and the integration of digital intelligence was discussed

Roundtable Forum on "Life, Digital Economy and Youth Life".

In the roundtable forum "Life, Digital Economy and Youth Life", industry elites and experts and scholars discussed the new opportunities and challenges brought by digital life to young people. Tang Xujun, director of the Institute of Journalism and Communication of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, pointed out that it is necessary to face up to the important influence of online consumerism on the "Z generation", make use of its characteristics, and play an active role. Cheng Li, chief technology officer of Alibaba Group, believes that the constant value anchor and driving engine of scientific and technological innovation are always "people", and young people are the new force of science and technology society, so that young people have more opportunities and resources to participate in innovation. Wang Yaoqing, a famous actor, said that as a content creator, you should always think about how to make good use of digital tools to present more works that everyone likes and has positive energy value. Pan Fuxi, Chief Executive Officer of CTM Limited, Sin Handi, President of the Internet Professional Association, and Yang Debin, President of the International Information Technology Association of the Greater Bay Area, delivered speeches through video and wired, calling for better support policies for young people to participate in the experience and creation of digital culture, so that young people can participate in Internet entrepreneurship with more sense of gain and achievement.

This forum has realized cross-border exchanges, cross-border dialogues, and integration across time, space and distance, which will further promote cross-strait and Hong Kong-Macao industry cooperation and lay a more solid foundation for the prosperity and development of the Internet industry on both sides of the Straits and Hong Kong and Macao.

Editor-in-Charge: Jiang Ziwen

Proofreader: Ding Xiao

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