
The amazing effect of the indoor air purification artifact - the money tree

author:Xiao Xiao said flowers

The money tree, as one of the representatives of indoor flowers, has won the favor of many florists with its evergreen leaves and fruitful fruits. It not only has an aesthetic appearance, but also has a rich nutritional content and has a variety of benefits.

The amazing effect of the indoor air purification artifact - the money tree

First, the benefits of the money tree

First of all, the money tree can absorb harmful gases and radiation in the room and effectively purify the air. At the same time, its dense foliage can also reduce indoor noise and improve environmental comfort. In addition, the fruit of the money tree is rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, which can strengthen the body's immunity and promote metabolism.

Second, the meaning of the money tree

Money trees have auspicious meanings such as "attracting wealth into treasure" and "wealth is abundant" in traditional Chinese culture, so it has become the first choice for indoor potted plants in many families. At the same time, the flourishing branches of the money tree symbolize the prosperity of the family, and symbolize the success of the career and the happiness of the family.

The amazing effect of the indoor air purification artifact - the money tree

Third, the cultivation method of the money tree

Soil selection: Money trees prefer fertile, loose and breathable soil, and can choose nutrient-rich garden soil, saprophyll soil, etc. as cultivation medium.

Light requirements: Money trees like a well-lit environment, but they also need to be careful to avoid excessive sunlight.

Temperature requirements: Money trees have high requirements for environmental temperature, generally kept at room temperature above 18°C.

Watering precautions: Money trees like a humid environment, but they are not resistant to waterlogging, so they need to pay attention to controlling the amount of water during the watering process and keep the soil moderately moist.

Regular fertilization: Money trees grow quickly and need regular fertilization to ensure their adequate nutrient supply.

The amazing effect of the indoor air purification artifact - the money tree

Fourth, the popular science knowledge of the money tree

Money trees are perennial shrubs or small trees belonging to the fig family, Ficus family. Its appearance shows the characteristics of "lush leaves and fruits", and is widely used in indoor greening and garden construction. At present, a variety of varieties of money trees have been found in the world, such as longevity flower, purple flower ficus, silver-edged ficus and so on.

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