
The worst movie of the year is going to be taken down

The worst movie of the year is going to be taken down

This is a movie that can "fake the real thing".

Full amateur actor -

two starring actors, one is a taxi driver and the other is a rural elementary school student;

Great Northwest without filters –

The whole northern Shaanxi dialect, empty wilderness;

Appeared in full face -

snot marks on the little boy's face, stained sleeves;

The seller was a wrinkled army coat and a lumpy beard.

If you don't read the introduction, I'm afraid it really makes people think that this is a documentary.

However, this is precisely the biggest attraction of "Rattle", the "deadly truth".

In fact, the director was originally from a documentary film, and he also thought about making a documentary, but he finally dismissed this idea.

He was afraid that those children would not want to see themselves as children when they grew up.

Just because the children focused on in the film are the epitome of China's 6.97 million people, they all have a common name -

Left-behind children.

It is rare to see films about left-behind children in theaters, and the release of "Rattle Bang" was a great opportunity to pay attention to the plight of left-behind children.

However, the film's box office was extremely dismal, and after a month of release, the box office was less than 2 million.

It is foreseeable that the fate of this movie may be quietly drowned in a hustle and bustle.

It's like left-behind children who are always in the corner of society and are not seen.

A cinema hall that is "chartered" by the underestimate

"Deadly Truth"

Edamame in the film is a left-behind child.

His mother thought the family was poor, and ran away from home a hundred days after giving birth to him.

Dad went out to work, and by the way, he inquired about his wife's whereabouts, and he didn't come home for two years.

In the cold and deserted home, only he and his grandmother were left to rely on each other.

However, edamame is not a good child, and usually does not worry about grandma.

He went to grab the other children's artillery fights, but when he couldn't grab it, he bit people's arms fiercely and didn't let go.

It wasn't until his grandmother came to persuade him: "Bite daddy again and won't come back" that he obediently let go.

He sneaked into the trunk of the seller Gou Ren, accidentally ignited the cannonball, burned the stored goods, and saddled with a debt of nearly five thousand yuan.

Gou Ren had no choice but to take him to his father to ask for compensation, and edamame couldn't sit still in the car, took off the rattle hanging from the roof, took a nail and scratched the sticker on it, and poked a hole hard.

And that rattle is Gou Ren's most cherished item, his son's relic.

Whoever looks at it, Edamame is an incorrigible bear child.

But in fact, when you see the end, you will find that the deepest wound in the heart of edamame.

Robbing other children's cannon fights because no one bought them for him.

Sneaked into the trunk of Gou Ren's truck to find his father.

I really missed my father, and my grandmother comforted him: as long as I scored 100 points in the exam, I could see my father.

Edamame naively believed it, but he took two hundred points, the award was plastered all over the house, ran to the entrance of the village to look at it from afar, and among the people who got off the bus, his father was never seen.

After the death of his grandmother, only edamame was left in the family, and his relatives ignored him and pushed him around.

So when Gou Ren wanted to take him back, he said nothing to go back, and even jumped on the road to escape, crying against the empty wilderness:

"I'm not going back, no one kisses me."

In the end, Edamame's father was found, but Gou Ren's debt was not collected.

Because edamame's dad died a long time ago.

The bodies were found under the bridge and were already smelly when they were found.

After learning the truth, Gou Ren can only send edamame home, and before parting, he gives his most precious rattle to edamame, and the hole that was punctured by edamame has long been put on a band-aid by him, just as he briefly made up for the missing love of edamame.

At the end of the film, Edamame cries while shaking a rattle while chasing Gou Ren's truck, but no matter how he chases, he can't catch up, just like the unreachable fatherly love he longs for.

A lifetime of being trapped

Although the film is realistic enough, sadly, the plight encountered by edamame is still only a small slice of tens of millions of left-behind children.

The plight of left-behind children in reality is even more desperate.

From the moment they were born, they booked an unhappy childhood.

Most of the innocence of their age is related to nature.

The toy is a little frog bouncing in a puddle;

Playgrounds are fields where you can run at will;

The puppet doll that can speak in a whisper is an old cow in the cowshed.

And when the adult world came to them in advance, their innocence was also mercilessly harvested.

A little girl named Gayi, her parents worked outside, leaving her at home with her brother, grandfather, and grandmother, and as an older sister, she became the pillar of the family.

From the housework of taking care of his younger brother, making a fire to cook, washing dishes, and washing clothes, to the farm work of herding cattle, cutting grass, and picking wild vegetables, he is skilled in all kinds of operations, and he is skilled in not seeing the figure of a child.

And she's only 7 years old.

"Sensible", embodied in them, is not a compliment.

They don't have a choice at all.

A little girl named Jiang Yunjie was asked if she wanted to eat snacks, and she shook her head: "I don't want to."

The reason is that "mom and dad have to earn money to see grandma, and the family has little money, so they should use less."

The other side of "sensible" is the reality and helplessness that they have to face, forcing them to mature in advance and become little adults.

Source: "Children of the Village"

However, the only way out of their predicament before them, reading, is also full of thorns.

I don't know if you remember the "Ice Flower Boy" in Ludian, Yunnan.

In the classroom, a little boy had his head covered in ice flowers, his eyebrows and eyelids were also white, and his cheeks were frozen red.

Source: Network

The reason was that the boy's home was five kilometers from the school, and in the cold winter, he wore a thin coat to school, went out before dawn, and staggered for more than an hour to get to school, which is his daily routine.

Many of the left-behind children's schools are built in distant towns with no dormitories, and they have to walk several kilometers of mountain roads every day to get to school.

In "Children of the Village", children walk 10 kilometers to school, passing through narrow jungle roads, mud roads full of puddles, and roads with traffic, and walk for three hours to get to school.

Source: "Children of the Village"

Nine-year-old Jiang Yunjie should have gone to town for fourth grade, but her grandmother was not worried that she would go to school alone, so she could only repeat the grade and repeat the second grade twice.

Grandma said ashamedly:

"I can't stop her."

Another conundrum is that meagre salaries can't keep teachers.

In "Children of the Village", a substitute teacher's salary is only six or seven hundred yuan, which is still after the increase, and it used to be only one or two hundred yuan.

It can be said that he persisted here for 16 years entirely with his love for education, and finally left due to financial conditions.

The muddy road to school, scarce educational resources, this upward road, is full of obstacles.

Source: Definition 2021

Of course, in the end, it's all a question – money.

After Zhong Fangrong, a left-behind child, was admitted to Peking University, she firmly chose her dream archaeology major despite the dissuasion of the outside world.

However, this is something that most left-behind children dare not imagine.

In the documentary "The Road", the director asked several left-behind children the same question one after another: What do you want to do when you grow up?

I didn't hear about the expected professions of scientists, astronauts, teachers, etc., and their answers were terrifyingly realistic -


Because part-time work can make money, mom and dad are not so tired.

Source: "Children of the Village"

I vaguely remember that when Zhong Fangrong's mother learned that she was admitted to Peking University, the most exciting thing was that her next generation no longer had to stay.

This is also the most difficult place for left-behind children to break through.

Dropping out of school to work is equivalent to following the old path of their parents, and generations of left-behind children have stepped on the footprints of their parents and are trapped in the spell of the intergenerational cycle.

Who will save them?

The curse of not escaping the intergenerational cycle is not the end.

The lives of left-behind children will be interrupted at a fragile chain and will fall into the abyss.

Without the guidance of adults, they can easily go crooked, which also brings the problem of left-behind children into the public's attention -

In 2012, a 12-year-old left-behind teenager killed his cousin, cousin, and aunt because of daily chores;

In 2015, a left-behind child in Hunan killed a 73-year-old woman, took more than 700 yuan in cash from her and fled the scene.

In 2015, three teenage minors killed a 53-year-old female teacher with sticks and scissors, snatching 2,000 pieces.......

Li Meijin, a well-known criminal psychology expert, has always emphasized the importance of family education, because she believes that in the process of human growth, the absence of parents is a very dangerous thing:

"The bottom line of being human is what parents give their children when they are young. There are many firsts in life, the first time you do something wrong, the first time you are willful, the first time you lie. The first stop is completely different from the subsequent stop. ”

Many left-behind children who lack parental guidance do not know what the consequences of committing a crime are before they are committed.

There was even a left-behind child who, after confessing to the crime, asked the police, "Can I leave?" ”

But more often than not, they are victims.

Left-behind girls are the hardest hit by child sexual abuse.

Because their parents have been working outside the home for a long time, and the elderly in the family are too busy with farm work to take care of, criminals have the opportunity to commit crimes, often spanning several years.

In Pingnan, Guangxi, shortly after the birth of Xiaoyue, a left-behind child, her mother left home, her father worked outside the home, and she lived with her sister and grandparents.

In order to save the four-hour walk to school, Satsuki lives in the nursery next to the school.

It was also here that Satsuki and 9 girls fell into the magic net -

They were all sexually assaulted by their boarding teachers.

When Satsuki was sexually assaulted, she didn't know what it meant, and before that, no one had ever told her how to prevent sexual assault.

Even if there is no external abuse, these left-behind children will still face the problem of psychological depression, and no one around them can solve it in time, and they gradually lose hope in life.

Earlier, the suicide of four left-behind children in Bijie by drinking pesticides collectively caused a sensation throughout the country.

The oldest of the four children is 13 years old and the youngest is 5 years old.

The oldest brother left a suicide note:

"Thank you for your kindness, I know you are good to me, but I should go. I once swore that I would not live to be 15 years old, and death was my dream for many years, and today it is cleared. ”

When they were young, their parents went out to work, leaving their four siblings at home alone.

Sadly, until their deaths, the parents of the four children were still not heard.

Schopenhauer once said:

"When a person's fear of survival is greater than his fear of death, he chooses suicide."

Perhaps, for left-behind children, the world without family and love is no different from hell.

Who will save them?

Change starts with focus

"I like the New Year, my parents can come back after the New Year, and I don't like the New Year, after the New Year, they will leave."

Growing up, the first thing every left-behind child learns is parting.

Kaichi's mother came back for the New Year and was about to leave home to work in Guangdong within a few days, and the adults were sending her mother away outside, only Kaichi hid in the quilt and cried, and his whole body couldn't stop shaking.

The younger brother on the side ran over and patted his sister, and also cried.

Grandpa came over to comfort her: "Play with you at home, how can you have money to build a house and build a house." ”

As the saying goes, "If I go, I can't hug you, and if I don't go, I can't feed you." ”

Source: "Plus One"

Whenever left-behind children have problems, we often place the blame on their parents.

But for their parents, why not a pain?

These parents who went out to work set foot on distant journeys after giving birth to their children.

Although he has the name of his parents, he has never fully experienced the reality of his parents' role.

Can't forget a scene from "Children of the Village":

Two left-behind children and their parents working outside the home made a video call, and people on both ends cried and wiped tears frequently.

Their parents bitterly advised them to go to college, "Don't be like mom and dad, it's too hard to be a migrant worker." ”

Source: "Children of the Village"

It is only then, separated by distance, that parents and children learn how to express love.

Without traditional euphemisms, they express their love to each other in a straightforward and passionate way:

"Mom and Dad love you very much."

The child on the opposite side put away his usual naughtiness, wiped his tears, stared at his mother, and his eyes were bright:

"Mom, I love you."

Source: "Children of the Village"

Seeing this, some people may wonder: what can our attention change?

As documentary filmmaker Jiang Nengjie once met an audience member at the screening of the film said, "These films should be shown to officials, legal citizens who have paid taxes."

It is true that the phenomenon of left-behind children is a huge social problem, which involves unbalanced economic development between urban and rural areas, the compulsory education system separated from urban and rural areas, the dual household registration system, high housing prices and other social problems that are difficult to shake.

But as Jiang Nengjie said: "You are not alone, if something happens to their children, it may also affect your children, and no one can ignore an unsound system."

Source: "Children of the Village"

Bai Zhiqiang, the director of "Rattle", also saw this, so he had to work hard to shoot a movie that did not make money.

Since the beginning of the script writing, many people have told him that this film is difficult to succeed, and a friend said bluntly: "If there is no way out, you will build it", but he felt that since he saw the plight of left-behind children, he must do something.

In the process of film preparation, a sponsorship was not pulled, and when the crew's funds were the most difficult, Kari only had 7 yuan, and finally the director mortgaged his house to barely complete the shooting.

Source: "Rattle"

Another stubborn director, Jiang Nengjie, also made a movie about left-behind children "Shorty".

For this movie, he drained the down payment that should have been used to buy a house, and in the end, the box office of the film was even more dismal, only 260,000.

In the ten years of making documentaries, he was mostly in debt, because he always paid attention to the bottom life, did not have "positive energy", and was criticized as "unpatriotic".

In fact, this is how he was patriotic:

"It is precisely because we love our country that we feel that the land in this country and the people living here are all related to us, and our next generation must grow up here, so that we hope to reflect the problems and let more people pay attention to it and make changes."

There are always people who stubbornly believe in and cling to seemingly unrealistic ideals in places we don't know.

Source: Cat's Eye Movies

But are these efforts really useless?

After the media reported on the "Ice Flower Boy" mentioned above, many members of the public have donated, along with his school, which has built a dormitory, and he no longer has to walk to school every day.

Jiang Yunjie, who is sensible and distressed in "Short Woman", was not forced to work in a factory, but continued to study with the financial support of society.

Fan Weiyuan, a left-behind child in "Children of the Village", has been working odd jobs to earn tuition since junior high school, she once said in despair: "No matter how cheap a university is, I can't afford it", and after the documentary was broadcast, she was successfully admitted to university with the financial support of the society...

Source: "Children of the Village"

You see, vocalization is heard by someone, attention is useful, which is why Xiaoshi wrote this article.

Change is hard, but change starts with focus.

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