
#Headline Creation Challenge##Book Punch Card##Copy Book, Practice Words, Calm Heart#Good mood does not come from smooth sailing, but grows in a calm and firm courage!

author:The fragrance of the wood season

#头条创作挑战赛 #

#Copying books and punching in# #抄抄书 Practice words and calm your mind# A good mood does not come from smooth sailing, but from a calm and firm courage!

#Headline Creation Challenge##Book Punch Card##Copy Book, Practice Words, Calm Heart#Good mood does not come from smooth sailing, but grows in a calm and firm courage!
#Headline Creation Challenge##Book Punch Card##Copy Book, Practice Words, Calm Heart#Good mood does not come from smooth sailing, but grows in a calm and firm courage!
#Headline Creation Challenge##Book Punch Card##Copy Book, Practice Words, Calm Heart#Good mood does not come from smooth sailing, but grows in a calm and firm courage!

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