
Lu Su: Iq is comparable to Zhuge Liang, for two reasons, but Luo Guanzhong portrayed as an honest person

author:Historically realistic

Young and rough can not be light, the edge of the bed to see the painting is the most distinct. Zhi General Zhuge Tongxin, Empty by Zhang Zhao's name.

The great cause was set from behind, and the monument was horizontal from the front of the tomb. Refers to the controversy of the righteous people because of the wind, how can the details be summarized.

The above poem comes from the tomb couplet of Lu Su, a politician, military expert, and strategist of the Eastern Wu regime during the Three Kingdoms period, who had different images in speeches, operas, and history, and was generous when his friends borrowed grain, and generously gave half of the family assets with a wave of his hand; when he urged Sun Liu to unite at the time of Chibi, he danced well in the two forces; when he asked for Jingzhou, he was turned around by Zhuge Liang's tuantuan; and when he was held hostage by Guan Yu during the single knife meeting, Jingzhou still did not return. So which one is the real Lu Su? What can the real Lu Su say?

Don't worry, let's take our time.

Lu Su: Iq is comparable to Zhuge Liang, for two reasons, but Luo Guanzhong portrayed as an honest person

First, half of the family property, say give, give

In the turmoil in the world at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the first was the Great Yellow Turban Uprising, which made the situation in the world not as "great auspicious" as mentioned in the slogan of the uprising, but instead made the Eastern Han Dynasty regime, which was already weak and could not help the wind, collapse. In the central imperial court, the ten permanent attendants fought with foreign relatives, and the eighteen princes of the Eighteen Roads after Dong Zhuo entered the capital beg Dong. Locally, the powerful people frantically annexed land, forcing a large number of peasants into exile, white bones, starvation, and floating corpses, and it is difficult to imagine whether there is still a pure land in such a social environment.

There really is.

In Dongcheng County, Linhuai County (present-day Dingyuan County, Chuzhou City, Anhui Province), there was a "non-mainstream" landlord who said that he was "non-mainstream" because at a time when other powerful people continued to annex land and accumulate land and property to protect themselves, only this landlord spread his family wealth, received help from the poor, made friends with sages, and had a very good reputation in his hometown. He is Lu Su.

When Lu Su was young, his father died early, so he has been living with his grandmother, and fortunately, the family is solid, and this old and young life is also worry-free. He met his good friend Zhou Yu when he was spreading his family wealth and making friends with the Wise Men.

Lu Su: Iq is comparable to Zhuge Liang, for two reasons, but Luo Guanzhong portrayed as an honest person

At that time, the southern warlord Yuan Shu wanted to appoint Zhou Yu as a general, but Zhou Yu saw that Yuan Shu was not enough to achieve great things and offered to serve as the governor of Juchao County. During his term of office, he heard that someone was called Lu Su and was willing to be charitable, so he tried to test it, and then he took hundreds of people to Dongcheng County, where Lu Su was located, and asked to borrow grain to support him. At that time, Lu Su's family had two warehouses of rice, according to the eastern Han Dynasty's measurement unit, there was no warehouse about 360,000 pounds, which was a lot of wealth in the context of the times at that time, Lu Su pointed to one of the warehouses for Zhou Yu to take, it may be that Zhou Yu was also shocked, thinking that Lu Su was different from ordinary people, so he took the initiative to make friends, and the two became friends from then on.

People are clustered in groups, and things are grouped together. The two have similar personalities and have very similar insights. Lu Su's deeds soon reached Yuan Shu's ears, and Yuan Shu wanted to recruit Lu Su to be the governor of Dongcheng, and Lu Su, like Zhou Yu during his tenure, found that Yuan Shumu was lawless, so he moved his family and went to Zhou Yu and returned to Sun Ce's account.

Lu Su: Iq is comparable to Zhuge Liang, for two reasons, but Luo Guanzhong portrayed as an honest person

Second, Mu Ran looked back, and the Lord was at the end of the light

In the fifth year of Jian'an (200 AD), the "light and unprepared" Sun Ce was assassinated, and Sun Ce's sudden death dealt a great blow to the Sun clan, and for Lu Su, he also lost a Ming Lord who continued to serve. Coinciding with the death of his grandmother who had raised Lu Su due to illness, Lu Su, who had just settled down, rushed back to his hometown in Dongcheng to take care of his grandmother's affairs, during which he received a letter from Liu Ye, who was also his friend Liu Ye, who was also his friend, who was also a good friend who had "bombed" Yuan Shao's camp with thunderbolt cars for Cao Cao, suggesting that Lu Su surrender to Zheng Bao in the north made him quite moved.

At this time, Lu Su's home had also been settled in place and decided to go. Although at this time Zhou Yu was busy taking care of the cause left by his brother after his death, he was still very concerned about Lu Su, and after he paid attention to Lu Su's movements and expected him to find another place, he "migrated his mother to Wu", in order to keep Lu Su to serve Sun Quan and also to exert Lu Su's ambitions. But sun quan is young after all, and whether this teenager can inherit the inheritance of his father and brother is still unknown.

Zhou Yu knew what Lu Su was thinking in his heart, so he advised: "Now the master is pro-xian and noble, Naqi is different, and I have heard the secret theory of the ancestors, and those who carry the Liu clan will be happy in the southeast, push the situation forward, and be its calendar." The final emperor base, with the Heavenly Charm, is the autumn of the martyr climbing the dragon and attaching the phoenix. Lu Su happily stayed, and began his extraordinary life from then on.

Lu Su: Iq is comparable to Zhuge Liang, for two reasons, but Luo Guanzhong portrayed as an honest person

However, at this time, Lu Su did not have the same situation as Zhuge Liang was taken care of by The Three, as the young lord of the first jiangdong, Sun Quan's understanding of Lu Su was limited to Zhou Yu's words, how Lu Su was still unknown, and the same Lu Su was also black on Sun Quan, the young lord. Both sides need a meeting to see if the person sitting opposite is a male lord or a virtuous man.

The opportunity came quickly, Sun Quan heard of Lu Su's arrival and immediately summoned at the suggestion of Zhou Yu, determined to find out what kind of talent this talent who was praised by Zhou Yu, who was like his brother, Lu Su also tacitly wanted to investigate Sun Quan, after all, Zhou Yu's recommendation was just a stepping stone, and the person who finally made the decision was this young man. So under sun quan's careful planning and Lu Su's meticulous preparations, a meeting no less than that of "Three Gu Maolu" began.

Lu Su: Iq is comparable to Zhuge Liang, for two reasons, but Luo Guanzhong portrayed as an honest person

Third, the strategic concept of the Comparable Long Central Pair

In the fifth year of Jian'an (200 AD), Sun Quan, as the new leader of Jiangdong, feasted on guests in Wu County and sent someone to invite Lu Su to come. A flesh and blood fanggang, an old man holding a heavy weight, in this two-way choice, "not only the king chooses the subject, but also the subject chooses the king" . Between the cups and cups, Lu Su quickly stood out at this banquet, and Sun Quan was also surprised by Lu Su's words at the banquet, so after the guests dispersed, he left Lu Su alone to "lead Su alone" and went to the back room to "drink together on the same bed". It can be seen that Sun Quan attaches great importance to Lu Su, which in turn triggers a "bed policy" that is very important to the Sun Group.

If the banquet is full of people and more of a scene, then what is shown in the one-on-one in-depth communication can be called a pearl of words.

The first person to ask the question was Sun Quan: "The Han Dynasty is in danger, the clouds are disturbed in all directions, the father and brother are alone, and the merits of Huan Wen are thought of." If the king patronizes, why should he accompany it? "

Lu Su: Iq is comparable to Zhuge Liang, for two reasons, but Luo Guanzhong portrayed as an honest person

This question fully shows the political ambitions of Sun Quan as a prince on the side of the division, and the Han room still exists in form, but at this time Sun Quan is not thinking about reviving the Han room, but establishing a career like qi huan gong and jin wen emperor, which makes Lu Su see that the young man on the other side is not ambitious, which is the best thing for the courtiers.

Faced with such a sensitive issue, Lu Su pointedly pointed out that in today's chaotic world, Cao Cao held Han Tianzi hostage, just like the story of Xiang Yu in those years, if you want to make a difference, you must eliminate Cao Cao, otherwise it will be difficult to succeed in hegemony and Jiangdong will not be protected. Although Cao Cao was busy conquering Hebei at that time, which was still too far away for Jiangdong, Lu Su had already considered the relationship with Cao Cao's forces, which showed his long-term vision.

But after all, there are only six counties in Jiangdong now, and it is only a matter of time before Cao Cao occupies Hebei, so how to eliminate the biggest enemy on the way forward?

Lu Su did not speak bluntly, but pointed out that Cao Cao's great power was not invincible overnight, and the revival of the Han Dynasty was also far away, so Jiangdong must first stand in an invincible position.

"Dingzu Jiangdong, to see the world's provocations." The scale is not to be blamed. Who? Northern sincerity is also multi-tasking. Because of its many tasks, he eliminated Huang Zu, entered Liu Biao, and even the Yangtze River was extreme, according to it, and then built an emperor to try to the world, and this high emperor's karma was also. "

Lu Su: Iq is comparable to Zhuge Liang, for two reasons, but Luo Guanzhong portrayed as an honest person

That is, first of all, taking advantage of the chaotic war between the princes of the Central Plains and the lack of time to look south, and Jiangnan still has no powerful separatist forces, take this opportunity to go west to suppress Huang Zu, occupy Jingzhou, and then occupy Yizhou, so that the entire south of the Yangtze River will be taken as their own, and the Yangtze River Will be used to establish the great cause of the emperor.

Isn't it familiar to see here? Is Lu Su's strategic plan for Sun Quan very similar to the "Longzhong Confrontation" made by Zhuge Liang to Emperor Liu during the "Three Gu Caolu"? Both Lu Su and Zhuge Liang based their analysis of the background of the times at that time, and put forward strategic concepts that conformed to the development trend of the times for the political forces they worked for, which can be said to be on par with each other.

First, from the perspective of strategic direction. Lu Su's "Tatami Strategy" and Zhuge Liang's "Longzhong Pair" both made consideration of Jingzhou and Yizhou, which was out of the strategic idea of avoiding reality and attacking falsehood. The "Tatami Strategy" was proposed at a critical time when the two major forces in the north, the Cao Cao clique and the Yuan Shao clique, were competing with each other for the Central Plains, and the Sun clique at this time was unable to move north. When the "Longzhong Pair" was proposed, Cao Cao was already dominating the north, and its momentum was already established, and it was indisputable. Therefore, Jingzhou and Yizhou have become the objects that both want to compete for, so that they have the capital to compete with the north.

Secondly, from the perspective of strategic objectives, both the "Tatami Strategy" and the "Longzhong Pair" have made detailed strategic arrangements for their respective forces, and both have set up the same three-step strategic plan - division, enterprising, and unification, respectively, as short-term, medium-term, and long-term strategic goals. This refinement of the overall strategy is both a consideration of seizing strategic resources and a consideration of occupying strategic points. Jingzhou and Yizhou have suffered less losses than the north, are rich in resources, and have many talents, and Jingzhou has the Yangtze River, Yizhou has a steep ridge, a river and a mountain, which can be attacked and defended.

Lu Su: Iq is comparable to Zhuge Liang, for two reasons, but Luo Guanzhong portrayed as an honest person

Why is genius written as an honest man?

However, such a strategist appears cowardly and timid in the face of Guan Yu in "Single Knife Society", and in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" he appears to be pedantic and generous, and he is timid and incompetent in Peking Opera Sichuan Opera. So why did Lu Su, who was able to put forward such a grand and feasible strategic concept, evolve into a completely different image?

First of all, in the yuan miscellaneous opera, modern Peking opera, Sichuan opera and other dramatic works, Lu Su is not the main character in the play, as a role of green leaves, it is natural to set off the red flower, especially in "Single Knife Society", it is lu su to set off Guan Yu's loyalty and courage, which is both the role of the background of the times at that time and the adaptive change made to cater to the general public.

Lu Su: Iq is comparable to Zhuge Liang, for two reasons, but Luo Guanzhong portrayed as an honest person

Secondly, the influence of Liu's anti-Cao thought in Luo Guanzhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms is very important. There are two reasons for this:

First, the emphasis on the legitimacy of the regime in the Song and Yuan dynasties made the Shu Han clique in the works of the Three Kingdoms often appear in the image of dynastic orthodoxy, and although Lu Su was not a person of Cao Cao, he did not support Liu after all, and it was reasonable to dwarf his image in this case.

Second, the emergence of the role of Lu Su plays an important role in the book in reconciling the contradictions between the culture and the military of the Eastern Wu regime, and is more logical in the plot, making the appearance of the Sun Liu Alliance more visible.

Today we live in an era of information explosion and rapid rhythm, the emergence of new media makes the restoration and dissemination of Lu Su's image more convenient, and gradually let us get rid of the distortion and alienation of the image of historical figures in the old literature and art works, which is undoubtedly a rectification of Lu Su, and today's Lu Su is no longer an honest person, but a long-term vision, talented strategist and politician.

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