
2 quick home-cooked dishes that I love to eat in spring, crisp and tender, high in vitamin C content, and improve immunity

author:Meggy dancing apples

In spring, the temperature is unstable, the air is dry, and there are many allergens, so you can eat more vitamin C-rich and anti-allergic ingredients in the diet to improve the body's immunity. Today's 2 home-cooked dishes, fragrant, crisp and tender, water spirit, simple and fast, with heat-clearing and colon-cleansing effects, less food accumulation in the body, it is not easy to catch fire.

2 quick home-cooked dishes that I love to eat in spring, crisp and tender, high in vitamin C content, and improve immunity

---【Egg scrambled loofah】---

Loofah is rich in juice and vitamin C, and has the reputation of "beauty water"; Eating more loofah not only has the effect of whitening the skin, but also improves immunity, and the epsom alkyd contained in it has a strong anti-allergic effect, so for people who are prone to allergies, spring is more suitable for eating more loofah. Stir-fried loofah with eggs, sweet and fragrant, appetizing without fire.

【Ingredients】2 loofahs, 3 eggs

【Seasoning】10 grams of oil, 2 grams of salt

2 quick home-cooked dishes that I love to eat in spring, crisp and tender, high in vitamin C content, and improve immunity


1. Preparation: peel off the skin of the loofah and wash it;

2 quick home-cooked dishes that I love to eat in spring, crisp and tender, high in vitamin C content, and improve immunity

2. Put the eggs into a bowl, add 10g of cold water and beat it, cut the loofah into hob pieces;

2 quick home-cooked dishes that I love to eat in spring, crisp and tender, high in vitamin C content, and improve immunity

3. Heat the pan with warm oil, put the egg liquid into the pot, do not move, set slightly;

2 quick home-cooked dishes that I love to eat in spring, crisp and tender, high in vitamin C content, and improve immunity

4. Use chopsticks to quickly beat in one direction into egg pieces and serve;

2 quick home-cooked dishes that I love to eat in spring, crisp and tender, high in vitamin C content, and improve immunity

5. Pour a little oil, stir-fry the loofah cubes in the pan a few times, sprinkle with salt and stir-fry until slightly soft;

2 quick home-cooked dishes that I love to eat in spring, crisp and tender, high in vitamin C content, and improve immunity

6. Return the egg cubes to the pan, mix well and remove from the pan.

2 quick home-cooked dishes that I love to eat in spring, crisp and tender, high in vitamin C content, and improve immunity

【Apple Private Talk】

1. Add a little water to the egg liquid, the egg is tender and fluffy;

2. The eggs are served and returned to the pot to maintain their bright shape and tender taste;

3. If you want to eat a crispy and tender taste, the loofah can be slightly softened; For a soft and tender taste, the loofah can be stir-fried until it is completely transparent.

2 quick home-cooked dishes that I love to eat in spring, crisp and tender, high in vitamin C content, and improve immunity
2 quick home-cooked dishes that I love to eat in spring, crisp and tender, high in vitamin C content, and improve immunity

---【Stir-fried okra fungus】---

Okra is also known as "chili pepper" because of its shape like a chili pepper, but in fact, it is not spicy at all, it is rich in sugars, minerals, pectin, mucus protein, dietary fiber and a variety of nutrients, which have protective and repair effects on the eyes, liver, stomach and skin. This fungus okra has a refreshing taste and is rich in crude fiber, which is excellent for appetizing and colon-cleansing.

【Ingredients】 1 plate of okra, 1/2 carrot, 1 bowl of fungus

【Seasoning】 1 head of garlic, 1 spring onion, 10g oil, 2g salt, 10g light soy sauce

2 quick home-cooked dishes that I love to eat in spring, crisp and tender, high in vitamin C content, and improve immunity


1. Preparation: wash the ingredients; Slice the carrots, slice the garlic, cut the spring onions;

2 quick home-cooked dishes that I love to eat in spring, crisp and tender, high in vitamin C content, and improve immunity

2. Boil the fungus in a pot of boiling water for 2 minutes and take out;

2 quick home-cooked dishes that I love to eat in spring, crisp and tender, high in vitamin C content, and improve immunity

3. Blanch okra in a pot of boiling water for 2 minutes, remove the cool water;

2 quick home-cooked dishes that I love to eat in spring, crisp and tender, high in vitamin C content, and improve immunity

4. Cut okra diagonally into small pieces;

2 quick home-cooked dishes that I love to eat in spring, crisp and tender, high in vitamin C content, and improve immunity

5. Warm pot with warm oil, green onion and garlic pot;

2 quick home-cooked dishes that I love to eat in spring, crisp and tender, high in vitamin C content, and improve immunity

6. Stir-fry the carrot slices to change color, pour okra and fungus, sprinkle with salt, pour light soy sauce, stir-fry evenly out of the pan.

2 quick home-cooked dishes that I love to eat in spring, crisp and tender, high in vitamin C content, and improve immunity

【Apple Private Talk】

1. Blanch okra whole, cool water, can make the taste tender and crunchy, color turquoise;

2. Garnishes can also be replaced with lotus root slices, silver fungus, green and red peppers, etc.;

3. If you add sliced meat or egg and stir-fry it, it will be more fragrant.

2 quick home-cooked dishes that I love to eat in spring, crisp and tender, high in vitamin C content, and improve immunity

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"Make food with love, record beauty with heart; The mellow taste of the ingredients is presented in a simple way." I am Meggy's dancing apple, once worked as an English teacher for 18 years, and now I am a housewife "for the kitchen for love", a food writer, a multi-platform special food creator, a health manager, and an ACI international registered dietitian. Gastronomic book "Home Cooking with Million Hits".

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