
The world's Columbus period of Central America is rich in ecological resources, large population, its civilization is complex and diverse, and it has been very different from the early period, by 1519 AD, the Spanish conquest

author:Smart Asa 7I2

Americas in the world

Central America in the Columbus period was rich in ecological resources, with a large population, and its civilization was complex and diverse, which was very different from the early period, and by the time of the Spanish conquest of this land in 1519 AD, it was inhabited by as many as 25 million to 30 million people, 70 languages, and the plateau basin on Central America, 5,000 to 8,000 feet (1,500 to 2,400 meters) above sea level and almost adjacent to the seaside lowlands, so Central America was feeding a rich variety of life in a relatively short distance. The staple food of Central Americans has always been (including now) corn. Corn plus beans and pumpkins can provide rich nutrition and excellent taste, other indigenous crops of Central America such as avocados, tomatoes and red peppers are also food for people, as well as hunting and fish, plus the main animals of housekeeping, dogs and monkeys, which are sources of protein, an interesting quirk of ancient Mesoamerican culture is that they do not have large draft animals to use as meat, unlike cattle in Europe and camels in the Andean region of South America, whose crops and goods transportation can only rely on porters. In short, America is the collective name of South America and North America, but also the abbreviation of America, also known as the New World, from 1495 AD Italian navigator Columbus three voyages west, he arrived in the Bahamas in the present-day United States, he thought that when he arrived in India, he called the islands he found called the West Indies, and called the indigenous people there Indians, meaning Indians, representatives of American civilization have Mayan civilization, Inca civilization and Aztec civilization, in addition, Olmec civilization, Oaxaca civilization, The Teotihuacan civilization and the Toltec culture, etc., also occupy an important place in the history of the development of the Americas. America is not a new continent for the Indians of Native Americans, they have arrived on the American continent as early as 18,000 years ago, they crossed the Bering Strait from Asia to the Americas about 18,000 years ago, or through the frozen strait road bridge, Columbus arrived in the Americas only has a great impact on the Western world, Indians and Westerners are humans, so the Indians were the first to discover the New World, but their discovery had little impact, Neither Columbus nor other Westerners were the first to land on the American continent, they were not the first to discover, before their arrival, there were already tens of millions of inhabitants, it is worth noting that European colonists came to the Americas, first massacred the local population, and then trafficked a large number of black laborers from Africa to the Americas. Columbus was not the first to discover the American continent, but Columbus arrived in the New World that he thought he had not visited, and the Americas were only New Worlds for Columbus and Westerners. In fact, before Columbus, the first to arrive in the Americas were the Vikings of Northern Europe, and then, first Spain and Portugal immigrated to the Americas, and later, the Netherlands, Britain, and France also immigrated there, and in 1776 AD, the first Western colonial independent country was born in the Americas, the United States.

The world's Columbus period of Central America is rich in ecological resources, large population, its civilization is complex and diverse, and it has been very different from the early period, by 1519 AD, the Spanish conquest
The world's Columbus period of Central America is rich in ecological resources, large population, its civilization is complex and diverse, and it has been very different from the early period, by 1519 AD, the Spanish conquest
The world's Columbus period of Central America is rich in ecological resources, large population, its civilization is complex and diverse, and it has been very different from the early period, by 1519 AD, the Spanish conquest

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