
Amused by Chirac to tears and mistaken for Madame Macron, Merkel and France honeymoon for 16 years

author:European Times

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France on 25 September

France added 6,012 new cases, with a cumulative total of 7030340 confirmed cases, 29 new deaths, and 116449 cumulative deaths

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Amused by Chirac to tears and mistaken for Madame Macron, Merkel and France honeymoon for 16 years

The quadrennial elections for Germany's Bundestag are held on September 26, and Merkel will end her 16-year career as Chancellor of Germany. During her 16 years in power, Merkel has confronted four French presidents. While EU relations have been tested by storms, The relationship between France and Germany, as the "EU bellwether", has not always been sweet, but fortunately, the two heads of state can always find a balance in the end.

In September 2005, Merkel won the German general election.

Amused by Chirac to tears and mistaken for Madame Macron, Merkel and France honeymoon for 16 years

▲ In 2005, Merkel was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany. (Screenshot of France 24)

Unlike her predecessor Schroeder, the "East German girl" was a staunch Atlanticist who had clearly expressed her support for the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and not only that, she was also a "fan" of British liberalism... All of these positions seem to be somewhat out of step with France.

But france's Le Figaro pointed out that fortunately, no matter how difficult the relationship between the top leaders of France and Germany was at the beginning, the two sides were able to successfully run in and find a balance.

01 Chirac: Always make Merkel "laugh out of tears"

While Merkel's predecessor Schroeder successfully passed Agenda 2010 (a comprehensive reform package centered on the labor market) in Germany, French President Jacques Chirac was severely discouraged by a referendum rejecting the EU Constitutional Treaty.

But the EU's political setbacks did not delay Merkel from "learning" from Chirac.

Merkel's first official visit abroad since becoming chancellor was Paris. The French president at the time, Chirac, received Merkel very warmly.

Amused by Chirac to tears and mistaken for Madame Macron, Merkel and France honeymoon for 16 years

▲ In November 2005, Merkel visited Paris for the first time and was warmly received by Chirac. (Screenshot of France 24)

Philippe Douste-Blazy, France's former health minister, recalled: "Chirac was keen to help Merkel onto the international political scene. But he soon discovered that Merkel was not a 'weak woman'. She directly called Chirac 'Jacques', Chirac called her 'Angela', and she quickly made Chirac understand that the relationship between the two of them was equal. ”

Amused by Chirac to tears and mistaken for Madame Macron, Merkel and France honeymoon for 16 years

▲ Chirac and Merkel. (France 24 photo)

"At that time, she was still observing the internship stage." Merkel's people around him at the time revealed: "From the beginning, Merkel and Chirac got along very happily. At his first luncheon in Berlin, Chirac gulped down roast trotters and raved about the beer. At his request, she also sent him a barrel of beer. She brought it up every year on her birthday. Chirac is a genius storyteller with an extremely rich expression that always makes Merkel laugh and burst into tears. ”

Amused by Chirac to tears and mistaken for Madame Macron, Merkel and France honeymoon for 16 years

▲ Merkel and Chirac at the Franco-German-Russian summit in 2006. (Photo by Le Figaro)

Merkel's real entry into the international arena will not take place until Germany takes over the EU presidency in 2007. By then France had welcomed its new president, Sarkozy.

02 From "Don't Deal" to "Mokozy"

Compared with the charismatic Chirac, Merkel, who is cautious in everything, and Sarkozy, who is short-tempered and hot-tempered, are quite "unhandled" in their early relationships.

Amused by Chirac to tears and mistaken for Madame Macron, Merkel and France honeymoon for 16 years

▲ In May 2007, Sarkozy, who had only been president for a few hours, immediately flew to Berlin to meet Merkel, continuing the tradition of the two heads of state taking the lead in exchanging visits as soon as they took office. In November 2007, Sarkozy visited Germany again. (Reuters photo)

In 2007, the newly inaugurated Sarkozy told the European Union's Economic and Fiscal Affairs Commission (ECOFIN) that France was afraid of completing its 2010 fiscal integration plan, which triggered strong dissatisfaction from Peer Steinbrück, germany's Social Democratic Party finance minister, who sharply criticized the former for "keeping his promises" rather than patronizing "red envelopes" for the "rich". Sarkozy scolded in defiance of decency, "Who do you think you are to talk to the president in this tone?" "Who is this big idiot X?" (C’est qui ce gros con?)”

Amused by Chirac to tears and mistaken for Madame Macron, Merkel and France honeymoon for 16 years

▲ Merkel and Sarkozy. (France 24 photo)

The enraged French president even asked the German chancellor to "send off" Steinbrück, only to be publicly rejected by Merkel and unceremoniously replying that "Germany's ministers are speaking on behalf of Germany".

A few months later, Merkel held a press conference at the Chancellery. When asked by a le Figaro reporter how she got along with President Sarkozy, Merkel laughed and said, "I admit that I didn't understand this man very well until my husband gave me a box of Louis de Funès films. ”

Amused by Chirac to tears and mistaken for Madame Macron, Merkel and France honeymoon for 16 years

▲ Louis de Finés is a famous French comedian, whose representative works include "Tiger's Mouth Escape" (network photo)

One minister at the time recalled: "Sarkozy's character made Merkel feel very unstable. He was so annoyed by Merkel's slow movements during the euro crisis that he jumped up in anger. But she insisted that paid leave for Spaniards and Italians should not be paid for by Germans. ”

Amused by Chirac to tears and mistaken for Madame Macron, Merkel and France honeymoon for 16 years

On the eve of the 2011 G20 summit in Cannes, France, Merkel and Sarkozy held a press conference after difficult talks with the Greek prime minister. At the time, Greece was in the midst of a sovereign debt crisis. (Reuters photo)

Interestingly, after a common experience of the euro crisis, the banking rescue plan, and the Greek debt crisis, Merkel and Sarkozy's relationship has become much more harmonious, and it has even been called the "Merkozy" combination by the media.

"Merkel admits Sarkozy has a greater sense of politics than she does." Merkel's side revealed: "He (Sarkozy) has a very good (political) impulse, but he always has a bad grasp of the scale. The Prime Minister can delve into the details and find a balance in the middle. ”

In his later years in power, Sarkozy also made no secret of his appreciation for the "German model" and greatly admired "German-French cooperation".

Amused by Chirac to tears and mistaken for Madame Macron, Merkel and France honeymoon for 16 years

▲ Sarkozy and Merkel at the EU summit in Brussels in 2010. (Reuters photo)

In fact, in the 2012 French presidential election, Sarkozy also had Merkel's support. This left Sarkozy's opponent Hollande in the Socialist camp unhappy.

In the heat of the December 2011 French general election, Martine Aubry, then secretary general of the Socialist Party (PS), mispronounced "Ms. Merkel" as "Ms. Sarkozy" on RTL radio, adding that "it is not outrageous to say so" because "[Merkel and Sarkozy] will plunge France into a deeper crisis and recession."

Amused by Chirac to tears and mistaken for Madame Macron, Merkel and France honeymoon for 16 years

▲ In 2010, Sarkozy and Merkel attended the event together. (Reuters photo)

To show support for Sarkozy, Merkel even refused to meet with Socialist candidate Hollande, despite tradition. Hollande also played the role of "spokesman for southern European countries" in his campaign speech, making it clear that he wanted to end "German fiscal austerity policy".

03 Vignette with Hollande

On May 15, 2012, hours after the presidential handover ceremony, Hollande flew non-stop to Berlin to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

However, Hollande's Falcon 7X had just taken off when it was struck by lightning over Paris and had to return. After arriving in Berlin after some twists and turns, Hollande "lost his way" at the welcome ceremony, and walked the red carpet under Merkel's guidance.

Amused by Chirac to tears and mistaken for Madame Macron, Merkel and France honeymoon for 16 years

This seems to set the tone for the subsequent Omer relationship: Hollande, who promised to end German austerity in the campaign, eventually had to accept the demands of the European Union (Germany) to reduce the fiscal deficit to less than 3% of GDP.

Amused by Chirac to tears and mistaken for Madame Macron, Merkel and France honeymoon for 16 years

▲ After the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack, on January 11, 2015, Merkel came to Paris to participate in the anti-terrorism march. (Reuters photo)

Amused by Chirac to tears and mistaken for Madame Macron, Merkel and France honeymoon for 16 years

▲ May 2016 at the centenary of the Battle of Verdun. (AFP photo)

04 Help Macron aftermath to the heart tired

In Merkel's eyes, Macron, like himself, is a dark horse in politics. "The prime minister is very worried about Le Pen and Mélang-steen. Macron and his pro-European programme won the election, which made her very happy and happy. People around Merkel recalled.

Amused by Chirac to tears and mistaken for Madame Macron, Merkel and France honeymoon for 16 years

▲ Merkel and Macron. (AFP photo)

In September 2017, Merkel was busy forming a grand coalition government with the SPD, and Macron gave a speech at the Sorbonne University in Paris, articulating his own set of proposals for reshaping the European Union. The French president's approach is a bit of a "ride on the curve" in Merkel's view.

"If the president [of France] makes 45 propositions in a big speech, will the (German) chancellor have to respond one by one two weeks later?" People around Merkel mocked even more: "Merkel is not pro-EU after Macron's speech." ”

Amused by Chirac to tears and mistaken for Madame Macron, Merkel and France honeymoon for 16 years
Amused by Chirac to tears and mistaken for Madame Macron, Merkel and France honeymoon for 16 years

▲ On November 11, 2018, at the centenary of the Armistice of the First World War, a 101-year-old man mistakenly recognized Merkel standing next to Macron as Mrs. Macron, and Merkel cried and laughed and hurriedly explained that she was the German chancellor.

The French president, who speaks amazingly from time to time, also makes Merkel tired of the aftermath. At a dinner to commemorate the 30th anniversary of German reunification at the end of 2019, Merkel criticized Macron for NATO's "brain death" remarks, saying: "I understand you want to change." But you always smash the cups we drink tea with, and finally you have to go and glue them, and I've had enough. ”

Despite differences in European policy, Macron and Merkel have always maintained communication, and both sides appreciate each other's wisdom. In order to get out of the COVID-19 crisis, France submitted a revitalization plan to the European Union, and although France regretted Germany's "limited response", the German Chancellor's Office stressed that Merkel's "acceptance of debt sharing is already a huge concession to the European revitalization plan." ”

05 In the post-Merkel era, will the Franco-German "honeymoon" continue?

Le Figaro pointed out that in the past half century, the division of labor between Paris and Berlin has been relatively clear: France is the political "bellwether" of the European Union, and Germany, as an industrial power, is the "gold lord". And Merkel hastened Germany's role shift: today, Germany is speaking out more and louder on European affairs than ever before.

What is the outlook for Franco-German relations after Merkel leaves office? Eric Maurice, head of the Robert Schumann Foundation's Brussels office, pointed out that the most critical factor in Franco-German relations is not which camp the ruling party belongs to, but the willingness to work together. "Historically, the unity of the Front of the Ruling Party of France and Germany is not an essential factor, and the culture of dialogue between the two countries has always been maintained, which has allowed the two countries to bridge political, institutional and cultural differences." Morris stressed.

(European Times/Wilderness Compiled Report)

Edit: Millet porridge

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