
Stop staying up all night, nourish the liver and protect the liver in spring, you need to eat more of this delicacy, simple and convenient


Spring is the season of wellness, and now many people stay up all night, resulting in a deteriorating physical condition, and in this special season, you need to protect your body.

Stop staying up all night, nourish the liver and protect the liver in spring, you need to eat more of this delicacy, simple and convenient

Coix kernel taste sweet and slightly cold, has the effect of strengthening the spleen and benefiting the stomach, can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, increase appetite, and is conducive to digestion. It has the effect of water rejuvenation and swelling, can promote the discharge of excess water in the body, reduce the symptoms of edema, and has a certain auxiliary therapeutic effect on nephritis, edema and other diseases.

Coix kernel is rich in vitamin B and minerals, which has certain beauty and beauty effects, can promote skin metabolism, improve skin roughness, dullness and other problems.

Yam has the effect of strengthening the spleen and benefiting the lungs, can enhance the function of the digestive system, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, enhance lung function, and have a certain effect on improving symptoms such as lung deficiency and spleen deficiency.

Yam has the effect of tonifying the kidney and promoting essence, can enhance kidney function, promote the absorption of nutrients by the kidney, enhance the storage and production of essence in the body, and have a certain effect on improving symptoms such as kidney deficiency, impotence, and sperm loss. Yam has the effect of moisturizing and laxative, can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, increase the wetness of feces, make it easier to excrete, and have a certain relief effect on symptoms such as constipation and enteritis.

Stop staying up all night, nourish the liver and protect the liver in spring, you need to eat more of this delicacy, simple and convenient

Yam contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, which have certain beauty effects, can promote skin metabolism, improve skin dryness, roughness and other problems.

Coix yam porridge is a common Chinese nutritious delicacy prepared as follows:

Required materials:

50 g of coix kernels

100 g of yam

100 grams of glutinous rice

Rock sugar to taste

Water to taste

Stop staying up all night, nourish the liver and protect the liver in spring, you need to eat more of this delicacy, simple and convenient

Production steps:

Wash the barley kernels and glutinous rice and soak for more than 30 minutes;

Peel and cut yam into chunks for later use;

Put the soaked barley kernels, glutinous rice and an appropriate amount of water into the pot, bring to a boil on high heat, then reduce the heat and cook for about 20 minutes;

Add the yam cubes and continue to simmer for about 15 minutes until the consistency and taste of the porridge are to your liking;

Finally, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar and cook until melted.

Stop staying up all night, nourish the liver and protect the liver in spring, you need to eat more of this delicacy, simple and convenient

Coix yam porridge is rich in nutrients, rich in protein, starch, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, nourishing the skin, and relieving fatigue. However, for people with metabolic diseases such as diabetes, it is necessary to pay attention, because both coix and yam contain starch, and diabetics need to control their intake to avoid affecting blood sugar.

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