
"Master of Naturopathy" died at the age of 51: Using life to verify that fasting and detoxification is a fallacy Source: Interface News, Times Weekly, Beijing News, People's Daily

author:New Evening News


"Rice is the poison in the diet of modern Chinese" is "the key to the production of all kinds of modern diseases"...


"To eliminate toxins, the core is not to eat any solid food, drink only 8 cups of celery, carrots, cucumbers and other squeezed fruit and vegetable juices a day"...


"Drinking for 5-7 days, some chronic diseases can be cured, and it is not easy to get sick again in this life...

These "health knowledge"

It has been widely disseminated online

The person who advocates these theories is Called Lin Haifeng!

He was once called a "master of naturopathy"

Advocating "fasting and detoxification regimen",

Sadly, he was on November 11

Died of food poisoning in Lijiang,

He was 51 years old.

"Master of Naturopathy" died at the age of 51: Using life to verify that fasting and detoxification is a fallacy Source: Interface News, Times Weekly, Beijing News, People's Daily

1 The authenticity of the title has been repeatedly questioned

Who is Lin Haifeng?

This is the information on Baidu Encyclopedia


"Master of Naturopathy" died at the age of 51: Using life to verify that fasting and detoxification is a fallacy Source: Interface News, Times Weekly, Beijing News, People's Daily
"Master of Naturopathy" died at the age of 51: Using life to verify that fasting and detoxification is a fallacy Source: Interface News, Times Weekly, Beijing News, People's Daily

Lin Haifeng is certified as the chairman of China Nutrition and Health Network, the chairman of Sunshine Forest Biotechnology Co., Ltd., and the author of headline articles on Sina Weibo.

In public information, many of his fictitious titles include:

Director of the Medical and Health Research Association of the Chinese Society of Health Science and Technology

He is a health professional member of The China Health Food Association

Nutrition expert of China Longevity Expert Group, etc

Lin Haifeng started in the Amway direct selling industry in his early years, was the first batch of Amway practitioners to enter China, and has always been a senior marketing director. At present, the video of Lin Haifeng's speech is still circulating on the Internet and is quite influential among Amway practitioners.

Around 2000, Lin Haifeng, while running Amway, used television and other media to declare the "holistic natural therapy" he founded, advocating "fasting and detoxification", which had many followers, but also caused a lot of controversy.

"Master of Naturopathy" died at the age of 51: Using life to verify that fasting and detoxification is a fallacy Source: Interface News, Times Weekly, Beijing News, People's Daily

"Absurd wellness theory"

A few days before the accident, Lin Haifeng said that he ate a bag of expired dates, and then "his whole body stiffened", but he refused to seek medical treatment, but through the way of "vomiting", after spitting out the food, "the body returned to normal".

But a few days later, after dinner one day, Lin Haifeng suddenly fell to the ground unexpectedly. After being rushed to the hospital, he had no signs of life.

"Master of Naturopathy" died at the age of 51: Using life to verify that fasting and detoxification is a fallacy Source: Interface News, Times Weekly, Beijing News, People's Daily

People's Network once concluded

Advocated by Lin Haifeng

The three main arguments of "holistic naturopathy",

And point out that it does not conform

Modern medicine and common sense.

Lin Haifeng"Famous Quotes" ↓↓

"Don't trust doctors and hospitals";

"Except for infectious diseases and acute diseases, it is meaningless to go to the hospital for other diseases";

"Most patients rarely come back when they go to the hospital."

The truth ↓↓

In an interview with People's Daily News, Wang Yongjun, vice president of Beijing Tiantan Hospital, felt that this statement was too harmful→

"Now the so-called health experts have a common point, through anti-hospital anti-Western medicine to publicize their own health views, 'close' the distance with the people."

The human body "has holes where there are detox outlets";

"Toxins discharged from the liver go to the anus";

"Toxins discharged from the kidneys go to the bladder and, if they do not, go to the lungs and become snot and phlegm";

"Whether it is high blood pressure or nasopharyngeal cancer, there is no need to go to the hospital for treatment, as long as the idea is to excrete toxins."

Professor Jiang Liangduo, Department of Internal Medicine, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said →

The production of excrement by the human body is a natural metabolic process, and the excrement itself is not "toxic", and only when the excreted substance cannot be discharged, it will produce "poison".

Lin Haifeng's theory completely confuses the physiological and pathological states, and also steals the concept of Chinese medicine, which is simply untenable.

"Master of Naturopathy" died at the age of 51: Using life to verify that fasting and detoxification is a fallacy Source: Interface News, Times Weekly, Beijing News, People's Daily

Its most famous point of view is "fasting and detoxification".

Lin Haifeng said that the white surface of rice is the key to the production of disease. "There is almost only sugar in the rice", "Eating two bowls of rice is equivalent to eating two bowls of sugar". In the fasting detoxification therapy he advocates, only vegetables and fruits are allowed to eat, and these vegetables and fruits are juiced for 8 cups a day, and no other foods are allowed.

Professor Zhang Guoxi of the Institute of Geriatrics, Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, believes that →

The fasting therapy advocated by Lin Haifeng is also called "breaking the valley", that is, not eating grains to achieve the purpose of health maintenance, the health benefits of this method have not been confirmed at all, and blind fasting is harmful to the body.

In the 1990s, when Alan Griff, the most prominent advocate of valley breaking, participated in live television, he claimed that he could stick to the valley for a week. But after 48 hours, he developed elevated blood pressure and dehydration, and on the fourth day he developed pupil dilatation, and finally had to terminate the test.

Scam money for years?

In 2008, a media outlet reported on Lin Haifeng's personal report, in which he said that Lin Haifeng "has been studying Chinese medicine, Indian yoga and meditation for many years, and has created a set of 'holistic natural remedies' and the Chinese Nutrition and Health Network." ”

At the end of the article, books written by Lin Haifeng were also given to readers, including "Healthy Life", "Lin Haifeng Nutrition Formula Manual", "20 Years Younger in Life", "Fasting and Detox regimen", "Stay away from disease" and so on.

"Master of Naturopathy" died at the age of 51: Using life to verify that fasting and detoxification is a fallacy Source: Interface News, Times Weekly, Beijing News, People's Daily

But in 2010, the media reported on Lin Haifeng's "treatment" scam.

"Master of Naturopathy" died at the age of 51: Using life to verify that fasting and detoxification is a fallacy Source: Interface News, Times Weekly, Beijing News, People's Daily

At that time, Mr. Li of Changde City, Hunan Province, called reporters and said that his wife, Ms. Li (pseudonym), had watched the propaganda on TV and went to the Shanghai Lin Haifeng Holistic Naturopathic Club for a few days at the end of October, spending more than 10,000 yuan.

But after the class, Ms. Li seemed to be hit by the evil, stayed at home all day and did not go to work, did not eat, bought some vegetables and fruits every day to come back to squeeze juice to drink, and now drank the face on the side of the big and small are deformed, insomnia all night, always say that there are ghosts around, every day to lose a lot of hair.

Mr. Li said: "The original healthy and lively person, just because he believed Lin Haifeng's words, he became like this after participating in the training class." Mr. Li then called "Master Lin", who said that if he paid another 5,000 yuan, he could let his master Xiong Jizi diagnose Ms. Li, and said that there was an account on the blog and that he could directly transfer money.

Mr. Li's intolerable anger finally broke out, and he logged on to Lin Haifeng's blog, accusing him of "only knowing how to cheat women's money" and questioning his "fourth dimensional space".

But then he said that the content written accusing Lin Haifeng had been blocked and deleted, and replaced by some words about how Master Lin was a god, which at first glance was Lin Haifeng's "childcare".

According to the media reporter's investigation at the time, Lin Haifeng's "China Nutrition and Health Network" found a variety of dietitian training, holistic naturopath training, spiritual wealth tour and other activities. Among them, the 7-day training fee is 6880 yuan, and there are 7 days of "Jiuzhaigou Healthy Life Training", including health guidance, special detox nutrition meals, etc., and the price is between 12,800 yuan and 29,800 yuan.


"Fasting and detoxification with life verification is a fallacy"

People's Daily commented that the "master of natural remedies" died, and fasting and detoxification with life verification is a fallacy ↓↓

"Master of Naturopathy" died at the age of 51: Using life to verify that fasting and detoxification is a fallacy Source: Interface News, Times Weekly, Beijing News, People's Daily

The Beijing News commentary article believes that identifying such sensational health theories does not require too high an IQ, but only a relatively peaceful state of mind. Health is actually a very complex system, we can use modern theory to pursue, can never rely on extreme behavior to obtain. Lin Haifeng used his own life to once again verify the horror of killing people without blood behind those extreme views.

<h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > Sources: Interface News, Times Weekly, Beijing News, People's Daily</h1>

The new evening newspaper comprehensive collation without permission is prohibited

Responsible Editor: Lu Lu Review: Cao Xiaoxia

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