
Mythical Story (Fool Moves The Mountain)

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The two great mountains of Taihang Mountain and Wangwu Mountain, from the ground to the top of the mountain, are more than 10,000 meters high, and they walk around the mountain for seven hundred miles.

There was a man named Yu Gong, who was almost ninety years old, and lived facing the two mountains of Taihang and Wangwu. Because the mountain blocked the passage of his house, it was very inconvenient to go in and out of the way and take a detour. Therefore, Yu Gong gathered his family together to discuss: "These two mountains are blocking our way. I plan to work with you to dig these two mountains with all my strength, so that we can go out later! You say that's okay?" Everyone agreed. However, Yu Gong's wife questioned, saying, "With your little strength, even a hill like Father Kui cannot be moved, let alone the two big mountains of Taihang and Wang wu?" And where are the stones and the mud?" And they said, "Just take the stones and the mud to Bohai Beach." So Yu Gong led his descendants, counting himself, a total of three people who could pick up the burden, together they broke the stones and dug out the earth blocks, loaded the earth and stones with dustpans and baskets, and carried them to the shores of the Bohai Sea to be dumped. Yu Gong's neighbor was a widow, and she had a son who was seven or eight years old, and she also came to help them transport the soil.

On the edge of the Yellow River, there is also an old man. This man was very shrewd, and people called him Zhi Shuo. When he heard about this, he ridiculed the foolishness of the unwise, tried to stop him, and said, "You are really stupid! With your strength in the wind and candle for many years, even the hairs of these two mountains cannot be moved, let alone carrying dirt and stones!" After hearing this, Beishan Yugong sighed and said, "You are also too stubborn, so unreasonable that you are not even as good as widows and children." Although I will eventually die, I still have a son, a son and a grandson, a grandson regenerates his son, a son will have a son, a son regenerates a grandson, a son has a grandchild, a grandchild, infinity, and the mountain does not rise; Why can't you flatten it?" Zhi Shuo was speechless.

A god holding a snake in his hand heard Yu Gong's words and was worried that Yu Gong would really do this, so he reported the matter to the Heavenly Emperor. Touched by the sincerity and will of the Foolish Duke, the Heavenly Emperor ordered the mountain god to move the two mountains away. From then on, the door of the Fool was endless, and even the higher hills could not be seen.

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