
[Taiwan's pineapple Shakya origin price cut due to mainland blockade? Due to the mainland's ban on the sale of Taiwan's pineapple Shakya at the end of 2021 on the grounds of detecting shellworms, the price was severely damaged. Just 20

author:Wang Yuqing, Taiwan, China

[Taiwan's pineapple Shakya origin price cut due to mainland blocking? 】

As the mainland banned Taiwan's pineapple Shakya from selling land at the end of 2021 on the grounds of detecting the mesozoa, the price was severely damaged. At the beginning of 2021, when it was not banned, the price per kilogram of origin could even reach more than 90 yuan, but now there is less than 50 yuan left, and the price is close to the waist.

#Qingge Comment# : The quality of the product itself is not done well, resulting in a price drop, can the mainland be blamed? Besides, cross-strait relations are not good, so why not blame the Tsai Ing-wen authorities? Seriously, the biggest figure in Poor Taiwan is the Tsai Ing-wen authorities themselves. #今日热点我来评 #

[Taiwan's pineapple Shakya origin price cut due to mainland blockade? Due to the mainland's ban on the sale of Taiwan's pineapple Shakya at the end of 2021 on the grounds of detecting shellworms, the price was severely damaged. Just 20
[Taiwan's pineapple Shakya origin price cut due to mainland blockade? Due to the mainland's ban on the sale of Taiwan's pineapple Shakya at the end of 2021 on the grounds of detecting shellworms, the price was severely damaged. Just 20
[Taiwan's pineapple Shakya origin price cut due to mainland blockade? Due to the mainland's ban on the sale of Taiwan's pineapple Shakya at the end of 2021 on the grounds of detecting shellworms, the price was severely damaged. Just 20
[Taiwan's pineapple Shakya origin price cut due to mainland blockade? Due to the mainland's ban on the sale of Taiwan's pineapple Shakya at the end of 2021 on the grounds of detecting shellworms, the price was severely damaged. Just 20

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