
Four foods that became older, six foods that were 10 years younger than the same age, and could be 3 kilograms lighter

author:Science Inspector Fruit Treasure

Do you know? Do some foods cause us to age quickly? There are several foods that we must eat less, otherwise you are older than your peers, don't blame me for not reminding you.

First of all, we must know what causes aging in the human body.

In 2016, the Faculty of Medicine of a Japanese university conducted a study of longevity in Japan between the ages of 85 and 110.

Four foods that became older, six foods that were 10 years younger than the same age, and could be 3 kilograms lighter

They studied why these people aged slower than the average person, and conducted various tests on them, such as blood tests, genetic tests, and various investigations.

It was found that these elderly people have a common feature, that is, the level of inflammation in the body is very low, and there are no chronic diseases.

It is concluded that for people to live a long and healthy life, they must keep their levels of inflammation low.

That is, if the body does not have inflammation or chronic diseases, the aging rate will slow down and the lifespan will be longer. On the contrary, the rate of aging will be very fast.

So aging is essentially a disease, a manifestation of pathology. And appearing young is a sign of health.

This person looks much younger than his peers, indicating that he is in good health.

In fact, even in normal life, without infection, inflammation occurs in the body.

Studies have found that the most likely cause of inflammation in the body is actually diet.

Some things are delicious, but they trigger chronic inflammation in our body and cause us to age rapidly.

By not eating and drinking the following two foods and two drinks, basically the problem can slow down aging.

The first is snacks. General snacks contain two things that are very harmful to the human body.

Four foods that became older, six foods that were 10 years younger than the same age, and could be 3 kilograms lighter

One is grease, and many manufacturers use an industrial oil.

One of the characteristics of this oil is that it is cheap, abundant and can be stored for a long time without deteriorating.

Wouldn't it be nice to fry all the snacks in one pot of oil? Costs can be minimized and there are many benefits to businesses.

But there is a big concern for health, this oil contains a lot of omega-6 fatty acids. If this fatty acid is consumed too much, it can cause widespread, large-scale small inflammation in the body.

Long-term eating can cause chronic heart disease, arrhythmia, stroke, mood disorders, etc., and even cancer.

Another bad ingredient is sugar, where sugar is not the granulated sugar we use at home, but high-fructose syrup or saccharin, which is the kind of thing that will be very sweet and sweet when eaten a little.

It also uses these things to reduce production costs. After this sugar enters the body, it combines with proteins to form a substance that is very bad for the body, called a glycation end product.

Not only can it cause damage to cellular DNA, but it can also cause systemic inflammation, accelerate aging, and even accelerate cognitive diseases.

The second type of food that triggers inflammation in the body is called ultra-processed food.

Four foods that became older, six foods that were 10 years younger than the same age, and could be 3 kilograms lighter

The so-called ultra-processed foods are canned food, bacon, salted meat, etc.

Ultra-processed foods contain a large amount of nitrite, which can cause various inflammations after entering the human body. Accelerates the aging of the human body.

After talking about eating, now let's talk about drinking.

The first is called fruit juice, and the main problem with fruit juice is sugar. A bottle of juice contains about the same amount of sugar as dozens of oranges. We don't eat so many oranges in our daily lives, but we drink too much, and the sugar absorption exceeds the standard.

Four foods that became older, six foods that were 10 years younger than the same age, and could be 3 kilograms lighter

The second drink is alcohol. Whether liquor, beer, or foreign wine can not be drunk, after alcohol enters the human body, it will destroy our immune system, cause low immunity, and cause some inflammation in the intestine and liver.

Four foods that became older, six foods that were 10 years younger than the same age, and could be 3 kilograms lighter

In the past, it was not said that small drinks were good for the body, pleasant, in fact, it was best not to drink a drop is the healthiest.

There are four chronic poison-like foods mentioned above. Something that makes us grow old, but it's incredibly delicious.

Well, you know what to eat to eat younger and younger, 10 years younger than the same age, can be 3 kg lighter a month, have 6 must-eat foods, collect and preserve well, don't tell your love rivals.

The first is tomatoes. Tomatoes are actually rich in lycopene, which helps our brain cells repair and also fights free radicals.

Basic research confirms that eating tomatoes every day can reduce the accumulation of moisture in the body compared to others, according to the dietary theory of Chinese medicine.

Four foods that became older, six foods that were 10 years younger than the same age, and could be 3 kilograms lighter

The second place is grapes, grapes contain a lot of anthocyanins, grape skin and grape seeds have a lot of anthocyanins, so I recommend eating about 9 grapes at a time, about the size of your own fist is enough. Don't eat too much and avoid absorbing too much fructose, sugar can still harm health.

Also, blueberries actually have a higher anthocyanin content than grapes. It is recommended that you eat a small handful of blueberries every day to fight aging and freeze age.

Carrots contain β carotene, remember to say, this β carotene can also help us fight free radicals for beauty and beauty.

Four foods that became older, six foods that were 10 years younger than the same age, and could be 3 kilograms lighter

Red pepper, yellow pepper, this color pepper is highly recommended by me because it is the highest vitamin C content in vegetables, so one titanium can be equivalent to about 2 kiwi vitamin C.

Four foods that became older, six foods that were 10 years younger than the same age, and could be 3 kilograms lighter

There is a drink that is very good, do you know what it is?

It is green tea, and green tea is rich in catechins and catechin polyphenols. Studies have also found that it helps our blood vessels avoid deoxygenation and damage to our brains. In fact, there are many blood vessels, so in fact, drinking a cup of green tea every day can help us fight aging.

Four foods that became older, six foods that were 10 years younger than the same age, and could be 3 kilograms lighter

When is the best time to drink green tea? It is also said that drinking green tea after a meal will worry about scratching your stomach.

If you have a bad stomach, you can drink tea 1 hour after meals.

Do not drink tea immediately after a meal, as it may combine tea, calcium, and iron in our diet, which can affect calcium and iron absorption. In fact, there are many good foods, such as bananas and so on.

As long as we eat healthy, reduce stress, sleep more to look young, like and follow, what views can be left in the comment area.

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