
Natural beauty: great

author:Ascenson L

Great: Passerine order. family. are small birds with a body length of 13–15 cm. The body is yellow-green, the wings and tail are darker, the head is black, and it runs along the neck to the abdomen, like a black hooded neck, and the cheeks are white. It looks fluffy and very cute.

Natural beauty: great
Natural beauty: great

Great have a wide range and mainly inhabit secondary broadleaf forests in low mountains and foothills. Broadleaf forest. In mixed forests, sometimes into plantations and taiga. Even orchards. Roadside. They can be found in the trees in front of the house and behind the house and in the yard.

Natural beauty: great
Natural beauty: great

The great is a resident bird all over China, and some roam in small areas in autumn and winter. In addition to the pairing during the breeding period, small groups of 3-5 or a dozen animals are often active in autumn and winter, and sometimes some "lone rangers" can be seen moving alone. Will jump frequently between the branches and leaves. Frolic. Foraging. They also hang themselves upside down on branches and leaves, searching for food from another angle, and sometimes fly into the air or on the ground to forage for food.

Natural beauty: great
Natural beauty: great

The temperament is more lively. Bold, not very afraid of people, flying while chirping, flying posture up and down like a wave. A "small universe" that usually flies slowly, but explodes with potential when encountering danger. Quickly fly away from danger.

Natural beauty: great
Natural beauty: great

Great feed mainly on insects such as goldenrod worms. Cockchafer. Poison moth larvae. Stinging moth larvae. Culex mosquitoes. Ant. Insects such as pine caterpillars feed on grass seeds, flowers and leaves, and they also eat a small amount of plant food such as grass seeds, flowers and leaves, they are the "little doctors" in the forest, and have a huge effect on forest pest control.

Natural beauty: great
Natural beauty: great

The breeding period is from April to August, and earlier in the south, when breeding begins in March. Nests are usually built in natural tree holes, but abandoned caves and artificial nests abandoned by woodpeckers are also used, and even earthen cliffs and rock crevices are their options.

Natural beauty: great

The nest is built by both the female and the male, but it is mainly done by the female and can be completed in about 5-7 days. Females lay 6-13 eggs per clutch, and the most can reach 15, which is relatively large among birds, and can also give birth to two litters a year.

Natural beauty: great
Natural beauty: great

The eggs are milky white or pale reddish-white with small reddish-brown spots. The eggs begin to incubate after they are laid, and some begin to incubate after a day later. The brooding is borne by the female alone, who gently covers the eggs with feathers when leaving the nest during the day. Sometimes you can also see male birds bringing food back to female birds to eat, which is still more loving.

Natural beauty: great
Natural beauty: great

The incubation period is about 14 days, the chicks are raised and fed by male and female parent birds after they emerge from the shell, and after 15-17 days of careful feeding, the young birds can leave the nest. In the first few days, the young birds will flock near the nest, but the parent birds will still feed them, and the young will soon be able to move on their own to feed.

Natural beauty: great
Natural beauty: great

Cute and can give birth to birds, do you like it, welcome to leave a message in the comment area,,,,,,

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