
Chinese medicine is very interesting, as soon as you hear the name, how to use 1, motherwort - a grass that is beneficial to mothers and women, it can activate blood and regulate menstruation, for irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, menstrual amenorrhea, lochia, Chaoshan

author:Licorice Health

Chinese medicine is interesting, how to use it as soon as you hear the name

1. Motherwort - a grass that is beneficial to mothers and women, it can activate blood and regulate menstruation, for irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, menstrual amenorrhea, lochia endlessly,

Chaoshan people like to use motherwort to boil eggs and motherwort pig soup for health.

2, chicken blood vine - the sap is like a vine like chicken blood, blood color replenishes blood, rattan circulation, so it can nourish blood circulation, for various symptoms of qi deficiency and blood stasis can be referenced

3. Continuous - can be connected to the broken bone, the main bone of the kidney, so the interruption can also supplement the liver and kidney

4, Niu vigorous - eat strong as a cow, haha, this is exaggerated, but it can replenish weakness and moisturize the lungs, for backache and fatigue, commonly used cow vigorous eucommia boiled spine

5. Deliquor grass - also known as fairy crane grass, which can replenish qi and restore physical strength, and is one of the immortals of Mr. Zuwang's "Three Immortal Soup",

If there is shortness of breath, weakness, low voice, lazy speech, self-sweating and other qi deficiency manifestations, this drug can be used alone or with astragalus \ white art, etc

6, astragalus - also known as astragalus, the elderly, is the meaning of longevity, so astragalus is to replenish the qi and solid surface, and also has the role of ascending the yang and lifting the trap

7. Windproof - that is, it can prevent the wind and prevent the wind from invading, such as the wind in the jade screen

8, Zhi Ren - also known as "champion fruit", said that it can be intellectual, strong intelligence, make people smart, medical books say that it can warm the kidney solid rice green, kidney bone, bone pulp, medullary filling

9. Stretching grass - can stretch the tendons, so it has the effect of relaxing the tendons and activating the tendons

10. Lulutong - a fruit is surrounded by holes, so it is called Lulutong, which can dispel wind and dehumidification.

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Chinese medicine is very interesting, as soon as you hear the name, how to use 1, motherwort - a grass that is beneficial to mothers and women, it can activate blood and regulate menstruation, for irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, menstrual amenorrhea, lochia, Chaoshan
Chinese medicine is very interesting, as soon as you hear the name, how to use 1, motherwort - a grass that is beneficial to mothers and women, it can activate blood and regulate menstruation, for irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, menstrual amenorrhea, lochia, Chaoshan
Chinese medicine is very interesting, as soon as you hear the name, how to use 1, motherwort - a grass that is beneficial to mothers and women, it can activate blood and regulate menstruation, for irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, menstrual amenorrhea, lochia, Chaoshan

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