
Live direct hit sports summer camp "first lesson" running teenagers, today you are the happiest

author:Yangtze River Daily
Live direct hit sports summer camp "first lesson" running teenagers, today you are the happiest

Students attending the opening ceremony took a group photo with the guests. Yangtze River Daily reporter Yu Zhiyong photographed

Yangtze River Daily, July 6, 6 on the morning of the 6th, after the brief and warm launching ceremony, the "Run It Youth" 2021 Wuhan Youth Sports Summer Camp was officially opened in the Wuhan National Fitness Center. Free sports skills training activities at 170 training sites in various urban areas of the city were also launched.

The Wuhan National Fitness Center opened 4 training points such as basketball, tennis, archery and swimming in this sports summer camp, and the reporter of Yangtze River Daily directly hit the children's "first lesson" at the scene.

Live direct hit sports summer camp "first lesson" running teenagers, today you are the happiest

Warm up for a run before basketball training. Yangtze River Daily reporter Yu Zhiyong photographed

Learn basketball, start by running

At 8:30 a.m., under the leadership of the coach, 10-year-old Fu Hancheng's children were seriously warming up, jumping on one and both feet, opening and closing jumps, jogging in small fields... After the warm-up, everyone lined up to practice shooting the ball or passing the ball in pairs. After half an hour of hard work, Xiao Fu was sweating profusely, came to the sidelines to replenish the water, "grunted" a few mouthfuls, and immediately ran back to the field. "The child is very excited, got up at 6 o'clock this morning, took the subway for half an hour to come, asked questions along the way, and looked forward to it." Fu Hancheng's grandmother said.

Fu Hancheng is a fourth-grade student at Yucai Primary School, and this is the first time he has signed up for the Wuhan Youth Sports Summer Camp. "I signed up for him, sports summer camp activities are very good, teenagers are strong, China is strong, only when you are healthy, can you do a good job in learning." Grandma Fu said that the child is more than 1.6 meters tall, but very thin, and basketball training can help him get stronger. "He loves sports, and you know how happy he is when you see him bouncing around."

The Yangtze River Daily reporter saw at the scene that the 4 courts of the basketball court of the Wuhan National Fitness Center were started at the same time, and nearly 100 children ran happily on the field. Coach Zhang Yan said that basketball skills training is a total of 12 class hours, 1 and a half hours a day, a total of 200 students every day in two time periods to train. "From warm-ups to basic ball exercises to intensive training, through 12 hours of training, ensure that every child can master basic basketball techniques such as passing, shooting, and three-step layups." Zhang Yan said, "The main thing is to cultivate children's interest in sports, so that they can play games after the training." ”

Live direct hit sports summer camp "first lesson" running teenagers, today you are the happiest

In basketball training sessions, coaches teach students the essentials of shooting techniques. Yangtze River Daily reporter Yu Zhiyong photographed

I studied football last year and basketball this year

This year is the second time that Hu Yaoxuan's children have participated in sports summer camps. Last year, he attended football skills training at Point Primary School. "I love ball games, and this summer, I must learn basketball." The little guy said happily.

Mr. Wang, Mr. Hu Yaoxuan's grandfather, said that since his children participated in football skills training last year, they have been paying attention to the news of sports summer camp registration in the first half of this year. In fact, they were originally ready to report swimming, but the child was overage, and the child also wanted to practice basketball. "We walked here for more than half an hour in the morning, and the children were happy to participate, and there was no complaint at all."

Mr. Wang praised the development of sports summer camp activities. He said: "This is a real project to benefit the people, you think, go to the training class run by social institutions to learn a sports skill, at least spend one or two thousand yuan, the government has helped our ordinary families save a lot of money, so that more children from ordinary families can also participate in the practice of sports skills." And children like it from the bottom of their hearts, you see, so many children practicing together not only broaden their horizons, but also prompt them to be happier and more engaged in practice, while exercising at the same time. ”

Mr. Wang said that in last year's free training of football skills at sports summer camps, the children also made two good friends. "Such activities are very meaningful, the atmosphere is very good, can exercise children in an unfamiliar environment to integrate into the group faster, I believe this experience will become the best memories of children's childhood." Next year we will also participate in a project training to equip him with more athletic skills and physical fitness. ”

Live direct hit sports summer camp "first lesson" running teenagers, today you are the happiest

Tennis training begins with learning to find the sense of the ball. Yangtze River Daily reporter Yu Zhiyong photographed

Happy together, father and daughter participate in tennis training together

Quan Zhanchang is the coach and head of the tennis court of wuhan national fitness center, a sports summer camp training point. Interestingly, his 7-year-old daughter Quan Shiran also participated in this training.

The children participating in tennis training are all about 7 years old, the children standing on the court are full of cuteness, and when the coach explains the essentials of the action of holding the racket and reversing the ball, many children although holding the racket, their eyes are looking at the parents on the sidelines, and Quan Zhanchang's daughter Quan Shiran is no exception. "She is still quite shy, just the right age, so I signed up for her, let her experience the atmosphere of sports, if I take her alone to practice, she may not be willing, but so many children together, she is still very happy." 」 Quan Said that in order to allow her to concentrate on practicing, he deliberately assigned her to other coaches' classes.

For the sports summer camp, Quan Zhanchang said that since the Wuhan National Fitness Center tennis court became a summer camp training point in 2014, he has witnessed the development and growth of sports summer camp activities for 7 years, "Every year is very hot, before we had more than 100 children here to participate in training, I feel that there are many, this year reached 200 people, we have 9 coaches, 6 pieces of covered venues are all on, and also temporarily seconded tennis college students to participate in coaching work." Quan Zhanchang said.

"This year's lessons have been increased from 70 to 90 minutes, and the play time per lesson has been increased to 20 minutes, so that children can fully enjoy the fun of tennis first. You see these children can't even toss and shoot the ball now, but after the training, they can learn the technique of forehand and backhand serving, and after the end of the training every year, 20 to 30% of the children will stay and continue practicing. It can be said that the sports summer camp has become a window for the popularization of tennis in Wuhan. Quan Zhanchang said.

Live direct hit sports summer camp "first lesson" running teenagers, today you are the happiest

The instructor instructs the children to shoot arrows. Yangtze River Daily reporter Yu Zhiyong photographed

Happy little friend, the archery class met a classmate

Yu Shijie is one of the happiest children in the archery training class at the Wuhan National Fitness Center. Because in the first class, he found that his good friend Qiu Chenyu, who was in the English training class before, was also bending his bow and shooting arrows.

Yu Shijie's mother said that the child likes archery, and has played several times in oceanwide international city square before, and when he signed up for the sports summer camp, he found that there was an archery project and immediately signed up for the child. "This archery training point only has 100 places, and archery is a new project added to this year's sports summer camp, very hot, I signed up and then clicked on the webpage to see, the quota is full." Yu's mother said, "Archery is a good project, children can understand the ancient Chinese traditional culture at the same time, correct posture and body shape, is also good for vision, and let children come out to exercise and sweat is also very good." ”

What makes Yu Shijie happy is that in the first class, he not only learned several basic skills of archery, but also accidentally met a good friend Qiu Chenyu, who also participated in the training. "We were classmates in the English class before, but after the class was divided, we didn't meet for a long time, so we didn't expect to learn archery together here." Yu Shijie said happily.

After class, the two little ones chased and played together on the sidelines. "Finally the coach asked us to shoot two arrows, how many rings did you hit?" "I'm 8 rings, and I hit both arrows." "I also hit all of them, a total of 13 rings!" Watching the child smile happily, the two mothers standing on the side also laughed. (Yangtze River Daily reporter Zhu Wenxiu correspondent Xiao Hong)

Live direct hit sports summer camp "first lesson" running teenagers, today you are the happiest

Cheerleading show before the ceremony. Yangtze River Daily reporter Yu Zhiyong photographed

【Editor: Zhou Fei】

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