
Recommended books: Keigo Higashino, which is suitable for elementary and junior high school students

author:Sasha Jiajia stood up

In the major libraries' lending lists, there is a writer whose name always occupies a place, that is, the famous Japanese mystery novel writer --- Keigo Higashino, adults like to read his works, and many student friends also have a fondness for his plain style, delicate description, and exquisite reasoning structure. Of course, he is a very prolific writer, and it is estimated that after becoming famous, he has to give a considerable number of works every year when he signs a contract with a publishing house, so many of his works are difficult to avoid a sense of similarity. It is necessary to have a choice.

Today, according to my own and my children's reading experience, I will select some works that are suitable for reading and worth reading for primary and secondary school students:

"The Dedication of Suspect X" can be regarded as Keigo Higashino's reasoning masterpiece, and its brain-opening reasoning ideas are very worth watching, and the narrative is very plain. Keigo Higashino himself said, "In this novel, I wrote the best tricks, and the purest love. In fact, there is very little description of love in it, just an introduction, and most of it is reasoning. Therefore, this book is quite suitable for senior students. I remember that my daughter was in the second half of the fourth grade, when I watched it, I thought she could also watch, just my daughter also liked reasoning, and sure enough, she was hooked after reading it, this book should be the first novel she read, it can be said that this book opened the daughter's long literary works to read the road.

Recommended books: Keigo Higashino, which is suitable for elementary and junior high school students

"Malice" and "The Relief of the Holy Virgin" are also known for reasoning, and the truth cannot be read until the end.

Recommended books: Keigo Higashino, which is suitable for elementary and junior high school students

"Beautiful Murder Weapon", this book has a relatively large brain hole, even if it is the author's more unique work, you can also read it.

"Wings of the Unicorn", "Magic Ball", "Dream Flower" are originally campus themes, and students look more resonant. In fact, on the surface, it is to write the story of what happens on campus, but in fact, it is more deeply to show and expose human nature.

The book itself is relatively ordinary in terms of theme and narrative technique, and belongs to Keigo Higashino's works. However, the whole story is still very fascinating, and the ending is not conventional. The daughter's summary after reading it is: There are three truths in this book, the truth that everyone thinks, the truth that the couple involved thinks, and the real truth.

Recommended books: Keigo Higashino, which is suitable for elementary and junior high school students

"On the Shore of the Meteor" A warm story triggered by a murder, human nature and family affection, is touching. In addition, I like the cover of this version very much, it is cold and sad, and there is a little warmth.

Recommended books: Keigo Higashino, which is suitable for elementary and junior high school students

"Relief Grocery Store", a case that has nothing to do with the murder but is full of warm energy growth story. And the cross-narrative method in the story will also be a new reading experience. This kind of warm healing works is in stark contrast to Keigo Higashino's homicide reasoning.

Recommended books: Keigo Higashino, which is suitable for elementary and junior high school students

Most of Keigo Higashino's works can be watched by students, but a few works for minors are best not to watch for a while and wait until they become adults. The first recommendation "White Night Walk" that is not suitable for minors to watch is actually for many fans, this "White Night Walk" can be regarded as the peak of Keigo Higashino. This is true both in literary achievement and in the case of reasoning. There are two reasons why it is not suitable to read: 1. The story of this book is about two elementary school students who murdered their own scumbag parents together, and then each floated in their own lives for 30 years. The whole story and style are extremely obscure and depressing, depicting the evil of human nature and the vicissitudes of fate to the extreme. As an adult, the repressed emotions I read this book were dissipated for a few days. 2. There are many sexual descriptions in the book, and it is not suitable for students to read.

The second is "Street of Dawn", which is about extramarital affairs and that subtle psychology and human nature through the facts of the case, which is naturally not suitable for students.

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