
Come on India! With 5% away from the lunar landing target, the lunar lander has a chance to "wake up"?

author:Cutting-edge International

Reports surrounding the event have not cooled down since September 2, when India announced the failed moon landing. According to the "Times of India" website, Indian researchers are integrating their forces to prepare to "wake up" the "sleeping" "Vikram" lander. The lander lost contact at a distance of 2.1 kilometers from the lunar surface due to technical failures such as remote sensing interruptions during the landing activities 13 days ago. However, with the efforts of Indian researchers, through telemetry, tracking and command networks, it was finally captured. According to the Indian side, "Vikram" made a hard landing on the lunar surface, and fortunately the lander is still a whole, without falling into pieces. Implicitly, this machine or the inside is good, there is a chance to work again.

Come on India! With 5% away from the lunar landing target, the lunar lander has a chance to "wake up"?

The same moon landing, the same lander working on the lunar surface, our performance in this field is very different. Since the beginning of the 21st century, we have launched a moon landing plan and listed it as a major national defense and people's livelihood project. Judging from our preparations for the calendar year and the moon landing in recent years. Chang'e has successfully completed the four phases of the lunar landing project and has already launched the moon rabbit truck on the far side of the moon. India's real lunar mission dates back to 2015, which means that it took less than four years from development to launch of Chandrayaan-2 in New Delhi. This also explains why the lander is missing and sleeping. That is, "internal strength is not enough", and it is somewhat inappropriate to launch such projects.

Come on India! With 5% away from the lunar landing target, the lunar lander has a chance to "wake up"?

So why is the Modi government so eager to launch Chandrayaan-2? According to analysis, in addition to the official "good and great achievements", cohesion inside and enhancing the patriotism of the Indian people should be the main reason. The current Modi, there are signs of Nehru's second. Whether at the political, diplomatic or military levels, India has shown an unusually tough posture. We should not only vigorously reorganize the army but also install advanced equipment. And the fangs of the attack were exposed to Kashmir. On the basis of India's "occupation" of Indian-controlled Kashmir on August 5, India has formed an "integrated combat group" of 15,000 soldiers in the India-Pakistan border area. Compared with other conventional forces in India, the battle group has a special nature in terms of military missions and military equipment.

Come on India! With 5% away from the lunar landing target, the lunar lander has a chance to "wake up"?

To put it simply, this "integrated combat group" not only undertakes the task of dealing with the turmoil, but also shoulders the heavy responsibility of fighting with the Pakistani side. In order to maintain the existence of this force and eliminate domestic opposition, the Modi regime is bound to create momentum at the level of public opinion. Obviously, through the combination with the Chandrayaan-2 incident, it can create a "strong India" internally, a "military power" that can confront China and Pakistan at the same time. At present, it is not known what the public opinion in India is, but Modi has once again stabilized the people's hearts through a series of recent tough moves.

Come on India! With 5% away from the lunar landing target, the lunar lander has a chance to "wake up"?

For an agricultural country like India, it is not easy to achieve such results in the field of space. But giving too much political overtones to a simple space exploration program is detrimental to the long-term development of India's defense industry. At the same time, under the condition that our economy is weak and we do not have the ability to compete with the Pakistani side, it is obviously somewhat reckless to set off a new round of geopolitical competition. But then again, the contest between the big powers cannot be considered by ordinary people's thinking, and the competition between the big powers cannot be analyzed through technical conditions. India has completed 95% of the lunar landing mission (the head of the lunar landing plan, Sivan publicly stated), India has completed the accumulation of superior forces, so will it be far from the final result? Let's wait and see.

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