
The pro-China prime minister of Slovakia woke up after being shot and was originally scheduled to visit China in June

author:Good as water yyp

According to Reuters and AFP, on May 16, local time, Slovak Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Kahliniak said that Prime Minister Fizo's situation has stabilized but is still "very serious".

Agence France-Presse reported that Kaliniac said doctors had managed to stabilize Fizo's condition, but that Fizo's condition remained very serious due to the complexity of the injuries.

On the 15th, Sri Lankan Prime Minister Fizo was shot in Handlova in the center of the country and subsequently taken to the hospital.

The pro-China prime minister of Slovakia woke up after being shot and was originally scheduled to visit China in June

Robert Fico, born on September 15, 1964, graduated from the Faculty of Law of Komenski University, Slovakia, with a doctorate in law. Fizo worked at the Institute of Law of the Ministry of Justice.

He served as Prime Minister of Slovakia four times. He was in power in Slovakia for a total of 11 years and was deeply loved by the people.

In 1992, he was elected to the Slovak National Assembly. In November 1999, he founded the Direction Party and served as its chairman.

The pro-China prime minister of Slovakia woke up after being shot and was originally scheduled to visit China in June

He served as Prime Minister from 4 July 2006 to 8 July 2010. In March 2012, he led the Slovak Direction Party to regain parliamentary elections and became Prime Minister of Slovakia. On March 15, 2018, Fizo resigned as Prime Minister. On October 25, 2023, Fizo became Prime Minister of the new Slovak government.

Slovakia is one of China's most important trading partners among Central and Eastern European countries.

The pro-China prime minister of Slovakia woke up after being shot and was originally scheduled to visit China in June

Slovakia was one of the first countries to sign the Belt and Road Memorandum in 2015.

During his years in power, trade between China and Slovakia grew rapidly. According to Chinese statistics, The bilateral trade volume between China and Sri Lanka was US$3.75 billion in 2010, US$5.969 billion in 2011, US$6.008 billion in 2012, US$6.54 billion in 2013, US$6.21 billion in 2014, US$5.03 billion in 2015, US$5.27 billion in 2016, US$5.31 billion in 2017, US$7.78 billion in 2018, US$8.89 billion in 2019, US$9.46 billion in 2020 and US$12.09 billion in 2021. In 2022, the bilateral trade volume was 12.15 billion US dollars. It has nearly quadrupled in 10 years.

The pro-China prime minister of Slovakia woke up after being shot and was originally scheduled to visit China in June

Fizo has severely criticized the role played by the United States on the issue of Kosovo's independence, strongly opposed the establishment of US bases in neighboring Czech Republic and Poland, and his first foreign measure when he took office was to withdraw Slovak troops from Iraq. He visited China in his first year in power.

Slovakia is one of the most friendly countries in Europe to China.

Its per capita GDP is inferior to that of Suzhou (Slovakia's per capita GDP is 152,000 yuan, Suzhou's per capita GDP is 186,000 yuan), and its population is less than half of China's Wuhan (5.43 million in Slovakia and 13.739 million in Wuhan).

The pro-China prime minister of Slovakia woke up after being shot and was originally scheduled to visit China in June

Slovakia is a landlocked country located in Central Europe, and it is bordered by several countries: the Czech Republic to the northwest, Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east, Hungary to the south, and Austria to the southwest. Slovakia's geographical location makes it an important transportation hub connecting Eastern and Western Europe, also known as the "heart of Europe", with beautiful natural scenery and a long history and culture.

Over the past few decades, with the development of globalization, the relationship between China and Slovakia has become more and more close. Slovaks generally believe that the Chinese are hardworking, talented, and faithful. Very interested in China's ancient civilization, rich history and long cultural traditions. There are many locals who aspire to travel to China.

The pro-China prime minister of Slovakia woke up after being shot and was originally scheduled to visit China in June

China has opened a number of Confucius Institutes in Slovakia. There are a number of Chinese and Slovak cities that have formed sister city tie-cities.

Slovakia is one of the countries in Europe that implements visa-free access to China.

China was the first country to recognize Slovakia.

The pro-China prime minister of Slovakia woke up after being shot and was originally scheduled to visit China in June

With elegant castles, pristine forests, magnificent mountains and hot springs, Slovakia is the "Little Switzerland" of the heart of Europe.

With 425 ancient castles, Slovakia has the highest number of castles per capita in the world. The most famous castle is the 900-year-old Spish Castle, which is listed by UNESCO.

The pro-China prime minister of Slovakia woke up after being shot and was originally scheduled to visit China in June

The Tatra Mountains are one of the most beautiful in Europe, with many medieval castles nestled in the mountains. Bratislava, Slovakia, still retains the civic architecture of the High Middle Ages.

The locals are very friendly and the town is safe. It attracts more and more Chinese to travel to the local area.

I hope Slovak Prime Minister Fizo will get better soon.

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