
Linsey: Give happiness to the years, and everything will have a home

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Hi everyone, my name is Linsey.

Before explaining my story, I would like to ask you a question, are you nostalgic? There are two important "ones" in everyone's life, the first and the unique. For example, the first mobile phone in life, the first game console, the first walkman... Also, the only person in life.

I like to tear things down, especially old ones. The first thing I dismantled was my console, and because I was reluctant to throw it away, I planned to make it stay with me in a whole new way. Dismantling and dismantling, this way has become my profession.

It may be difficult for many people to understand, isn't this dismantled mobile phone a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron? What is there to frame? Is my mental condition a cause for concern?

But what I want to say is that doing this is to pull a lot of people, let the spirit stop, slow down, if it runs at high speed every day, it is really going to "crack".

Last year, I received a watch from a guest, and surprisingly, a diamond ring was sent at the same time. In his world, this is not just a watch, but a token of love between him and his wife. From the newlywed Yan'er to firewood, rice, oil and salt, without paying attention, seven years have passed.

Perhaps in this busy life, you can't take enough time every day to seriously accompany your lover. But he never expected that this last time was like pressing the fast forward button, and he could only guard her hospital bed.

Ten years later, holding this watch again, she was no longer around. This diamond ring was given to her by him; This watch, which was given by her mother's family, carries happy memories that cannot be forgotten for a long time, how can it be willing to let go, how can it be dusty...

I finished the work almost choked up the whole time, I made a "tree of life" symbolizing love, the route of the watch parts layer by layer, and finally converged at the end, and the end point is the ring symbolizing the beautiful love between the two.

Every time I see it and think of it, my heart feels like a string pulling it. It reminds me that although I am pushed by life, I must also care about the people around me and cherish some small lucks in life, because these are the belonging of feelings. In order to live a better life, we have to rush and struggle, and give happiness years; But if you can't give happiness to the years, there is no place for all the giving. Because of the unexpected and tomorrow, you never know which one comes first.

I hope that memory is not dusted, but should be narrated, collected, and commemorated. Behind each of my works, there is a unique life memory of the protagonist. Machinery is not cold, the emotional value it carries is priceless, and cold parts can tell heart-warming stories.

In the work of the tree of life, there is a quote that I like very much:

"If a watch doesn't go right, it's wrong every second. But if the watch stops, it is accurate at least twice a day. Sometimes, sober stilling is better than blindly moving forward. ”

Linsey: Give happiness to the years, and everything will have a home

In fact, since I was a child, I was very playful at that time, my interests were very similar to some boys, and I often wanted to take things apart at home to see what happened, sometimes I could put it back, and sometimes my mother wanted to stuff me in. What I am currently doing is to reintegrate these existing technological products to bring people a new sensory stimulation.

For me, I was born in a good era where playing can also play value, and I am fortunate to discover a path that can not only help others, but also combine with my own interests. But once something becomes a career, it means that we have to give up a lot of time to invest in it, and I gradually transformed from a playful girl to an entrepreneur full of minutiae. The initial process was very painful and made it difficult for me to adapt to it for years. But now I think that this process is very necessary to constantly "grind" works with emotion and depth.

When I indulge in framing objects, I can get self-worth from it, especially the recognition of my guests, and this constant motivation fascinates me, and I feel that while I create emotional value for my guests, they are also providing me with something equally precious.

I love my work, which is why I laugh from the bottom of my heart and have fun from the bottom of my heart when I shoot at work. In a format with high emotional prices, my requirements for myself are to exceed expectations, and I must have a desire in my heart to make guests happy and satisfied, and start creating again in such a state of mind.

The studio also exceeds expectations as Slogan, and everything is guided by exceeding the expectations of guests and exceeding my own expectations. But sometimes design works also need to let go of some obsessions, because what I want is not necessarily what the guests want, to understand the emotional value that everyone really needs, and the final work is truly meaningful beyond the design itself.

A year ago, Mr. Yu sent me his father's barber tools to frame.

When his father suddenly died of illness when he was 18 years old, this sudden bad news also became a knot in his heart, and the emotions that had been accumulated in his heart for a long time exploded instantly. Those happy times as children: going to work in the fields, practicing their skills together in their billiard hall, riding a big iron donkey, washing his father's feet, the relationship between the two was as good as that of brothers.

The father worked as a barber for more than thirty years, shaving, shaving, shaving, cutting hair, and even shaving the face of a child who had just reached the full moon. Each knife was sharpened by him himself, very sharp and delicate. Self-taught, my father was a very hard-working man who could collect invoices in the production team and exchange points for food. Although his father's foot was injured and a little lame, he still supported the family's income with his hands.

His father also wanted his son to inherit his father's business, but the young Mr. Yu was bent on going to the army to relieve his father's pressure. But his father left too suddenly, and he was particularly sad in those years, because he had a good relationship with his father, and he wanted to fulfill his last wish, so he decided to become a hairdresser. He said that Dad will be very pleased to see himself today.

I listened to his stories quietly, but I only arranged the weather-beaten barber tool neatly in the display box in the most straightforward way. Mr. Yu told me that he was very satisfied and happy. Sometimes as a listener, listening to others talk about their cherished emotions and memories, remembering them with their hearts, and preserving them in some way, can be of great help to them. Time passes faster and the past erases traces after a few storms, but they should not be forgotten, they should be remembered.

Some emotions may be gradually forgotten with the fast-paced life, and what I want to do is to try to awaken people's original heart, childlike heart, or a life of struggle, an unforgettable memory. Help them build their own "museum of life" and look back at this journey of life.

I believe that when each of us becomes very strong in our hearts, the soft power of national culture will become thicker. When more people value emotions, I think the word wealth will be reconstructed by the times, and my work does provide me with relatively stable material conditions, but I think what is really precious is the spiritual wealth preserved in each work.

Linsey: Give happiness to the years, and everything will have a home

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