
From the course of German history, look at the German model series observation five: a divided Germany again reunification

author:Wine watching

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The fifth time, Germany, which was divided again, was reunified

The Germans invaded Poland on 1 September 1939, and then quickly occupied all of Poland with the Soviets, britain and France declared war on Germany, and World War II began.

As the war progressed, Germany and its allies quickly took control of the European continent and North Africa, but the plan to force Britain to surrender or truce failed.

From the course of German history, look at the German model series observation five: a divided Germany again reunification

From 1939 to 1940, through the launch of the Blitzkrieg, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium and France were quickly occupied, and air strikes were launched against Britain.

On June 22, 1941, Germany violated the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact and invaded the Soviet Union.

Germany retreated from the Eastern Front after the failure of Operation Blue from 28 June 1942 to 19 February 1943, and was caught in the Battle of Stalingrad on the other hand.

Germany's ally Italy surrendered in September 1943, losing the Italian line. After the Battle of Normandy, the Allied forces opened up the western front and reduced the battlefield into German territory.

From the course of German history, look at the German model series observation five: a divided Germany again reunification

In the Battle of Berlin on April 25, 1945, the Soviet army invaded the city of Berlin, on April 30 the Soviet army completely occupied the city of Berlin, hitler committed suicide that afternoon, the commander of the Berlin Defense Zone intended to make a conditional surrender to the Soviet commander, but the Soviet side refused, on May 2, the Berlin guards surrendered after several unsuccessful negotiations, and on May 8, Germany officially announced its unconditional surrender.

East germany and west Germany

In June 1948, the occupied areas of the United States, Britain and France were merged. On 23 May of the following year, the combined Western Occupation Zone established the Federal Republic of Germany. On 7 October of the same year, the German Democratic Republic was established in the eastern Soviet-occupied region. Germany has since been formally divided into two sovereign states.

From the course of German history, look at the German model series observation five: a divided Germany again reunification

After the war, according to the Yalta And Potsdam Agreements, Germany was occupied by the United States, Britain, France and the Soviet Union respectively, and the four countries formed an allied control committee to take over the supreme power of Germany. The city of Berlin was also divided into four occupation zones, and in 1961 the GDR built the Berlin Wall to prevent east German residents from moving westward.

In 1989 the situation in the GDR changed dramatically. Since May of the same year, a large number of citizens have fled the Federal Republic of Germany. In early October, demonstrations of varying sizes erupted in many cities, demanding the relaxation of restrictions on travel abroad and the media.

From the course of German history, look at the German model series observation five: a divided Germany again reunification

On 18 October, President Honecker of the GDR announced his resignation. On November 9, the "Berlin Wall" opened. On 28 November, Chancellor Kohl of the Federal Republic of Germany proposed a ten-point plan for the reunification of the two Germanys.

German reunification

In 1989, the upheavals in Eastern Europe brought down communist regimes in various countries, including East Germany; with the consent of the Four Powers, East and West Germany finally reached german reunification in 1990.

On 13 and 14 February 1990, Chancellor Modrow of the GDR made his first visit to the Federal Republic of Germany. On 18 March, the GDR People's Assembly was elected freely and de Mézier became Chancellor, much faster in the pace of German reunification.

From the course of German history, look at the German model series observation five: a divided Germany again reunification

On 18 May 1990, Germany signed a state treaty in Bonn on the establishment of a monetary, economic and social union. On August 31, 1990, the two sides signed the German reunification treaty in Berlin.

On 24 September 1990, the National People's Army of the GDR formally withdrew from the Warsaw Pact.

On 3 October 1990, the GDR officially joined the Federal Republic of Germany. The Constitution, the People's Assembly, and the government of the GDR were automatically abolished, and the original 14 special districts were changed to 5 states to adapt to the establishment of the Federal Republic of Germany, and were incorporated into the Federal Republic of Germany, and the two Germanys, which had been divided for more than 40 years, were reunited.

From the course of German history, look at the German model series observation five: a divided Germany again reunification

Friends who are interested in learning more about the German model, please continue to pay attention to the series of observations: the development history of Germany, the origin of the German model, Germany before and after World War II, why East Germany was incorporated into West Germany, why Germany's urbanization did not learn from the United States, German economy, education, social welfare, etc.

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