
Who is stronger in martial arts in "Water Margin" Wu Song or Shi Jin? The two have their own strengths and are indistinguishable

Who is stronger in martial arts in "Water Margin" Wu Song or Shi Jin? The two have their own strengths and are indistinguishable

Author: Sasha

This article was originally written by Sasha and is not allowed to be reproduced by any media

Sasha is serious nonsense No. 513

Who is stronger in martial arts in "Water Margin" Wu Song or Shi Jin? The two have their own strengths and are indistinguishable

Who is stronger in martial arts in "Water Margin" Wu Song or Shi Jin? The two have their own strengths and are indistinguishable

If Wu Song and Shi Jin go head-to-head, it depends on whether they fight with fists and feet, or use weapons, especially if they don't fight immediately.

If it is a fist and foot fight, I am afraid that Wu Song can win.

If it is a heads-up with a weapon on foot, the two should be tied.

If it was a horseback battle, Shi Jin would have the upper hand.

Who is stronger in martial arts in "Water Margin" Wu Song or Shi Jin? The two have their own strengths and are indistinguishable


First, the masters of the two are different.

Wu Song's master is unknown, obviously not a celebrity, I'm afraid it's just a boxer in Qinghe County.

Therefore, Wu Song's fist and foot kung fu is very powerful, and in terms of technique, it is no less than Jiao Ting and Yan Qing, who rely on sumo wrestling to eat.

But the reason why Wu Song is so powerful is that his technical ability is only a small part, and the key is that he has the strength to surpass all techniques, that is, his body and strength.

Wu Song is a burly man, at least 1.85 meters tall and weighs a lot. Sun Erniang's two buddies couldn't lift Wu Song.

Until the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Qing army in the First Sino-Japanese War was already selected, and the average height of the soldiers captured by the Japanese army was only 1.67 meters.

The Japanese soldiers are also selected in China, with an average height of only 1.65 meters.

This was still the case in the Qing Dynasty, and the height of men in the Song Dynasty was even lower.

A strong man like Wu Song is a head taller than an ordinary strong man.

The advantage of Wu Song's burly figure is that he has a strong ability to resist blows and great strength, which is a dimensionality reduction blow for ordinary men.

Wu Song's strength is extremely great, and he can be called one of the best in Liangshan.

Who is stronger in martial arts in "Water Margin" Wu Song or Shi Jin? The two have their own strengths and are indistinguishable

Among the heroes on Liangshan, there are quite powerful and superhuman men.

Take Li Kui as an example, he is very powerful: the thirty-pound hammer of the money leopard Tang Long is like a "projectile" in Li Kui's hands, "I used it once, put it down gently, and my face was not red, my heart was not beating, and my mouth was not panting." ”

Thirty catties of hammer is trivial for Li Kui, which shows that the strength is very large.

Wu Song's strength is even more amazing, not comparable to Li Kui: he only used one right hand in the Mengzhou prison camp to lift up the stone pier of three to five hundred catties and throw it to a height of more than three meters, and gently caught it with both hands and put it back in its original place, "The face is not red, the heart is not beating, and the mouth is not panting." Shi En approached and hugged Wu Song, and then bowed, "Brother, extraordinary people! What a god! All the prisoners worshipped together, saying, 'Truly God and man!' ’”

The stone pier of three or five hundred catties, Wu Song held it in his hand as a juggler, and his strength was much stronger than Li Kui.

In the entire Liangshan, I am afraid that only the strength of a few people such as Lu Zhishen and Lu Junyi can fight with Wu Song.

Even if Wu Song, who is so strong and powerful, doesn't know martial arts, ordinary small men who have practiced can't beat him.

Who is stronger in martial arts in "Water Margin" Wu Song or Shi Jin? The two have their own strengths and are indistinguishable

In terms of strength, Shi Jin is obviously inferior to Wu Song.

Shi Jin is a big man, but he is not as tall and burly as Wu Song, and his body and strength are weaker than Wu Song.

Shi Jin is at best the equivalent of today's middleweight boxer, and Wu Song is a heavyweight.

Wu Song's fist and foot kung fu level is extremely high, coupled with the advantage of his body, it is basically impossible for Shi Jin to win Wu Song empty-handed.

In fact, Wu Song has never lost so many hand-to-hand fights.

Who is stronger in martial arts in "Water Margin" Wu Song or Shi Jin? The two have their own strengths and are indistinguishable

Second, both men use weapons, and it's hard to say who will win.

Everyone uses weapons, and the situation is different.

Compared with Wu Song, Shi Jin's master is much more powerful, and he is Wang Jin, the head of the 800,000 forbidden army.

Gao Yu claimed that his fists, feet, and sticks were difficult to meet opponents, but he was knocked down by Wang Jin's father with a stick, and he lay down for several months before recovering.

It can be seen that the martial arts of Wang Jin's father and son are extremely high. They are the instructors of the regular army of the Northern Song Dynasty, not the wild road martial arts on the rivers and lakes.

Facing the young Shi Jin, who was strong and could only embroider some fists and legs, Wang Jin knocked him over in three or two moves.

It can be seen that Wang Jin's martial arts are no less than Lin Chong, and he is the strongest instructor of the Northern Song Dynasty Forbidden Army. What's more, Wang Jin's martial arts are used to fight, and in layman's terms, they are used to kill people.

However, it is impossible to use fists and feet in military operations, and weapons must be used.

Therefore, Wang Jin mainly taught Shi Jin to use various weapons, not fists and feet.

As far as the attainments in weapons are concerned, Shi Jin is extremely high.

Who is stronger in martial arts in "Water Margin" Wu Song or Shi Jin? The two have their own strengths and are indistinguishable

Flying Yaksha Qiu Xiaoyi is a famous and good robber in the rivers and lakes, and he was killed by Shi Jin after not holding out for long: the Flying Yaksha Qiu Dao saw that the monk lost, so he relied on the Pu Dao to help. When Shi Jin saw this, he jumped out of the woods and shouted, "Don't go!" "Lift the hat, hold up the Pu knife, and come to fight Qiu Xiaoyi. Zhishen and Cui Daocheng were fighting in the depths, and Zhishen was in a convenient place, and shouted "Going!" "Just a Zen cane, knock the pig iron Buddha off the bridge. When the Taoist saw that the monk had fallen, he had no intention of fighting, so he sold a flaw and left. Shi Jin shouted, "Go there!" "Catch up, look at the back of the heart of a simple knife, pounce on the ground, the Taoist fell to the side. Shi Jin stepped in, turned the Pu knife, and looked down at the rubbing that only cared about the limbs.

In comparison, Wu Song's weapons are a little worse.

When facing Ximen Qing, Wu Song was kicked by the other party and flew away with the knife in his hand: It's too late, it's too fast. Wu Song pressed it slightly with his hand, and he jumped on the table and kicked down some dishes. The two singing courtyards were so frightened that they couldn't walk. The rich man was in a state of panic and fell in shock. When Ximen Qing saw that he was fierce, he pointed his hand and flew up with his right foot. Wu Song just ran in, and when he saw his feet up, he flashed slightly, and it happened that the kick was kicking Wu Song's right hand, and the knife kicked up and fell straight down the street. Ximen Qingjian kicked the knife, and he was not afraid of him in his heart, so he took a false photo with his right hand and punched him with his left hand, hitting Wu Song in his heart.

Normally, Wu Song holds a knife and Ximen Qing is empty-handed, and the latter should definitely die.

Unexpectedly, Wu Song was beaten empty-handed by Ximenqing. If Wu Song's fist and foot skills were worse, he might be killed.

It can be seen that Wu Song's kung fu on weapons is slightly worse, and Shi Jin is stronger.

Having said that, Wu Song still has the advantage of strength and body after all, which can make up for the gap in moves.

Wu Song held a weapon on foot and Shi Jin went head-to-head, it was hard to say who would win!

Who is stronger in martial arts in "Water Margin" Wu Song or Shi Jin? The two have their own strengths and are indistinguishable

Third, the immediate heads-up must be Shi Jin's victory.

Wu Song did not practice kung fu on horses, and after arriving in Liangshan, he also became an army leader.


Wu Song is a socially blind stream, his parents died when he was a child, and he relied on his brother to sell buns to raise him, where can he have the money to buy horses to practice horse martial arts?

In the countryside during the Northern Song Dynasty, only people worth more than 5,000 yuan could afford to raise horses. And this horse is just an ordinary horse for farm work, not a war horse. If you raise a war horse, the cost is even higher.

Wu Song's family has no financial resources to buy horses, and he will not do martial arts right away.

Shi Jin is the landlord's eldest young master, and he also followed Wang Jin to learn the martial arts of the horse, and later caught Shaohua Mountain Chen Da is to fight immediately: Chen Da said angrily, "Don't catch up with people, Hugh has to be spiritual!" Shi Jin was also angry, picked up the knife in his hand, sat down suddenly, and came to fight Chen Da. Chen Da also shot his horse and raised a gun to welcome Shi Jin. Shi Jin and Chen Da fought for a long time. I saw the war horse roaring and kicking up the weapon in his hand; Guns and knives come and go, and each defense frame is blocked. The two of them fought to the depths of the room, and Shi Jin sold a flaw, so that Chen Da could put the gun in his heart. Shi Jin flashed his waist, and Chen Da and the gun came into his arms. Shi Jin lightly stretched his ape arm, twisted the wolf's waist, and gently took Chen Da out of the intarsia saddle, grabbed the line and grabbed his arm, and threw him in front of the horse to surrender. The horse seemed to be gone. Shi Jin asked Zhuang Ke to tie up Chen Da. Everyone drove the little minions away and left.

If Wu Song and Shi Jin fought on horseback, their martial arts would be very different.

In the Northern Song Dynasty, except for soldiers, ordinary people could not carry long weapons casually, nor could they practice long weapons.

Why do Jianghu martial artists use long wooden sticks when they go head-to-head? This is the only long weapon that can be legally carried.

And the martial arts on the horse must use long weapons, ordinary heroes will not fight immediately, and Wu Song is no exception.

Who is stronger in martial arts in "Water Margin" Wu Song or Shi Jin? The two have their own strengths and are indistinguishable

On the contrary, under Wang Jin's teaching, Shi Jin is proficient in all eighteen weapons, and he has also learned long weapons very well.

You may not understand, what is the difference between fighting immediately and fighting on foot?

In ancient times, cavalry was today's light tank, and it was by no means something that infantry could deal with.

If the infantry wants to fight the cavalry, they can only use bows and arrows, bows and crossbows, etc.

With cold weapons, one cavalry can take on four or five armed infantry.

The cavalry rushed at high speed, and the infantry could fall to death if they were hit.

Who is stronger in martial arts in "Water Margin" Wu Song or Shi Jin? The two have their own strengths and are indistinguishable

Fourth, Shi Jin is tougher than Wu Song.

Although Shi Jin is a pampered young master, he is tougher than Wu Song, and he also has a sense of justice.

Wu Song didn't do anything righteous in his life, killing Pan Jinlian was to avenge his brother, killing Wang Daoren was just not used to seeing him and women laughing, and beating Jiang Menshen was even more black.

On the contrary, Shi Jin is more just.

Shi Jin found out that Wang Yi's daughter was forcibly married by the corrupt official He Taishou, which had nothing to do with him, but he took the risk of assassinating He Taishou out of righteous indignation.

Who is stronger in martial arts in "Water Margin" Wu Song or Shi Jin? The two have their own strengths and are indistinguishable

When Wu Song was framed by Zhang Dujian and caught, he was recruited as soon as the other party tortured him to prevent him from being injured.

When the heroes of Liangshan attacked Dongping Mansion, Shi Jin mixed into the city and was a good friend, and the famous prostitute Li Ruilan's family was captured by the government.

The government tortured Shi Jin in every possible way and used a lot of criminal laws to make him explain the attack plan of Liangshan. Shi Jin, who is angry, will not betray his brothers, no matter what he does, he will not say a word.

Who is stronger in martial arts in "Water Margin" Wu Song or Shi Jin? The two have their own strengths and are indistinguishable

Shi Jin is more righteous, Wu Song is also reasonable, Lu Zhishen is more compatible with them, but he keeps a distance from Lin Chong.


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