
Will the commander shout "shoot you if you don't fight"? On May 16, 1947, the Battle of Menglianggu ended

Will the commander shout "shoot you if you don't fight"? On May 16, 1947, the Battle of Menglianggu ended

Today in Sasha's history.

Author: Sasha

This article was originally written by Sasha and is not allowed to be reproduced by any media

In the battle scene of the film and television drama, the commander shouted: Rush me, hit me, hold for me, or shoot you. Would this scenario happen in a real-life battle? May 16, 1947: The Second Kuomintang-Communist Civil War: The Battle of Menglianggu ended.

Will the commander shout "shoot you if you don't fight"? On May 16, 1947, the Battle of Menglianggu ended

This has been the case with any country's army in the past.

Many people do not understand that the company commander in the battle, as well as the position, are not low.

In the offensive operations of World War II, there was no longer a sea tactic. Basically, the infantry company was the unit, and the company headquarters was set up 800 meters away from the enemy's position, and several subordinate platoons were commanded to fight. This is outside the effective range of the enemy's machine guns, avoiding direct destruction of the command headquarters.

The company commander directly gave orders to the platoon commander to deploy the general combat mission, and the specific attack was decided by the platoon commander.

The company commander does not need to fight with a gun, he is only equipped with a pistol, and his task is to give various orders.

The platoon commander's command position is relatively forward, usually within 400 meters of the enemy, so that it is convenient to observe the situation at the front line.

After the platoon commander received a specific order, he gave the order to the squad leader. The platoon commander will clearly instruct each squad on what to do, and the squad leader will be responsible for the specific implementation.

If the platoon commander orders to seize the frontal pillbox, let the 1st and 2nd squads attack head-on, and the 3rd squad flanks them. After he gave the order, the three squad leaders would deploy the soldiers in the squad to attack.

Will the commander shout "shoot you if you don't fight"? On May 16, 1947, the Battle of Menglianggu ended

From the beginning of World War II, infantry squads tended to be divided into three to four groups, divided into fire and infantry groups. The fire team is a light machine gun, which is mainly responsible for fire suppression, and the infantry group has about 3 people in each group, which is responsible for approaching the pillbox under the cover of machine guns and attacking with various weapons.

In the event of an exchange of fire, the platoon commander is at the forefront and has the opportunity to engage the enemy directly. Therefore, the platoon commanders of the national army are often equipped with combat pistols and box guns, with 10 to 20 rounds of ammunition, and their actual combat ability is relatively strong.

The company commander was in the rear, and the chances of firing a gun were minimal, and the battalion commander was even more in the second line, and even if he fired indiscriminately with a pistol, he couldn't hit anything.

At this time, even if the battalion commander yelled, the front-line officers and soldiers could not hear it because the distance was too far.

And the company commander was a few hundred meters away from the line of fire, and after the start of the battle, his shouting was useless, at best he could only be heard by the platoon commander who was relatively far behind.

The soldiers who really shouted were the platoon commanders and squad leaders.

Will the commander shout "shoot you if you don't fight"? On May 16, 1947, the Battle of Menglianggu ended

Let's take a look at the American drama "Band of Brothers", when the US Army E Company exchanges fire, the platoon commander and squad leader need to shout loudly to command, so that the soldiers charge, detour or retreat.

The sound of gunfire on the front line is deafening, you just shout at the top of your voice, and the officers and soldiers can only vaguely hear the order.

Basically, the company commander needs to use heralds and communicators to contact the platoon commander, and the battalion commander needs these people even more to contact the platoon commander.

In "Band of Brothers", Lieutenant Spears came to power in order to pass on the orders of the battalion commander Winster to the incompetent acting company commander Miller of E Company, who had twice rushed to deliver orders in dangerous front-line firefights.

And the famous Huang Jiguang was originally a communicator at the battalion headquarters, and he didn't need to go to the front line to fight with a gun. The losses on the front line of the Shangganling Battle were too great, and the 6 companies responsible for the main attack had no soldiers to use, so Huang Jiguang, who volunteered to participate in the battle, was transferred to bomb the pillbox.

Will the commander shout "shoot you if you don't fight"? On May 16, 1947, the Battle of Menglianggu ended

As for shouting at me in wartime, it is also common to shout at me, fight me, and defend me.

If you look at the memoirs of the officers, you will know that the squad leader and the team leader went with ordinary soldiers, and the platoon length was not far away.

At that time, communications were not developed, and only the US military was equipped with radio walkie-talkies.

This kind of equipment is generally used in combat units at the company and platoon levels, which are responsible for liaising with higher-level commanders, cooperating with friendly and neighboring units, promptly giving feedback to their superiors on reconnaissance or situations encountered, and making corresponding operational adjustments to higher-level or friendly neighboring units that have grasped the information in a timely manner.

Sounds good and can do without the herald. You know, the herald is the most dangerous position in the infantry.

Why? Heralds had to run around the front lines, exposing themselves to enemy fire, ten times more dangerous than ordinary infantry, with an extremely high rate of casualties.

Will the commander shout "shoot you if you don't fight"? On May 16, 1947, the Battle of Menglianggu ended

In the case of Hitler, not long after he participated in World War I, he was awarded the Iron Cross of the Second Degree. However, Hitler did not kill the enemy.

Why did he give him a medal even if he didn't kill the enemy?

As a herald, he managed to run on the front line for 3 months without being killed, which is a miracle in itself.

You must know that Hitler's 16th Bavarian Infantry Regiment was reduced from 3,600 to 611 on the first day of his war. The danger of the herald is greater than that of ordinary infantry, and it depends on ability to survive one point and nine points by luck.

However, the U.S. military's radio walkie-talkies are very unreliable. The communication distance of this thing is only a few kilometers, and the signal is unstable, and the more anxious you are, the more unusable it is.

A platoon of elite troops in the U.S. military also has only one walkie-talkie. In other words, the communication between the platoon commander and the squad leader still needs to be given by yelling and shouting.

Will the commander shout "shoot you if you don't fight"? On May 16, 1947, the Battle of Menglianggu ended

As an officer, from the beginning of the company commander is to direct the battle, and they do not need to shoot and fight.

The task of these officers is to supervise the officers and men in combat, and not to allow the officers and men to retreat from the battle or delay the battle.

On the battlefield, it is a very serious crime to retreat, ranging from confinement and imprisonment to being shot as a deserter.

Will the commander shout "shoot you if you don't fight"? On May 16, 1947, the Battle of Menglianggu ended

In the Battle of Stalingrad, because the Soviet army used a large number of recruits, and the battle was too tragic, many recruits retreated.

The Soviets were unequivocal and directly shot 14,000 people, which is equivalent to shooting a division.

Will the commander shout "shoot you if you don't fight"? On May 16, 1947, the Battle of Menglianggu ended

Having said that, there are quite a few soldiers in the United States who are retreating.

During World War II, 21,000 soldiers were convicted of desertion in the U.S. military.

More than 50,000 U.S. soldiers were accused of desertion, of whom 20,000 were identified as deserters. In May 1942, there were 2,822 deserters in the U.S. Army.

The Americans were more merciful, only 49 deserters were sentenced to death, the rest were only in hard labor, and only one unlucky man, Eddie Slovik, was actually executed.

Eddie was sentenced to death because he fled the war for the first time in October 1944. Considering that he was a new recruit, the U.S. Army pardoned Eddie for desertion and let him return to his original unit, but he escaped again 2 days later.

After being captured, Eddie was unrepentant and said that he would flee as soon as he was sent back to the army.

Will the commander shout "shoot you if you don't fight"? On May 16, 1947, the Battle of Menglianggu ended

Subsequently, Eddie escaped several times in a row, and was captured each time, causing extremely bad effects.

His old family is not surprised by what Eddie has done. Eddie is a well-known gangster in his hometown, although he has no serious crimes, he has a bad character, steals and cheats, and has done a lot of bad things.

This person escaped many times without receiving any punishment, which caused many US military personnel to be demoralized and believed that the US military's military discipline was foolish. Since Eddie could avoid joining the battle by escaping, the other soldiers could do the same.

In view of Eddie's bad words and deeds, he was shot in the head, and finally a military court sentenced him to death on November 11, 1944.

Will the commander shout "shoot you if you don't fight"? On May 16, 1947, the Battle of Menglianggu ended

On January 31, 1945, 10 U.S. soldiers executed Eddie!

The purpose of finding so many people to carry out the execution is to make them not know who fired the fatal bullet and to reduce the guilt of killing their compatriots.

Eddie was very unlucky indeed, and after the first round of shooting, he was only seriously injured and did not die.

Will the commander shout "shoot you if you don't fight"? On May 16, 1947, the Battle of Menglianggu ended

In desperation, the 10 American soldiers were forced to shoot a second round, eventually killing Eddie.

This execution lasted 15 minutes before and after, and it was really 10 minutes since he was shot, and Eddie was so miserable.

Will the commander shout "shoot you if you don't fight"? On May 16, 1947, the Battle of Menglianggu ended

As for the People's Liberation Army, it has not been soft on deserters in history.

As early as the era of the Red Army, there were four major crimes that had to be shot: throwing themselves to the enemy and shooting, deserting with a gun (most of the desertions with a gun were to defect to the enemy), raping women and shooting them on the spot, and shooting them with black guns (shooting black guns refers to plotting against comrades-in-arms, especially one's own officers, from behind in battle).

Everyone, pay attention, there is no desertion to be shot, that is, deserters to be shot.

In non-combat periods, if deserters from the Red Army who dropped their guns appeared, they were first taken back to multi-level confinement, criticism, and education, and finally the comrades-in-arms held a welcome meeting without severe punishment.

Will the commander shout "shoot you if you don't fight"? On May 16, 1947, the Battle of Menglianggu ended

If the person escapes a second time and is recaptured, the situation is different, the punishment is more severe, and there is a risk of being shot if he escapes many times.

If there is a deserter who flees during the fighting, he will be imprisoned and severely punished. The army will give you one more chance to make meritorious deeds, and if you run away repeatedly, you may be shot.

Of course, if it is the first time that a recruit enters the war, the army will be more lenient.

Will the commander shout "shoot you if you don't fight"? On May 16, 1947, the Battle of Menglianggu ended

In short, as a soldier, once you desert from the army, it is a serious crime second only to defecting to the enemy, and if you don't do it well, you will lose your head, no matter what country you are in.

You don't see, Qinghai head, no one has collected the white bones in ancient times.

The new ghost is annoyed and the old ghost is crying, and the sky is cloudy and rainy, and the wet voice is chirping.


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