
Today is Thursday, January 19, the twenty-eighth day of the lunar month. Sunny during the day today, 0°C, north wind level 4-5 cloudy this night, -11 ° C, north wind level 4-5 Air quality: mild

author:Mu Chen Qingyang

Today is Thursday, January 19, the twenty-eighth day of the lunar month.

Today is sunny during the day, 0°C, north wind 4-5

It will be cloudy overnight, -11°C, with a northerly wind of 4-5

Air quality: mildly polluted

Sunrise 7:09 sunset 16:48

In winter, looking for a flower to bloom and waiting for a snow to fall are all beautiful yearnings, if the heart is born for beauty, life will be less tangled. People, only with less greed and more contentment, can they open their hearts to embrace beauty; Only when the heart is pure can we be beautiful and clean! If the heart is beautiful, everything is lovely~

Today is Thursday, January 19, the twenty-eighth day of the lunar month. Sunny during the day today, 0°C, north wind level 4-5 cloudy this night, -11 ° C, north wind level 4-5 Air quality: mild
Today is Thursday, January 19, the twenty-eighth day of the lunar month. Sunny during the day today, 0°C, north wind level 4-5 cloudy this night, -11 ° C, north wind level 4-5 Air quality: mild
Today is Thursday, January 19, the twenty-eighth day of the lunar month. Sunny during the day today, 0°C, north wind level 4-5 cloudy this night, -11 ° C, north wind level 4-5 Air quality: mild
Today is Thursday, January 19, the twenty-eighth day of the lunar month. Sunny during the day today, 0°C, north wind level 4-5 cloudy this night, -11 ° C, north wind level 4-5 Air quality: mild
Today is Thursday, January 19, the twenty-eighth day of the lunar month. Sunny during the day today, 0°C, north wind level 4-5 cloudy this night, -11 ° C, north wind level 4-5 Air quality: mild

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