
American frog farming technology in solar greenhouse warming in cold regions

author:Jishan Huayao

American frog farming technology in solar greenhouse warming in cold regions

Wang Li, Sun Yi

American frog (Ranagrylio) native to the United States, is a large carnivorous frog, its meat is tender, delicious, high nutritional value, is a high protein, low fat nourishing food, belongs to special aquatic products. At the same time, it also has high skin and medicinal value. Vigorously developing American frog breeding is of great significance to promoting the development of rural economy and agricultural ecological balance, and at the same time it is an effective way for the aquaculture industry, especially the aquatic industry, to develop the production of famous and special aquatic products, improve the structure of aquaculture varieties, and improve the economic benefits of fisheries. But the American frog has hibernation habits, when the outside temperature is lower than 5 ° C, it begins to hibernate, so American frog breeding is carried out in the south, and the northern region is rarely farmed, the solar greenhouse greenhouse American frog breeding experiment is according to the characteristics of the cold region in the north, through artificial measures to keep warm and warm, break its hibernation habit, so that the American frog grows in a suitable water temperature and environment, change its hibernation to winter long, and summarize the solar greenhouse greenhouse American frog breeding technology, in order to better make the technology promotion and serve the society. At the same time, the growth of American frogs can be controlled through the regulation of feed crude protein content, density and water temperature, and special production and operation of ultra-extended time difference, regional difference, specification difference and poor ecology can be carried out for high-density live storage and temporary breeding of American frogs.

1 Construction of greenhouses

1. 1 Materials

Using cement lightweight material, No. 8 lead wire, No. 6 steel bar as the skeleton, the roof is a single-layer plastic film, lined with mulch film, external quilt, ordinary boiler in the shed, and some pools are equipped with different numbers of pipes and valves to control the water temperature.

1. 2 Spans

The width of the bottom corner of the north wall of the greenhouse is 6m ~ 8m along the south wall.

1. 3 Height

The highest point is 2. 5m ~ 3m。

1. 4 Length

Length 30m ~ 35m.

1. 5 Walls

The back wall is trapezoidal, the width of the base base is about 3m ~ 4m, and the width of the upper top is 0. 8m~1m, a cold ditch is set outside the wall.

1. 6 Cold ditch

Excavation depth on the south side of the greenhouse 1. 5m ~ 2m, width 30cm ~ 40cm trench, the trench is filled with straw, wheat straw and other thermal insulation materials to block the heat conduction to the outside.

2 Construction of the frog pond

The construction of beautiful frog ponds can generally be divided into spawning ponds, hatchery ponds, tadpole ponds, juvenile frog ponds, adult frog ponds and seed frog ponds.

2. 1 Spawning pool

Using cement pool, area 12m2 (3m × 4m), after 10% glacial acetic acid dealkalizing treatment, the bottom of the pool is lined with two layers of plastic film, covered with soil to make the bottom of the pool have a certain slope, the ratio of water and land area is 2:1, some aquatic plants are appropriately put in the water, the water in the pool is deep and shallow, the depth is 30cm ~ 50cm, and the shallow water area is about 10cm.

2. 2 Incubation pools

A cement pool with a certain slope next to the indoor pool, the specification is 2. 5m × 3m, wash the surface of the cement pool with 10% glacial acetic acid, and then fill the water to soak for about 1 week to drain, and then inject new water to use, put some aquatic plants in the water, set up inlet and outlet outlets on both sides of the pool, and block it with filter gauze to prevent tadpoles from escaping.

2. 3 Tadpole pools

The soil pool with plastic film, the area is 12m2 (3m × 4m), the water depth is 30cm ~ 50cm, some aquatic plants are appropriately placed in the pool, the pool wall should be gentle, a shade shelter is built above, a bait table is placed in the pool, and the bait platform sinks 5cm ~ 6cm under water.

2. 4 Young frogs, seed frog ponds, adult frog ponds

It is best to use cement ponds for fishing, classification and clearing of ponds, larger individual young frogs or adult frogs, seed frogs can be used in earthen pools, the general pool area of 10m2 ~ 30m2 is appropriate, can also be determined according to the terrain and feeding quantity, water depth 30cm ~ 40cm, the ratio of water and land in the pool 2: 1 or 1: 1, the pool is surrounded by a 1m high fence to prevent frogs from escaping or stringing pools, and a bait table is set up on the water surface.

Selection and breeding of 3 species of frogs

3. Choice of 1 species of frog

The species frog of the American frog selects 2 years old ~ 3 years old robust, strong mobility, no disease, no damage, weight above 400g, female frog to be plump, belly swollen, male frog throat golden yellow, forelimb marriage pad obvious chirping of the individual as parents.

3. Introduction of 2 species of frogs

In order to prevent the degradation of the variety and improve the fertility and growth rate, it is best to introduce an off-site body weight average of 0. About 4 kg of heterologous species frog was disinfected and put into the seed frog pond with a density of 8 pairs per 12m2, strengthening the feeding of protein feed, reducing human interference, avoiding stress reaction, feeding twice in the morning and evening, the daily feeding amount was 10% of the frog's body weight, and 24-hour pond observation, the greenhouse temperature was controlled above 18 °C, and the pool water temperature was kept at 15 °C.

3. 3 species of frogs are bred

Parent frogs generally spawn in June ~ September every year, and feed as many animal live bait as possible between April ~ May, such as small fish, shrimp, loach, etc., the daily feeding amount is 10% of the frog's body weight, feeding 2 times in the morning and evening, the water quality should be kept fresh, and the water temperature is stable above 20 °C.

4 Management of spawning

After the American frog appeared to chase estrus, the female and male frogs were combined into the pool with 1 pair per square meter, and the ratio of female and male was 1:1, increasing the number of aquatic plants in the pool, using the spray head artificial rainfall to stimulate the beautiful frog's hugging pair to lay eggs, and in the 2nd day, there were successively a kind of frog holding pairs to lay eggs, in order to achieve the same batch effect of spawning, convenient for production and feeding operations, male and female frogs that did not lay eggs should be artificially induced to spawn. Female frogs thigh thigh muscle injection of xanthatoietin releasing hormone analog (LRH-A) 30μg, male frog dose halved, thigh subcutaneous muscle injection, needle inserted into the muscle at a 45° angle, depth 1cm ~ 1. 5cm。

4. 1 Frog egg collection

If a frog is found to lay eggs, cut the aquatic grass that sticks the frog eggs together with scissors, insert the water weed obliquely along the side of the egg with a basin below, gently scoop up the flat end of the aquatic weed attached to the egg mass out of the water, and gently move the frog eggs into the hatchery pond.

4. 2 frog eggs hatch

The incubation density is 5000 grains/m2~ 10000 grains/m2, the water temperature is controlled at 25°C ~ 28°C, and the water depth is 30cm ~ 50cm. The freshly hatched tadpoles do not turn the pool, and after 7 days, they are crushed with hard-boiled egg yolks and sieved and mixed into a pulp and splashed, and 1 egg yolk is fed for every 10,000 tadpoles. During this period, in the vents of the warm shed, a screen is set to prevent dragonflies from entering to lay eggs and avoid the invasion of dragonfly larvae.

5 Feeding of tadpoles

5. 1 Breeding in the early stage of metamorphosis

5. 1. 1 Water temperature: The water temperature in the pool is controlled between 15°C ~ 30°C, and in winter, it is adjusted by buckling film and boiler.

5. 1. 2 Feeding: Set up two bait tables in the pool, sink 1cm ~ 2cm below the water surface, and feed with feed 1 (see Table 1). Feed 2 times a day, 9:00 ~ 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 ~ 5:00 p.m.

The amount of bait is proportional to the water temperature, the age of the tadpole and the weight, and the amount of bait is increased or decreased according to the eating situation of the previous day's baiting.

5. 1. 3 Daily management: patrol the pond several times a day, timely fish out the floating debris, floating film, dead tadpoles and other animals in the pool, find that the floating head increases oxygen in time, and disinfect the tadpole pool with 1mg /L ~ 2mg / L bleaching powder every 7d, disinfect once every 2d bait table, and change the water once every 15d.

5. 1. 4 Experiment: The hatched tadpoles are reared for 15 days and re-divided into pools. Open the pipeline valve, adjust the temperature, and carry out the growth and metamorphosis control test under different conditions, the area of the No. 1 ~ No. 6 pool is the same, the same is 12m2. Tadpoles are hatchery tadpoles that lay, hatch, and raise eggs in the same batch.

Table 1 Table of feed ingredients and protein content ( % )

American frog farming technology in solar greenhouse warming in cold regions

After two months of rearing, the tadpoles in Pool No. 1 weighed an average of 25g and were not metamorphosed. Average weight of Pool 2 22. 4g, most grow out of the hind limbs. Average weight of Pool 3 21. 8G, most of the metamorphosis is over. Pool 4 has an average weight of 19. 8g, no perversion. Pool 5 average weight 18. At 3g, only a few tadpoles grow hind limbs. Pool 6 average weight 18. 1g, partially growing out of hind limbs. The growth of tadpoles under different conditions is detailed in Table 2.

Table 2 Table of tadpole growth under different conditions

American frog farming technology in solar greenhouse warming in cold regions

Note: The weight data is that 10 frogs or tadpoles in the pool No. 1 ~ No. 6 were randomly weighed by 6 control groups in the pool and averaged.

Studies have shown that tadpoles can use the methods of increasing density, reducing temperature, increasing plant feed and reducing animal feed, controlling tadpoles' invariant state, safely wintering in the form of tadpoles, and using measures such as increasing water temperature and strengthening bait nutrition in the next year to make them metamorphosis in spring, and the growth reaches 50g ~ 60g stocking specifications. At the same time, it can also be used in this way to carry out high-density live storage and temporary breeding of American frogs, and carry out special production and operation with overextended time difference, regional difference, poor specification and poor ecology.

5. 2 Feeding during the metamorphosis period

Tadpole development stage, metamorphosis first, some metamorphosis into juvenile frogs, some are still in the tadpole stage, in order to adapt to the ecological habits of juvenile frogs, the number of aquatic plants and floating objects in the pool is increased so that young frogs attach to the body. The feed increases the proportion of fishmeal on the basis of the original compound feed, so that the crude protein content of the bait reaches more than 43%, the daily management is the same as the early stage of metamorphosis, the control water temperature is above 18 °C, the metamorphosis effect is better, the metamorphosis time is more consistent, when most of the tadpoles metamorphosis into young frogs, they can be fished out intensively and transferred to the young frog pond for rearing.

6 Feeding of young frogs

6. 1 Handling of frog ponds

Before the young frogs and adult frogs are stocked, the pond should be disinfected and the cement pond should be dealkalized.

6. 2 Stocking density

Stocking young frogs that have just been metamorphosed from tadpoles, the density is 100/m2~150/m2. 100 animals/m2 stocked with a weight of about 10g ~ 30g, and 60 animals/m2 stocked above 40g. Due to individual differences, young frogs of different sizes and specifications can be raised in different pools to prevent the phenomenon of large frogs eating small frogs.

6. 3 Water depth and temperature

The water depth should be controlled at about 40cm ~ 60cm, and the water temperature should be 15°C ~ 28°C.

6. 4 Feeding

Feed 1 time a day in the morning and evening, adhere to the "four determinations" principle, young frogs grow to about 30g to carry out dead bait (frozen meat or puffed pellet feed) food domestication. In view of the characteristics of beautiful frogs with compound eyes and unable to actively feed dead bait, artificial feeding is carried out, and wooden strips 4cm ~ 6cm thick are used to make and grow 1. 5m, width 0. 5m bait table frame, bottom lined with gauze, fixed floating wood scraper under the mesh, wood scraper connected to the iron round wheel through steel bars, connected to the motor through a belt, regularly use the rotation of the motor to pull the scraper under the bait table, so that the scraper moves back and forth at the bottom of the bait table, generating water fluctuations, making the dead bait jump, so that it is preyed on by frogs. After 10d ~ 30d, the purpose of taming and eating "dead bait" can be achieved.

6. 5 Anti-escape

A 1m high net should be set around the juvenile frog pond to prevent the juvenile frog from escaping and the frog skewer pool of different individuals.

6. 6 Grading

According to the size of the frog body, the graded feeding is carried out, so that the young frogs in the same pool are roughly the same, grow evenly, prevent the phenomenon of the big frog eating the small frog, and once it is found that there are frogs in the frog pond that are inconsistent, they are picked out in time and returned to the frog body size pool for rearing.

7 Summary

7. 1 High-density breeding of beautiful frogs in solar greenhouse warming sheds breaks the hibernation habit of beautiful frogs, shortens the production cycle, and enables them to grow continuously and rapidly, which is conducive to balanced marketing.

7. 2 Beauty frog breeding occupies less land and is easy to manage, which is a sustainable and environmentally friendly, pollution-free green industry.

7. 3 Using the self-made electric scraper type water dynamic method, the beautiful frog can be tamed quickly, all of them can feed the "dead bait", eat full, grow fast, and solve the problem of insufficient "live bait" when breeding beautiful frogs on a large scale.

7. 4 Control the growth of American frogs through the regulation of feed protein content, density and water temperature, and carry out special production and operation of ultra-extended time difference, regional difference, specification difference and poor ecology as high-density live storage and temporary breeding of American frog.

7. 5 Technical operation procedures for American frog breeding in solar greenhouse warming in cold areas, suitable for application to the plastic greenhouse culture built south of 44 ° north latitude, according to the plastic greenhouse that can grow vegetables in cold areas, after transformation, the construction of ponds can breed American frogs. This culture technology has the reliability of large-scale promotion and considerable social benefits.

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