
Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

author:Yiren Cinema

"Yiren Cinema" resurrection body, welcome the attention of new and old friends!

Adhere to the original, do not forget the original intention.

Press: The Oscar curtain is finally open! More Oscar-themed films have been released on this site. Today, a big trick is to write an article on an Oscar nomination written by a junior high school student. This site has published a film review written by a high school student. Today, the younger level, the article written by this junior high school child is touching. I hope you can support him!

This article is written by Jack Skywalker. A junior high school student with ideals and pursuits.

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

Introduction: The Past of Strange Origins

At the end of July 2016, when I was traveling in Xinjiang during the summer vacation, I inadvertently used my mother's mobile phone to see news about the movie "Ocean Strange Edge" on NetEase News - this was the first time I saw "Ocean Strange Edge". I was still thinking, "Wasn't there a movie called Frozen before?" Why the ocean this time? "Thinking about it, I became very curious about this movie. So, I formed an indissoluble relationship with Ocean Adventure.

As for why I have a lot of curiosity about Ocean's Edge, there is a reason, not because the movie poster is very good, nor because the movie's characters or plot are very attractive to me, but because I have watched the movie "Frozen" before. (I'll go into more detail about Frozen in the next section.) After returning home from a trip to Xinjiang, I searched the movie on the Internet on my computer at home, reading the movie's plot synopsis, characters, and some information about Ocean's Edge that I could search for online. But since the film won't be released until November at the earliest, four months from that time, I can only wait slowly.

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

I didn't pay much attention to the film in August, I mainly started to pay attention to it in early September, because since then the news about the film has started to increase, and around mid-September, the first official poster of Ocean's Edge (pictured below) was published online, and I copied it from the Internet at that time.

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

After entering October, my attention to movies began to become more and more frequent. As the release date approaches, more and more news and information about the film continues to come to light. I even counted the "countdown" to sleep at night, and sometimes I fell asleep late because I was too excited. One night, about two weeks before the release, I slept with a dream of Ocean's Edge: I dreamed of a night when the waves were particularly large on the sea, and Moana (the heroine of the film) was taking me to the sea on a sailboat (don't laugh), and also took me to explore some caves on the island. All of these scenes I dreamed of were actually scenes from the movie, probably because I watched the trailer many times.

In early November, the last 20 days, I turned on my computer every night before going to bed to keep an eye on the latest news from Ocean's Edge, including when I went to school from Monday to Friday. In addition to paying attention to the news (such as the release of the movie), I also watched and listened to the newly released theme songs, interludes, and theme song MVs before the release of the movie. So I remembered the melody of the theme song before I watched the movie, and I probably remembered a little bit of the melody of the other interludes, so when I watched the movie, I could still hum the melody along with the interlude in the movie.

The most exciting night was on the evening of November 24, the night after the movie was released, because I saw some of the latest news that excited me: "Ocean's Edge" "exploded" at the box office. When I woke up early the next morning, I hadn't even fully opened my eyes, and as soon as I got dressed, I opened the computer that hadn't been shut down last night and quickly glanced at the release of Ocean's Edge online. On the morning of November 26, my mother bought the movie tickets for the evening and started at 8:40 p.m. I was also particularly attentive in the process of watching.

That night, I couldn't sleep for a long time.

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

Session 2: My "History of Disney Animated Films"

When it comes to my "Disney animation history," I have to mention Frozen. For me, without the foundation of Frozen, there would be no ocean's huge success.

I distinctly remember watching Frozen on July 4, 2016 at 10 a.m. However, without knowing how to look at it, I was shocked, and three days after I watched Frozen, a big thing happened. Let me start with what happened before Frozen, which dates back to 2014.

I first met Frozen around October 2014, and I can't remember exactly when. I just remember that I only met Frozen because of the song "Let It Go". At that time, I had a habit of borrowing my mother's mobile phone to listen to some music when I was in the car. That's how I got to know Let It Go, and I learned about Frozen.

However, I didn't see Frozen for one reason, and that was because I was prejudiced against many animations at that time, including cartoons and animated films: "I think any animation is only suitable for children, not for adults, because animation is very naïve and low-level." 」 "So I started limiting myself to not watching any animation, not even listening to songs about them, because I thought I had grown up. These were my thoughts. As a result, many animated films were self-banned at the time, a phenomenon that probably began in August 2014. There are many animations that I have banned, including Frozen. There's a reason why I have this "anti-animation" mentality, but I don't want to say it here.

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

Sometimes I not only forbid myself, but also secretly laugh at people who like to watch animation, saying that they are childish or immature. "Frozen" was a very good animation that I laughed at at the time, I used to point to its poster and laughed, and its theme song "Let it Go" was also listed by me as a "forbidden song" and could not let me hear the song. Now it seems that I was the one who should be ridiculed, the person who was really naïve, the one who didn't know how to appreciate.

This period of animation isolated from me was called the "Animation Revolution" or the "Anti-Animation Period" by me. This situation lasted until September 28, 2015, when I watched the first animated film after the "Animation Revolution" period that afternoon: The Super Marines. I only remembered to see it at the recommendation of others. I was a little hesitant before watching it, but after watching it, I suddenly found that the original animation was not as bad as I thought, so I stopped opposing animation from then on. Unfortunately, it didn't pique my interest in animated films, it only changed my mindset about animation.

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

Later, I heard that the movie "Zootopia" was released, but since I was not particularly interested in animation at that time, I did not pay attention to it. It wasn't until I heard that Zootopia was particularly popular that I chose to watch it. After watching it, I think "Zootopia" is better than the previous movies, because it hides too many metaphors, shallow with "inspirational" aspects, deep with "national politics". Unfortunately, it still didn't pique my interest in animation, it just thought it was nice and worth watching, and didn't think much about the movie.

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

Finally, the day I watched Frozen, it was after I graduated from elementary school. When I first finished watching it that morning, I didn't have a particularly big reaction, and "meth" (I called the thing that fascinated the movie after watching Frozen" "meth") "broke out" at noon one day about three or four days after watching it. Now let's go back to the big thing I mentioned earlier, when "methamphetamine" first broke out, I remember that I was really like a poison, thinking about the plot of the movie, the characters, and all kinds of collectibles about it. But the peak of methamphetamine is mainly around July and August this year.

The main reason I was poisoned was because of one of the heroines in the movie, Elsa, because she impressed me and she was my favorite character in Frozen. There are many reasons why I like her, like her ice magic, like her beautiful appearance and her character. Here I'll reveal a secret, please don't mess around: I once had a four-month love affair with her, and this "love" lasted until I watched Ocean's Edge. The love I was talking about was actually just thinking about her all the time, but she was really beautiful. She also gave me a lot of spiritual encouragement during this time, including when I occasionally encountered some difficulties.

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

Now it seems that while "Meth" has also wasted some of my time, I spend most of my time online reading posts and reviews about Frozen. But I don't regret it.

It was after Frozen that I started to pay attention to and learn about Disney animated films, and I became very interested in a series of Disney characters, they were ------ Disney princesses, and I was only interested in princesses, and I was not interested in other Disney characters like Mickey Mouse Donald Duck. At present, there are 13 official Disney princesses, and the two heroines of Frozen, Elsa and Anna, are also one of them. Not only did I like their characters at the time, but I also liked their related products, and when I checked them online, I found that the original "Disney Princess series" was all for girls, most of which were used by little girls. I was about to turn 14 at the time, and a boy of my age would like a girls series, what's going on? I didn't think about it too much, I thought it didn't matter, I liked it. Don't think it's funny, it represents my innocence------- a childlike heart, which shows that my childlike heart has not yet dissipated, and it is Disney animated movies that have made me find my childlike heart.

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

After that, whenever Disney releases a new animated movie (live-action movies don't count), I may go to the cinema to watch it. But this time, the situation of "Ocean's Edge" is still more special: "Ocean's Edge" is not only Disney's latest movie, Disney's 56th animated feature film, the heroine of the film, Moana, is also Disney's 14th official princess, which is why "Ocean's Edge" made me look forward to it two months before its release. Out of my passion for Disney Princesses, I made a decision: to watch all the movies about Disney Princesses, only to see the movies of 13 princesses, even their sequels, and not to watch the movies of the unofficial princesses, just to find out.

The decision was made in early September, when the first princess movie I saw was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and that day was the night of September 30, until my last princess movie, The Princess and the Frog, was watched on November 18. I counted that there were 18 princess movies on the weekend in almost two months, not counting the other movies I watched last weekend, and I watched 5 movies in three days in a week! They took a lot of my weekend study time and most of my weekend's entertainment time, resulting in a disastrous second-stage exam for my semester, but I don't regret it. The 18 princess movies I watched were (including sequels): Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Fairy Tales 2: Dreams Come True, Fairy Tales 3: Time Magic, Sleeping Beauty, Little Mermaid, Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea, Little Mermaid 3: Ariel's Origins, Beauty and the Beast, Beauty and the Beast 2: Belle's Wish, Aladdin 2: Jafon's Revenge, Aladdin 3: Aladdin and the Thief King, Wind in the Wind 2: A Journey to London, Mulan, Mulan 2 and The Princess and the Frog. With a small regret, I was not able to see the movie "Beauty and the Beast 3: The Happy Life of Belle" due to the lack of downloaded resources online, because I am generally used to downloading movies and rarely watch them online.

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

When all the Princess movies were watched, I quickly used the weekend to learn about Disney Princesses, and then I was ready for the arrival of Ocean's Edge on the evening of November 26. After talking so much, many people must be wondering: When will I start telling the story of Ocean's Edge? Don't worry, the first chapter ahead is just a prelude, It just a beginning, and the climax is all behind. Next, let's step into the wonderful world of Ocean's Edge!

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

Chapter 2: "Ocean's Edge" Movie Analysis

Section 1: Synopsis

(Press: WeChat can only accommodate 2W words, and this section and the original text of the next two sections have been deleted.) )

Session 2: Overall evaluation and introduction of the film

(Omitted.) )

Session 3: Introduction and Evaluation of Film Characters

Verse 4: The philosophy that has influenced me the most---- my feelings

In this chapter, I have a lot to talk about the truth, philosophy, and all kinds of feelings about this movie, and even I don't know where to start, because I have so much to say. Before writing this chapter, I spent a lot of time thinking about my various feelings, even when I went to bed at night. I think there should probably be a few more subsections in this chapter.

Let's start with that, and I'll choose a topic to cut into the article.

The whole film is based on the themes of adventure, inspiration, self, growth, etc. I've already said in the synopsis that I've got a rough idea of Ocean's Edge and why I like it. I saw and associated with a lot of truths and teachings in Ocean's Edge, including what my mother said to me but I couldn't listen to.

First, let's talk about "inspirational." I think "inspirational" is perhaps the most prominent idea of "Ocean's Edge", and there are some elements related to inspirational, such as "chasing dreams". Most of my feelings are almost from Moana, after all, she is also the equivalent of the "soul" of the entire movie.

Moana's dedication to chasing my dreams made me think about it for a long time, and I gradually fell in love with her during this time, and took her as an example for me to learn to persevere. She encountered several setbacks while chasing her dreams. When Moana went to sea for the first time without the permission of her parents, she was hit by a large wave, and her feet were stuck by corals when she sank into the water, and she almost lost her life. If it were someone else, or if it were me, I probably wouldn't dare to do it again. But she didn't give up, and with her grandmother's encouragement, Moana regained her self-confidence, even though she always had the idea of giving up. Later, at sea, she encountered many difficulties several times, but she did not give up, and she resolutely went to complete the task by herself. Eventually, Moana touched Maui with her spirit of not giving up and rushed back while she was fighting, which allowed Maui to find herself in frustration.

She not only allowed Maui to find myself, but also let me find myself. I remember that two months ago, my scores in the "Learning and Thinking" test, English and Math did not score evenly, and I was very sad and angry and dissatisfied when I heard the news. The failure of the first stage of the semester and the failure of the second stage of the exam made me feel like I wanted to give up. We now need to face competition in many aspects, study, college entrance examination, future work... All need to compete. So I found myself with a mindset: escape. So much so that I had previously written a heavy metal rock song "Escape From The World" that expressed rebellion and discontent. The melody of the song is only written a little bit, while the lyrics are mainly based on indictments, satire and prejudice against the cruel competition of this world, hoping to escape the idea of escaping this world. But after watching "Ocean's Edge", I thought: Competition is also a difficulty, and I should face it bravely like Moana. I now want to compete with the students for scores, and Moana has to compete with the sea and with nature! And the competition with nature is more brutal, and may also lose her life (like Moana's first time at sea), and the competition between people for work or scores, although strict, will at least not die. Thinking about it, I thought that if I had to learn moana's spirit of daring to face it, how could I choose to escape? I have my own dreams, even if not to explore the ocean.

Let's move on to another meaning expressed in Ocean's Edge: responsibility. Responsibility is also something that sometimes you have to face and can't escape. In the film, I also saw a sense of responsibility in Moana---- a spirit of responsibility, as the daughter of the chief, to inherit the position of the chief, but also to save the entire race. This responsibility is quite significant, and it is necessary to face many difficulties and even risk giving life. But despite this, she took on this responsibility, which may be one of the reasons why she moved Maui.

I thought for a moment that each of us has our own responsibilities, and my responsibility is to solve many problems in learning and problems in school. Think about it, what happens if we shirk our responsibilities? According to my opinion, I think that if Moana has no sense of responsibility, she can choose to escape, she can escape alone in a small boat, regardless of the death or death of her own people, and retreat when she encounters danger at sea, just like When Maui is defeated and disappears. But even if I escape, what can I do? Maybe I escaped this time, but not next time. Facing responsibility is similar to what I said before about "facing competition", two kinds of difficulties that cannot be escaped. Sometimes, in fact, "being chosen" is also a responsibility.

The ocean chose Moana because it realized that perhaps only Moana could accept this great responsibility (the sea is anthropomorphized in the film). To put it more profoundly, it was fate that chose Moana, not the ocean. I remember a line I heard before: "This is your destiny." Each of us has our own destiny, and when fate chooses us, we get a chance to be born, and we should cherish the opportunity that fate gives us, which may be true from a philosophical point of view. Fate is good and bad, but it's random and no one can decide. That's what fate is all about. Moana's destiny is to sail and explore nature, but any voyage on the sea cannot be smooth sailing, and it is bound to experience many winds and waves. Not just sailing, but also a lot of fate in reality, my fate may be to be a doctor or a scientist when I grow up, but I don't know how rough the road is. I will talk about the ideal in connection with the "sea" later in this article. Since fate has chosen you, no matter how bad your fate is, it will definitely leave you with a way back, which may be an ideal path to success.

Next, I'm going to talk about "Setting Sail for Your Dreams."

The pursuit of one's own ideals is also one's own destiny. Maybe life is like an adventure on the ocean, or sailing in the sea, there will be many unpredictable things. This kind of travel on the sea seems to be very free and unrestrained, but in fact it is somewhat constrained.

I also want to have a free space that can accommodate the main road where I pursue my ideals. However, today's society does not allow anyone to do so, and there is no such opportunity. So I thought, can't I be like Moana, break out of my own path? Why do you have to be too restrictive? There are too many roads to walk in life on the ocean, and I want to break through many restrictions and find the other side of success, as Li Bai said: Long winds and waves will sometimes hang on the clouds and sails to the sea. I don't want to be me in the eyes of others, I want to be the me in my own eyes, to be my own master! This can also be seen as a journey experience in life, and Moana's first trip to sea is actually equivalent to her "rite of passage", alone to face unpredictable dangers. She is also the most special of all Disney princesses (she is not strictly a princess), but she is such an uninhibited and freedom-loving princess. Her personality and experience are like the famous song "Sea and Sky" sung by beyond: "Forgive me for this life of uninhibited indulgence and love of freedom, and I will run and fall one day." 」 Reneging on ideals, everyone can, even if one day only you and I are together; still free of self, always sing my songs, travel thousands of miles." Before she went to sea, she also faced her father's cold eyes and ridicule, but she never gave up the ideal in her heart and looked at the ocean of her own ideals.

I have also faced some ridicule and confusion from others, just when I wrote this film review, my mother was still saying my words about "not doing the right thing", saying that the middle school entrance examination and not these, why do you have to write it? I say that I learn knowledge for the purpose of application, and that many people nowadays learn most of it for the sake of exams, which has changed the nature of knowledge. I am not writing this article for anyone, not for exams, and sent to the circle of friends not to show off, it is not worth it. I have this idea when I study extracurricular knowledge, and sometimes I always think that the scientific knowledge I like is more practical than the textbook, and I learn this knowledge not for examinations at all, but for application. Scientific knowledge is vast, and I want to explore the ocean of science like Moana.

Moana's story at sea also reminds me of a saying in The Old Man and the Sea: Man can be destroyed, but not defeated. The old fisherman looked to me like another Moana. I have a lot more to say about Ocean's Edge, many of which I can't remember for a moment, and there are some words in this section that I added later. I have talked so much, talked about so many "ideals of life", do you have a lot of insights? Many feelings are the most profoundly touched only if they are experienced by themselves.

Chapter 4: The "Real World" in Ocean's Edge

Session 1: Historical and Cultural Archetypes in Movies

In the previous paragraphs, I mentioned the place "Polynesia" many times, and many people may not know this place, but the design of "Ocean's Edge" comes from Polynesia, and many of the details in it reflect the local style. Let me tell you about the history and culture of this film.

Polynesians are an ancient seafaring people who started sailing more than 3,000 years ago, while the story of Ocean's Edge takes place 2,000 years ago. One day, the Polynesians suddenly stopped sailing, and this stop was 1,000 years, and no one knew why. The inspiration for Ocean's Edge has been here. There have always been many theories about the origin of Polynesians: some people think they came from Asia, some from Africa, from South America, and so on. One of the more well-understood claims is that they come from Asia. According to genetic surveys, some Polynesians are from Taiwan, China, and their languages are somewhat similar to those of Asians. Polynesian languages belong to the Austronesian language family, which is also called "Polynesian language family", which includes Maori, Tahitian, Samoans, Tuvalu language, Hawaiian, Fijian and other languages. Some of the Austronesian languages also originated in Taiwan, because China already had navigation technology 3,000 years ago. No, it should have been earlier, when the Polynesians were equivalent to the Hemudu people of China at that time, and there was only one way to get to the Polynesian Islands, that is, only by sea, and there could be no other way. This shows that as early as 5200 years ago, the inhabitants of China's coastal areas had superb navigation skills. But this is only a small part of Polynesian history. The Polynesian islands are one of the three Pacific islands, and the original meaning of "poly" is "multi-island", that is, "Polynesia" means "multi-island island". The main archipelago is the Hawaiian Islands.

The ancient Polynesians are arguably one of the world's first seafaring peoples, along with Egyptian and Mediterranean seafarers. The reason why they were able to swim back and forth between the islands in the Pacific Ocean thousands of years ago was because of their many very practical navigation techniques, which could not use any navigational instruments, not even a compass, but there was no compass at that time. Although these techniques could not be compared with modern navigational techniques, they were also mythical at the time. They do not have the concept of latitude and longitude, nor do they have any similar sayings of "round places in the sky", and they do not think about whether the edge of the ocean is an endless abyss. Polynesians sail mainly in canoes, and they also invented the world's first catamaran (pictured)

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge
Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

The advantage of this catamaran is that it is not easy to overturn the boat, and it has two canoes at the bottom, and a large plank platform is erected on top. It also appears twice in Ocean's Edge:

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

The second appearance is at the end of the film, which at first glance looks almost all catamaran canoes, and it can be seen that the Polynesian fleet should all be made up of catamaran canoes:

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

However, their fleet is also regular, and they generally like to fan out:

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

The purpose of this is to set the direction. The polynesians are mainly in the waters surrounding the Polynesian islands, which can be roughly seen as a triangle. As far north as Hawaii, west to New Zealand, and east to Easter Island near South America. The red arrows are the direction of the Polynesians, who came from Taiwan.

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

In order to sail over and over again in such a wide area, in addition to having excellent ships, they also have three major navigation secrets:

1. Judge the course by the currents

Polynesians sometimes put their hands into the water when sailing, judging the course by the warmth and cold of the ocean currents. Here's a little bit about marine geography: ocean currents can be divided into warm currents and cold currents. If the water temperature of the ocean current is higher than that of the water reaching the sea area, it is called a warm current; If the water temperature of the ocean current is lower than that of the water in the sea area, it is called a cold current. Ocean currents are generally determined by the salinity density of seawater.

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

In addition, ocean currents are divided into deep currents and shallow currents. A good Polynesian navigator only needs to dip his hand on the surface of the water to judge the current, the law is that the further north you go, the colder the water becomes, or judge the direction based on the perceived ocean current, so as to deduce where he is. This may seem unlikely, but it's true.

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

Sometimes they also put their hands in the water (when the boat is stopped or slower).

2. Celestial navigation

In addition to ocean currents, direction can also be identified by various constellations, and this navigation is called "celestial navigation". As early as the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a kind of celestial navigation similar to that of polynesians: astrology, and the Song Dynasty also had this same astrology. They generally put their hands to the sky:

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

In addition to holding my hand to the sky, in a storybook about navigation I read that Polynesians used their arms to compare the stars in the real world, and the way in the movie may not be very common to real Polynesians. This principle of measuring the constellations by hand and deriving the direction has not been completely found until now, I can only guess: its principle may be similar to the sextant, the principle of the sextant is based on the sea level and the sun or constellation angle number to measure the latitude and longitude of the location, the palm may be like a simple "sextant", using the palm and thumb 90 degrees right angle to estimate the angle between the horizon and the sky, so as to estimate the latitude and longitude. However, this is only my personal conjecture, there is no evidence yet, and no relevant information has been found on the Internet. This method of identifying directions by constellation is not only suitable for navigation, but can also be used in the same way when lost in the great desert, but this method and the sextant have a common disadvantage, that is, it can only work if the weather is good and there are many stars, and when there is fog at sea or when there is a storm, this method has no effect, and then it may only be possible to use the first method: ocean currents.

There is also a very important astronomical clue in the movie, that is, Scorpio.

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

In the movie, it becomes "Maui's Fish Hook", and Moana's grandmother also asked Moana to find Maui in the direction of the fish hook. In reality, the ancient Polynesians saw it as a giant fish hook. The story about this fish hook is actually a local myth, a legend about Maui, which I will continue to tell later.

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

3. Use island or nautical charts to determine direction

Nautical charts are maps used when sailing in the sea, through which you can clearly understand the islands, currents, reefs, wind directions and other information. The ancient Polynesians also had their own nautical charts:

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

The Polynesians also possess advanced weaving techniques. In this nautical chart, small pebbles represent islands, and curved thin branches represent currents and wind direction. However, it is not easy to compile such a nautical chart, the navigator needs a lot of experience, many years of driving skills, experienced people can also judge the distance of their ship in a certain period of time according to the speed of the ocean current.

Since the Polynesians had so much navigation technology that was very advanced at the time, it means that they have been to many Pacific islands. They are found in Indonesia, Micronesia and Melanesia. Earlier I showed the approximate range of polynesians: an area of a large triangle, as far north as Hawaii. They arrived in Hawaii in their canoes in the 4th century AD, the first to arrive. He also called Hawaii at that time "primitive home", so the word "Hawaii" means "primitive house" in the ancient Polynesian language. The Hawaiian Archipelago consists of Kauai, Nihau, Oahu, Mollokai, Zanai, Maui and Kahoolawe. Interesting is Maui, which happens to be the name of the male protagonist. Three-quarters of what is now Hawaii is polynesian. The north of New Zealand (the North Island) is inhabited by many Maori people who are indigenous people there, speaking the Maori language (one of the Polynesian languages), and it is said that some Maori also migrated from Taiwan and then to New Zealand:

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

In addition to these islands, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and present-day French Polynesia are also teeming with Polynesians.

In the movie, Moana's island is called Motunui (Moturuni) Island, in fact, there is this island, it is one of the islands that border into South America's Easter Island, so Easter Island should be regarded as the prototype of Moturuni Island. In Austronesian languages, "Motu" means island. There is also a theory that Moturuni is New Zealand's north island, which was pulled out of the sea by Maui's fish hook. Tahiti (the Chinese custom refer to Tahiti as "Tahiti") is probably the most famous island in the Polynesian archipelago, where nearly 10,000 Chinese have settled there. The prototype of the island where the Heart of Tefiti is located in the movie may be Tahiti: (screenshot of the movie)

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge
Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

Tahiti is also the largest archipelago in Polynesia and the Tahitian language is spoken on the island. There is a lot more information about these islands, and if you are interested, you can also find relevant information on the Internet yourself. With so many archipelagos, there must be a lot of ethnicity. Yes, the ethnic groups on each island are almost different, and here I will focus on the Polynesians and Maori, who belong to the Polynesian race.

It was judged that Moana should belong to Polynesians (Moana's voice actor was a 16-year-old girl born in Hawaii), while Maui belonged to Maori (Maui's voice actor was not of Polynesian race, but he also had some Samoan ancestry), which can be seen in their appearance, costumes, dance, and customs. Polynesians are an ethnic group of the Polynesian islands in eastern Oceania, mainly distributed around the Polynesian islands, while Maori are mainly found in northern New Zealand and some nearby islands. Ocean Adventure not only uses a lot of Polynesian geography and culture, but also uses a lot of "national" customs. Let me first talk about their costumes.

Because the Polynesian islands are located near the equator, the climate there is very hot and tropical, and men and women almost always wear grass skirts, sometimes naked. Moana's costume in the film is strictly in accordance with the local traditional costumes of the South Pacific (pictured), which can be found in the South Pacific.

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

Moana's costumes are also more special, and the pattern decoration on it is also regular:

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

In addition to clothing, the garlands worn by Moana on her head are also distinctive, and it is said that Polynesian women generally like to wear garlands to add to their beauty, which is also part of the South Pacific culture.

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

The highlight of Maui's body is mainly his tattoo, because Maui belongs to maori. In the Māori tradition, almost everyone has tattoos and tattoos that record all sorts of information, including his personal information. The "costume" surrounded by leaves under Maui's body is also a habit of the locals, who like to wrap the leaves around their bodies. In fact, the flowers on these leaves and garlands are actually native to Polynesia, and the flowers on the garland should be red frangipani, and the grass skirt of Maui should be unicorn leaves. Not only clothing, many of the plants that appear in "Ocean's Edge" are Polynesian plants, and some plants can also be seen on the seashore in China. There are also "Coconut Pirates" costumes:

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

The use of coconuts as costumes is a metaphor for island culture, and at the beginning of the film we can see Moana and her people happily harvesting coconuts, followed by a group of pirates wearing coconuts, which should be a satire on them. Sometimes, though, even Maori warriors wore costumes similar to this, using coconuts as weapons. The Polynesians must have made their own costumes, which shows that they also have good weaving skills.

Indeed, Polynesians were very good at weaving, especially the local girls. A palm leaf in their hands can weave a corolla, basket or other work of art in a few clicks. There are also shells in their hands that can also be strung together into a necklace. This is perhaps why Polynesians were able to make the practical canoes of the time. In addition to weaving, the Polynesians also had the sailor knot, which may also be their original, which has many ways of playing, but every navigator must know this knot:

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge
Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

Polynesians also like to breed a variety of animals on the island, including chickens and pigs, and cured pork and coconuts are their specialties. In fact, coconuts are almost all specialties in coastal areas, especially on Hainan Island in China, but cured pork should be their unique specialty. In addition to eating, it can also be kept as a pet. Polynesians also liked to carry these two animals with them when they migrated:

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

This may also be the reason why Moana took the chicken with her when she sailed (there is also a saying that the chicken sneaked to the boat). These two animals are considered livestock they breed. Again, they have some farming. The Polynesians mainly cultivated coconuts and rice, and the way they grew rice and used the tools were a bit like those of the Hemudu people at that time.

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

Polynesians have a habit of harvesting their crops: they like to sing while doing it, and harvesting is like singing and dancing. This is very much in line with the musical culture of the South Pacific, and even sometimes when they speak, they will involuntarily sing, as if they were singing.

However, there is also a reason that "Ocean's Edge" belongs to the cabaret, and the cabaret is a Disney tradition. Many Disney animated movies are like this: singing without a word, and sometimes even singing more than talking. They have their own music, much of the music in the film is dominated by the "South Pacific style", and many of the interludes use a lot of local instruments (although these instruments are not featured in the film). So, they also have their own unique dances. There are two dances in the film, namely Hula and Maori War Dance.

Hula originated in ancient Polynesia and later introduced to Hawaii. The kind of hula moana moana is supposed to be a local Polynesian hula:

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

Legend has it that the first person to dance the hula was the god of dance, Raqqa. Over the past 1,000 years, hula dance has become a local historical and cultural feature, and it is also used when welcoming guests. As for why they dance this dance, the local history and religious legend are related. It is said that hula and garland are also known as the two symbols of Hawaii, and these two things are perfectly displayed in "Ocean's Edge".

Haka was originally a dance that Māori people dance during war to boost morale and deter the enemy, but now it is also danced to welcome guests (please refer to Maori customs for details). The language of this dance is Maori, and most of the indigenous languages that appear in the film are Maori, so the lyrics of the Maori War Dance should also be Maori. Maui dances this dance twice in the film:

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge
Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

The first time was at an entrance, where Maui danced to open that entrance. The second was a dance for deterrence in a battle with "Te ka". There are many more legends about Maui, and here I will mainly talk about the pre-film related.

Maui's legend spread throughout Polynesia, and he is a demigod in the story who likes to joke and play pranks, and is also humorous. It is said that when Maui was born, his mother wrapped him in her hair and threw him into the sea, which later became a tattoo on his body. This is mentioned in the movie. Then, the sea put the young Maui on the sand and was adopted by an old man. Maui grew up and wanted to go back to his parents, but his parents didn't want him. The magic fish hooks he later grew up making himself, these hooks can pull up small islands from the sea, can hold the sun, thus prolonging the time of day. The pulled-up island became today's New Zealand island, and if you look closely, you will find that the North Island is like a fish, and the South Island is like a small boat.

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

Others say that the island that was pulled up is today's Cook Islands, but there are different theories. The celestial Scorpio is the fish hook that Maui later threw on, which is also mentioned in the movie.

Maui also had some "fire-making stories", a bit like Prometheus. Legend has it that at that time, the only way people kept tinder was to collect them themselves. Maui taught them the way to "drill wood for fire" and brought them coconuts. However, the plot of "Bringing Coconuts" does not have this plot in most local legends, and this is a scene adapted from Disney. In fact, Moana's prototype has nothing to do with the legend of Maui, nor does it have a prototype in Polynesian legend, which Disney later added. Or rather, Moana may have been an ordinary villager in Polynesia. Milstein (President of Animation) said, "Moana does not have a reference character representative, but represents the spirit of a culture, a combination of appearance and artistry. ”

Since there are many versions of the local Maui legend, and only the Maori version is the most complete and smooth, here I have chosen the Maori version of the legend. Because the length is too long, here I am talking about the abbreviated version, the full version is still very long, I have saved a lot of details. However, all versions of the ending are: Maui died by accident, but there are many theories about the reason for the death. The Māori legend goes that Maui, for his great deeds, went out of his way to steal the source of his life: the heart of the goddess (referred to in the film as the "heart of Tefiti", tefiti is also a Maori word). The goddess was sleeping at this time, but in the process of Maui's stealing heart, a bird woke up the goddess, and Maui was found, and then he died.

Although this is a myth, it cannot be taken seriously. But this myth is a metaphor for a fact, and I'll continue in the next subsection. Finally, I would like to say a little more about the metaphor of the important culture of cinema:

In some South Pacific languages such as Maori and Hawaiian, "Moana" means "ocean" or "sea", which may be the reason why the film's translated title is "ocean", if you don't believe it, try to translate it with Google Translate. The Heart of Tefiti is carved from Pounamu. In Māori, its name is Koru, which stands for growth and rebirth. Its shape is swirling, and this swirling symbol appears several times in the film:

Even the logo of the movie poster has this swirl

And this is the prototype of the logo, a local plant

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

Maui is both the name of a mythological figure and the name of an island (reference to Maui, one of the eight archipelagos of Hawaii). In addition to Moana's name, there are other names in the film that are also related to the local language: Moana's father "Tui" means "rope", mother "Sina" is a character in Maui mythology, grandmother's name "Tala" means "story", crab Tamatoa means "samurai", coconut pirate Kakamora is actually the name of a race in the South Pacific, rooster "heihei" means rooster, and the pet pig" Puai" has many meanings. If you're still interested in Polynesian culture, take a look at the Polynesian Cultural Center in Hawaii.

Verse 2: The film's metaphor ---- reflected facts

My assessment of Disney animated films is this: not only do they have world-class special effects, but the plot is also very distinctive. Similarly, "Ocean's Edge" is also like this, not only the special effects in it are perfect, especially the seawater, its plot is also reflecting some phenomena and problems in today's society.

Ocean's Edge is not so much an animated film about adventure as it is about growth, self, dreams and inspiration. At the same time, it also has a lot of educational significance, after all, growth and education can be linked. First of all, the way Tui educates Moana in the film reminds me of many extremely similar phenomena in today's society.

One day, Tui takes Moana to the top of a mountain, a secret place where everyone who is about to become a chief has to put stones on top of it. From that passage of what his father said to Moana, I could see what he expected from Moana: You are our future about our people, Moana.

Oscar Day Magnification: A Junior High School Student and the Strange Story of Ocean's Edge

The implication is that it's time to be the person we're looking forward to. But Moana's uncertain expression seemed to say: What if I can't be the person you're looking for? Although she didn't say it. It's just a small conversation that does reflect what many parents say to their children today.

There is such a saying in China: Hope for the son to become a dragon, hope for a woman to become a phoenix. Every parent, of course, wants their child to become an instrument and become the person they expect. We can see that Moana is not opposed to inheriting her father's chieftainship, but she prefers to be able to travel towards the sea than just stay on the island. They were originally seafarers, but because of an accident with their father (when he was young, he was as heartbroken to the sea as Moana, but because of a storm, he lost his best friend). In order to protect his people, especially his daughter, he ordered his people to be forbidden to go to sea. Therefore, my father's expectation was: just live and work on the island and inherit his position. But my father was right, the ocean is indeed dangerous. Father also did this to keep Moana safe. But why did My Father think the ocean was so dangerous? It is because my father has no perseverance and has a timid mentality. Most people may have their own original dreams. Some people, after a setback, no longer dare to face the ocean of life---- like Moana's father; some people continue to pursue their dreams after several setbacks---- just like Moana. At this point, Moana had surpassed his father. Read this, when parents pay attention: maybe some of your children's thoughts have surpassed you, pay attention!

Back to the topic of "expectation" just now. Nowadays, many parents impose many of their own interests and hobbies on their children in order to make their children the person they expect. Children like to learn this, but parents do not let their children apply for this interest class, forcing children to learn things that they do not like. As a result, in the case of forced learning, it is almost impossible for children to learn well, or the effect is very poor, and there are only a few successful cases.

At the beginning of the movie, while singing "Where Your Are", I saw moana as a child who wanted to play by the beach several times but was pulled back by her father, hoping that she would become a chief. Father did this to keep Moana safe, I understand. In order to protect the safety of their children, some parents limit their children to their own boundaries all day long. Keep your child in the "harbor of happiness" at home, but the child cannot rely on his parents for the rest of his life (unless the parents are willing to raise the child for a lifetime, but is this feasible?). One day, the child will leave the safe harbor and face the ocean of life, like a bird out of the nest. However, because the child has gone through too many restrictions, he does not understand the outside world at all, and he has not yet learned how to row a boat and rushed to the sea, and as a result, he sank into the ocean of life in a few moments. (This is just a metaphor, note the distinction.) It was like Moana's first time out to sea, she hadn't even learned how to sail a sailboat, she was going to go to sea. As a result, he almost lost his life and climbed back to the beach. Some children, too, have just left their family's harbor (away from home) and sailed to the sea of life (into society), only to find that they have not yet learned how to paddle (without a skill, can not find a job). Therefore, in a hurry, they can only flee back to the family's harbor (go home, ask their parents for help or ask for money). Some of today's children who have just entered the society are like Moana's first time at sea. Biologists once did such an experiment: the animal that was born in a cage was released, and the result was that it died in a few clicks, because it did not get exercise and lacked the ability to survive. The same goes for people. The only thing a child can do is to learn some skills in the ocean of life as soon as possible, just like Moana learned to sail from Maui. If Moana had not gone out to sea, but had followed her father's wishes to stay on the island to inherit the chief, Moana and her people would have lost their ability to sail. When one day there is an earthquake, tsunami, or sinking of the islands when their Moturuni arrives (the Polynesian islands are located at the junction of the Pacific Plate and are prone to natural disasters), they will not escape by sailing, and the entire race may perish. At this point, what is the point of inheriting the chief?

So, here I would like to say: coddling is like drowning a child in the ocean of life! Parents should learn to let go, let it go, just let it go! And don't spoil your kids too much! Since you can't be the person your parents expect, don't live in the expectations of others anymore, moana should think like this after some thought. Maui is always living in the eyes of others and wants to be a "hero to all", and as a result, he loses himself a bit, even if he has magic. Ocean's Edge tells us by pursuing your dreams, if you have big dreams, go for it. As a line from another movie: "If you can fight, fight." For inner dreams, just do it! Make your own way, go your own way, don't always go with the flow. Many people's talents are always going with the flow, and as a result, their talents are buried. Although there will be some opponents on the road to growing up or chasing your dreams, there must be supporters, even if only you support yourself. Moana's supporter is her grandmother, who is also the engineer of her dream blueprint. Finally, before Grandma died, she asked Moana to rush to the ocean in pursuit of her ideals. Grandma has told Moana many times that listening to the inner voice will guide you, but sometimes it will also mislead you. Moana's mother did not refuse her to go to sea, but she was also worried about Moana. This is very much in line with the Western concept of education: let children experience the excitement of life, even if they will worry. Living your life the way you want it to be is also a pursuit of your dreams. For some parents in China, it is unrealistic for a child to pursue dreams that do not match their age. Many people think that a 16-year-old girl who has not yet learned how to sail a sailboat is about to embark on an ocean adventure, which can only happen in the movie. But in the real world, I don't think it's entirely impossible for a teenage minor to go on an ocean adventure alone, albeit dangerously. (Ever heard of Guo Chuan?) But as long as you want, it can be said that there is no dream that cannot be realized. Now I want to try an ocean adventure: from Zhuhai, via Indonesia, and from the north coast of Australia. Maybe it sounds ridiculous, but could it be my inner voice? Follow the inner voice, it will guide me. Find your own interests and hobbies and actively explore them, followed by sticking to your beliefs, grasping yourself, and never losing yourself. Failure is inevitable, and you can cry when you fail, but you can't give up. When you reach the other side of the ocean of life, you prove that you have succeeded!

At the end of the writing, I hope that parents will go to see "Ocean's Edge", and you can get a lot of educational insights from it. When telling a story about finding oneself and growing up, Ocean's Edge also reflects "feminism" from the topic of "chasing dreams".

So far Disney has a total of 14 official princesses. The development of these fourteen princesses can be seen as the evolutionary theory of "feminism" and "female consciousness", for which I also want to write an article dedicated to Disney princesses, "The Development of Feminism from Disney Princesses". Because it's too long, I'm not going to write it. These films about the 14 princesses reflect the female consciousness of the Western countries at that time, and this time Moana is also a leap forward in female consciousness, and here I can only briefly introduce the previous princesses.

The first three princesses just waited silly, waiting for their Prince Charming to come and save themselves. Needless to say, they all ended up married, lived a happy life, and pursued only the prince and wanted nothing else. So the endings of all three films are "They lived happily ever after", and the routines are similar. The next five princesses began to have a little bit of the meaning of struggle, can leave home for thousands of miles, and do what men can do. But despite this, they eventually married without exception, although not with the prince, but with a commoner. However, since Princess Diana in 2009, the princesses have their own ideals, but they still need the help of men and have not completely broken free from the shackles of marriage smoke. It wasn't until Queen Elsa in 2013's Frozen that she completely broke the rule that "all Disney princesses must get married". Queen Elsa shows herself as a princess who saves herself and frees herself from repressing herself, and the song "Lei it go" fully expresses this. Queen Elsa is not married, but she is still related to "Kiss of True Love" (one of the traditional Disney Princess routines): "An act of true love can thaw a frozen heart" is said in the movie." The so-called kiss of true love goes like this: a prince or man kisses the princess she likes, and the princess will be saved, but it must be true love. Frozen is about the true love between the two sisters, Elsa and Anna.

Before the release of Ocean's Edge, I really didn't think that Disney Princess could go any further! Anyone who has seen the Disney Princess movie series can find that these princesses have such a characteristic: they always like the "kiss of true love", and most of them are caucasian, and their figures are slender and slender, especially their waists, which are very thin (in fact, they are caused by corsets), which reflects the phenomenon of the European Middle Ages at that time: women had to force a corset. Moana's image is a big surprise compared to other princesses. First of all, her figure was far from that of other princesses, she was relatively short and fat, even her hair was scattered, and her clothes were somewhat torn. The three points I have said are the complete opposite of the other 13 princesses, and it can even be said that Moana is the most rebellious princess. Her presence also changed our definition of the princess.

However, moana's most breakthrough point in Disney princesses is that she has no love at all, and "Ocean's Edge" has nothing to do with love. The film has male characters, but it is not a romantic relationship. Think about it: what if, in the end, when Moana returned the heart of Tefiti, she and Maui fell in love? I think that if the plot of Ocean's Edge had to be set up like this, then this movie would not be of much significance. Ocean's Edge is about an adventure-based film. In fact, the routine of "Ocean's Edge" is not particularly novel in many Disney animated movies, and some people even say that it is somewhat "customary", but its success lies in its significance and innovation.

The former princesses needed to be rescued by others, and Moana only needed a partner to complete her dreams. In colloquial terms, Moana is a real "woman". The assumption of responsibility is also part of the power of women. When the ocean chooses Moana, she has a great responsibility. The so-called "heavy task and long way to go", as the ancients said: "The heavens will descend on the Slovaks, and they will first suffer their hearts and hungry bones and bones, and work their bodies." She has to inherit the chief, but also to save the people, but also to follow the voice of the heart to pursue her dreams, is Moana's responsibility not big enough? So, Moana is also a great person, and she can even go down in the Annals of World Navigation (I'm joking). Because she not only took on his responsibilities and realized her dreams, but also taught some people: Moana let Maui find herself, so that her father and the whole clan also found their former selves---- they were navigators and are still navigators.

The Disney Princess series of movies is a wonderful feminist evolution, from the first princess Snow White to the current Moana, Disney Princess has undergone a full 79 years of transformation, even their ideas are completely different. It should be noted here that princess movies promote feminism in order to prove to everyone the power of women, not because men discriminate against women, and women in turn discriminate against men. As it stands, Moana is probably the most mature of all the princesses (she should be said to be the chief's daughter). But I don't know if Disney will have a 15th princess in a few years, and whether this princess who has not yet come out can once again cause a big fluctuation, or surpass the current Moana? unknown.

In the final analysis, Moana has successfully proved to us the following points of the "New Princess Code": 1. The power of the princess does not require the support of marriage smoke. 2. Princesses can be as brave and strong as men. 3. Princesses don't need too many beautiful looks. 4. A princess can also be not a princess, it is just a simple hereditary hereditary. 5. The princess can be kind, but not weak and timid. 6. Perhaps the status of "princess" and "daughter of a chief" is the same rank, but the two are very different in spiritual terms.

"Ocean's Edge" is a myth, but also a fable or fairy tale. In terms of its history and culture, it is a myth, and from the perspective of a child, it is a fairy tale or a fable with educational inspiration. Based on the above judgment, "Ocean's Edge" should belong to the semi-divine and half-fairy tale animation film. It is said to be mythological because it references a great deal of Maori mythology, which I have already said before; it is said to be a fairy tale fable because many of the details in it are somewhat exaggerated and anthropomorphic, and fairy tales are the same. But there are also many virtual elements in the movie that cannot be taken seriously. Especially that seawater, which has human thoughts, can also make human movements. Some of the characters in it are also very exaggerated. The most important point is that "Ocean's Edge" reflects a lot of things in the real world, but it avoids such a problem----- reality is cruel. It tells us an inspirational story in the most innocent way.

Fairy tales may seem illusory, but in fact they can make some irony, innuendo, and profile description of reality (even if they are not fairy tales, such as the Bible), which may be one of the reasons for the success of Ocean's Adventures.

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