
It's about "one old, one small and one community"! The Hefei Women's Federation began to "amplify the move" and promote the formation of a new pattern of grass-roots governance

author:Hefei women

It's about "one old, one small and one community"! The Hefei Women's Federation began to "amplify the move" and promote the formation of a new pattern of grass-roots governance

A few days ago, the Hefei Women's Federation issued it

"Women's Federation Organizations Participate in Grassroots Social Governance Services"

"One old, one small and one community" work opinions"

Around four aspects

Women's federations at all levels in the city are required to actively participate in grass-roots governance

Promote the implementation of the work of caring for "one old, one small and one community"

It's about "one old, one small and one community"! The Hefei Women's Federation began to "amplify the move" and promote the formation of a new pattern of grass-roots governance

Recently, the Hefei Women's Federation issued the "Opinions on the Participation of Women's Federation Organizations in Grass-roots Social Governance Services "One Old, One Small, one Community" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), which aims to innovate and explore party building in the new era to lead grass-roots social governance, promote the deep integration of women's federation work into the construction of grass-roots social governance, and promote the women's federation to fully join the grass-roots social governance team, which is the mission and responsibility of women's federation organizations in the new era. In order to deepen the reform of the grass-roots women's federations and further give play to the role of women's federations in grass-roots social governance, in accordance with the work requirements of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee on "women's federation organizations should participate in grass-roots governance and care for "one old, one small and one community", the following opinions are put forward to the women's federations at all levels in the city:

A dense work network, cohesion organization coverage

Combine the key work of social governance with the construction of women's federation organizations, seize the opportunity of the change of community (village) women's federation organizations, and generally establish "regional + grid + industrial + functional + fingertip" women's groups, women's homes (micro-homes), women's councils and other work positions in the smallest units of women's production and life such as residential quarters, unit buildings and women's interest groups, focusing on the establishment of a number of grass-roots women's work contact points, women's federation executive committee workstations, etc., and innovate the establishment of a system for the executive committee of the women's federation to contact the community and the women's mass work system. Weave densely organize networks, consolidate the organizational foundation, and create a solid frontier position for serving "one old, one small community".

It's about "one old, one small and one community"! The Hefei Women's Federation began to "amplify the move" and promote the formation of a new pattern of grass-roots governance

Second, enhance the vitality of operation, and concentrate on joint construction and co-governance

Fully mobilize the executive committee of the Women's Federation, women's group leaders, female grid members, building chiefs, towel volunteers, micro-parents, and women's backbones with enthusiasm, influence, and skills, gather resource advantages, encourage them to exercise and grow in grass-roots social governance, play a role, enhance the vitality of organizational operations, and lead grass-roots women to widely participate in all aspects and the whole process of grass-roots social governance. Take the initiative to communicate and coordinate with community party organizations and community properties, participate in the formulation and implementation of project activities, strengthen pilot demonstration and guidance links, and coordinate and solve difficult problems. In the community and the masses around the "bright logo, bright organization, bright identity, bright responsibilities, bright activities", so that "one old and one small" encounter difficulties can afford, find, and rely on.

It's about "one old, one small and one community"! The Hefei Women's Federation began to "amplify the move" and promote the formation of a new pattern of grass-roots governance

Third, give full play to the advantages of all parties and concentrate on diversified services

Understand the needs and expectations of "one old and one small", focus on the key work of grass-roots social governance, rely on the new era civilization practice center site, women's and children's home, tutoring workstation, women's council and other positions, work closely with relevant departments such as publicity, civil affairs, education, justice, real estate, etc., and extensively carry out epidemic prevention and control, change customs, family education, conflict resolution, care for women and children and elderly groups, and other work around caring for "one old and one small community", jointly participate in grass-roots social governance, and lead the harmonious and civilized trend of the community.

It's about "one old, one small and one community"! The Hefei Women's Federation began to "amplify the move" and promote the formation of a new pattern of grass-roots governance

Fourth, grasp the key points of work and concentrate on improving practical results

Women's federations at all levels should extend their resources and strength to the very end of social governance such as communities, buildings, and families, establish archives of key families and special families, formulate a list of needs, and effectively improve the pertinence and effectiveness of women's federations' participation in grass-roots governance. Standardize the work of grass-roots executive committees and women's federation workers in contact with the masses of women, so that for entrepreneurial women who encounter difficulties in production and operation, families with difficulties in life must be visited, women with serious physical illnesses, empty nest elderly and left-behind women and children's families must be visited, marriage and family contradictions and disputes must be visited, through "add a WeChat, knock on the door once, hold hands, tell a family routine, do a thing, warm a heart" and other "six ones" action, approach difficult and vulnerable women, children and the elderly, timely discover emerging and tendentious problems, timely discover emerging and tendentious problems, Earnestly do a detailed and solid job of grass-roots governance.

It's about "one old, one small and one community"! The Hefei Women's Federation began to "amplify the move" and promote the formation of a new pattern of grass-roots governance

The Opinions require

Women's federations at all levels in the city should further enhance their awareness of actively participating in grass-roots social governance, take the initiative, expand contacts, accurately and effectively serve women, children, the elderly and families in participating in grass-roots social governance, and contribute to the modernization and high-quality development of urban governance.

☎ Women's Rights Protection Public Welfare Service Hotline: 12338

☎ Hefei Family Education Public Welfare Service Hotline: 62612338

It's about "one old, one small and one community"! The Hefei Women's Federation began to "amplify the move" and promote the formation of a new pattern of grass-roots governance

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