
There is a "cement nose seal" after the yang, and the doctor is most afraid that you will blow your nose like this...

How do you usually blow your nose? It is to hold down one nostril and exert force on the other; Or pinch both nostrils and blow hard at the same time?

Recently, a man in Hangzhou infected with a nasal congestion after the new crown, blowing his nose too hard, immediately felt "stuffy" in the ear, and found that there was fluid in the ear after the examination.

The doctor said that patients who have received earplugs and ear stuffiness every day for several days are almost all caused by improper blowing of the nose after infection with the new crown.

There is a "cement nose seal" after the yang, and the doctor is most afraid that you will blow your nose like this...

Experts interviewed

Liu Jianfeng, chief physician of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, China-Japan Friendship Hospital

Yin Kaisheng, Chief Physician of the Department of Respiratory Medicine, Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital

The doctor is most afraid that you will blow your nose like this

When blowing your nose, the action of blocking both nostrils together is very dangerous.

Because there is an Eustachian tube connected between the ear and the nose, when the nose is blowing hard, the pressure in the nasal cavity rises suddenly, and secretions with bacteria and viruses are pressed into the middle ear cavity along the Eustachian tube, which is easy to cause middle ear infection and bury hidden dangers for tympanic membrane perforation.

There is a "cement nose seal" after the yang, and the doctor is most afraid that you will blow your nose like this...

Secretory otitis media needs to be alerted if the following symptoms occur after blowing your nose:

Ear stuffiness: the most obvious symptom of acute secretory otitis media is ear stuffiness, and there is a feeling of occlusion in the ear;

Hearing loss: acute secretory otitis media may cause gradual hearing loss, and hearing can be temporarily improved when the head is changed, such as leaning forward or tilting to the affected side;

Tinnitus: Intermittent tinnitus, such as a "crackling" sound, may occur in the ears when the head moves or yawns or blows your nose.

In addition, under normal circumstances, the soft tissues in the nasal cavity will tightly envelop the gas in the nasal cavity. Once the inner wall of the orbit is traumatized, or after nasal endoscopic surgery, there will be some defects in local soft tissues.

Blowing the nose vigorously at this time will cause the gas to follow the gap between the soft tissue defects in the nasal lacrimal sac and enter the subcutaneous tissue around the eyeball, causing the eye to swell.

Therefore, patients who have had eye trauma or nasal surgery must not blow their nose and rinse their nose too hard.

Live-action demonstration: standard nose blowing process

Blowing your nose is a "technical job", and in order to avoid other complications, it is necessary to master both strength and correct posture.


Leaning forward

Leaning slightly forward facilitates the expulsion of secretions accumulated in the maxillary sinus.

There is a "cement nose seal" after the yang, and the doctor is most afraid that you will blow your nose like this...


The sides alternate

Press your finger against one nostril and push a little harder, and the snot in the other nostril will be blown out, and then blow the other side in the same way.

There is a "cement nose seal" after the yang, and the doctor is most afraid that you will blow your nose like this...

If nasal discharge is not easy to blow out, you can ask your doctor to prescribe some nasal drops and blow it after the nasal passage is ventilated.


Gently apply force

Blowing your nose too hard can cause harm to the human body. It is advisable to master the intensity so that the ears cannot hear the buzzing sound.


Wash your hands promptly

After blowing your nose, wrap a tissue and throw it away, and wash your hands carefully immediately to avoid exposure to germs.

There is a "cement nose seal" after the yang, and the doctor is most afraid that you will blow your nose like this...

Many people want to blow clean every time, but in fact, the more stimulation the nasal mucosa is, the more fluid is secreted, and excessive blowing of the nose will damage the nasal mucosa. Therefore, blow your nose not too often.

For young children, a cotton swab can be inserted shallowly into the nostrils, gently turned, and the snot can be rolled out.

How to alleviate the "cement nose sealing"?

The nasal cavity is the barrier of the respiratory defenses and the main place where respiratory pathogens are infected and multiply. Nasal hygiene protection can not only prevent viral infection, but also promote virus clearance after infection and accelerate the recovery of nasal physiological functions.

After infection, if the nose appears like "cemented", symptoms such as nasal congestion and runny nose appear, try the following methods to relieve it.

Rinse with salt water

Nasal saline irrigation is commonly used as a local nasal physiotherapy to reduce viral infections and accelerate the recovery of inflammation.

There is a "cement nose seal" after the yang, and the doctor is most afraid that you will blow your nose like this...

The head is tilted forward 45 degrees, which can be cleaned with both hands or with a special nasal cleaning instrument.

The rinse solution can be isotonic saline (sodium chloride solution with a concentration of 0.9%) or hypertonic saline (sodium chloride solution with a concentration of 2% to 3%). Isotonic saline belongs to the same osmotic pressure as the nasal mucosa, which is not easy to cause nasal discomfort and is suitable for long-term use. Hypertonic saline is more conducive to antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

The temperature of the rinse saline should be close to the body temperature, generally 32 to 34 degrees Celsius. It is recommended to flush once a day in the morning and evening, 5 to 10 minutes each time.

Hot towel wet compress

Wet the towel with hot water, wring it out, and leave it on the tip of your nose and forehead for a few minutes before trying to blow the snot out.

You can also use steam to fumigate the nasal passages, which can relieve nasal dryness, nasal congestion, etc. Be careful not to use piping hot boiling water to avoid burns.

Use humidifier

When the air is dry, nasal congestion will become more serious, and turning on the humidifier can increase the air humidity to relieve nasal congestion.

Ensure water intake

Adequate hydration every day can help dilute the mucus that causes nasal congestion. Juices, teas, and broths can be consumed in moderation, but avoid alcohol consumption, which can worsen nasal congestion.

Raise your pillow while sleeping

When sleeping, raise the pillow appropriately to elevate the head to relieve sinus congestion. ▲

Editor of this issue: Yang Meng Action demonstration: Xu Menglian

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