
Another stroke has been added to the "Taiwan independence" crime book? Wu Zhaoxie has a big move, Huang Zhixian: Unification should not be delayed

author:Ma li observation

Today, Wu Chao-sup, head of Taiwan's foreign affairs department, has been listed by the mainland as a diehard "Taiwan independence" activist, and his remarks and actions on "independence" are innumerable, such as submitting articles to some media in the United States, Canada, Lithuania, and South Korea, distorting the one-China principle set by UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, and hyping up that "it is time for Taiwan to cooperate with the United Nations." However, Wu Zhaoxie's crime of plotting "independence" does not stop there; the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council has named it more than once, and the words and deeds of "Taiwan independence" such as Wu Zhaoxie have been accumulating and will certainly be liquidated. Just recently, Wu Zhaoxie launched a small action.

Another stroke has been added to the "Taiwan independence" crime book? Wu Zhaoxie has a big move, Huang Zhixian: Unification should not be delayed

According to Taiwan media reports, Wu Chao-sup, head of Taiwan's foreign affairs department, and a business delegation will "visit" Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, from October 23 to 27. At this time, however, the Czech Republic was in the midst of a whirlpool of political instability. During the Czech general election, Czech President Zeman fell ill and was hospitalized, and the new government was unable to form a cabinet. Obviously, Wu Zhaoxie tried to use the vacuum period of the Czech political situation to achieve the so-called "breakthrough in foreign affairs". It is worth mentioning that just before Wu Zhaoxie began his trip to Europe, the European Parliament adopted the so-called "Report on Political Relations and Cooperation between the EU and Taiwan", which seriously violated the one-China principle and seriously violated the basic norms governing international relations.

Another stroke has been added to the "Taiwan independence" crime book? Wu Zhaoxie has a big move, Huang Zhixian: Unification should not be delayed

In the face of the European Parliament's move and Wu Zhaoxie's actions, on October 21, Taiwan's veteran media personality Huang Zhixian said on social media that reunification should not be delayed. She pointed out that after reunification, she suggested that the mainland record the crime of conspiracy to "independence" by Wu Zhaoxie and his ilk, what they said, and what they did. Don't forgive. She also said that the early unification ensures that everyone "eliminates all diseases."

Another stroke has been added to the "Taiwan independence" crime book? Wu Zhaoxie has a big move, Huang Zhixian: Unification should not be delayed

In response to Wu Zhaoxie's sneaky visit to the Czech Republic, at the Foreign Ministry's regular press conference on October 21, spokesman Wang Wenbin said that we express strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to the permission of relevant countries to visit the Czech Republic, and urge relevant countries not to risk the world's great disobedience, maliciously provoke the one-China principle, and undermine the political foundation and atmosphere of cooperation in bilateral relations. We are also telling the Taiwan authorities that attempting to gain self-esteem and engage in political manipulation by relying on foreigners will eventually lead to a dead end. In addition, in response to Wu Zhaoxie's words and deeds of plotting "independence," as early as September 30, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council said that what Wu Zhaoxie said and did could not be separated from a "independence" word, and all kinds of tricks were nothing more than a "deception" word. He told Wu Zhaoxie and his ilk that reunification is the right way and "Taiwan independence" is the dead end. In the face of the general historical trend of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the reunification of the motherland and the great righteousness of the nation, all kinds of "Taiwan independence" forces are like grasshoppers in the autumn, and all kinds of "Taiwan independence" remarks are nothing more than flies "buzzing," "a few miserable voices, and a few sobs."

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