
Even Huang Zhixian saw this matter!

author:Sharp review

Recently, Huang Zhixian, a well-known host in Taiwan, recently expressed her thoughts, and her remarks quickly sparked heated discussions on the Internet once they were published. Based on years of observation, she pointed out very accurately: "In Chinese mainland, those farmers who quietly dedicate, hard-working migrant workers, takeaway brothers who shuttle between cities, street vendors, dock workers who sweat, taxi drivers who carry passengers through, etc., their love for the country is incomparable, and their patriotic spirit and strength are awe-inspiring!" Her remarks not only resonated with the majority of netizens, but also triggered my reflection, according to normal circumstances, patriotism is the spontaneous psychology of every citizen, but why are these people at the bottom have such noble patriotic feelings? What went wrong?

Even Huang Zhixian saw this matter!

I believe that everyone knows that patriotism is an extremely simple feeling, which is a feeling that comes from the heart and is also a strong feeling for the family and country. In the cognition of all low-level people, the reason why they love their country incomparably and why they are full of affection for their motherland is not only for practical reasons, but also for a profound historical background. So let's talk about my personal feelings about this issue today, in fact, in my opinion, it is mainly determined by the following reasons.

Even Huang Zhixian saw this matter!

1. Patriotism for the poor is a realistic choice

As far as today's society is concerned, some people say that only "the poor are patriotic" or that "the poor are more patriotic", and this is a fact that a similar situation has occurred not only in the mainland, but also in other countries in the world. Compared with some rich people, the poor do not have the qualifications or the strength to immigrate and change their nationality, while some rich people can change their nationality at will all over the world. Fundamentally, the security and stability of the motherland are closely related to the lives of the poor, and once there is a crisis in the motherland, the survival of all the poor will face a major threat. In this case, in fact, all the poor are tightly bound to the state. But for the rich, once the country is in danger, he has another choice, and that is to choose to live abroad. For example, in the early days of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, this phenomenon was very obvious and in line with realistic logic.

Even Huang Zhixian saw this matter!

On the other hand, the poor are easily satisfied and know gratitude. Every year, a large number of national policies are tilted towards the people at the bottom, with the aim of reducing the gap between the rich and the poor in society, although with little effect, but the state has been trying to do this. This also makes many people at the bottom have an expectation of the country, which also stimulates the people's love for the motherland. On the other hand, some wealthy groups have made great achievements, have huge wealth and power positions, and in order to desperately keep their existing wealth, they will try their best to further increase the gap between the rich and the poor, which is contrary to the original intention of the state, and will be subject to corresponding restrictions or become the target of attack. Everyone knows that if the gap between the rich and the poor in society is narrowed and the country becomes more harmonious and stable, the only way to increase the wealth of the poor is to increase the wealth of the poor. And where does this wealth come from? After all, the overall wealth of society is limited, so the balance can only be achieved by reducing the wealth of the rich. But if we think about it, if we do this, will those rich people be willing? Therefore, patriotism is a realistic choice.

Even Huang Zhixian saw this matter!

2. Patriotism is an emotion that comes from the heart

Everyone must know that patriotism is by no means a slogan, but a strong emotion, an emotion that comes from the heart. Whenever I see the athletes winning glory for the country and the national anthem sounding, I believe that everyone, especially the Chinese people at the scene, are extremely excited, and this is a kind of patriotic emotion. When we see that the motherland has suffered injustice internationally, our heartfelt anger in the face of this phenomenon is a patriotic emotion. When we see the motherland encountering disasters, everyone unites and works together to overcome the difficulties, which is also a patriotic emotion; When our motherland suffers from foreign aggression, we take up arms to defend our homeland, which is all the more a patriotic feeling. And these emotions are all from the heart, are the instinctive reaction of every Chinese, and do not need words to explain. But no matter what, there is a premise in this, that is, it does not harm its own interests.

Even Huang Zhixian saw this matter!

Let's take an example, during the Anti-Japanese War, when the mainland was invaded by foreign enemies, many people with lofty ideals rose up to resist and composed a historical hymn that can be sung and cried. But in that era, there were also some people who willingly acted as traitors and traitors for their own personal interests. In fact, in their hearts, in order to realize their own personal interests, they can do anything, and even do things that hurt the countrymen and go against their ancestors. To put it bluntly, such people have no feelings, at least these people do not have much affection for the country, and are just the performance of some opportunists. In fact, not only during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, but with the development of economic construction, there are many people who talk about patriotism at present, but in fact they are doing things that damage the image of the motherland and the interests of the people. For example, in the name of a strong country, some people hype up the "advanced" ideas of the West, but in fact, to put it bluntly, there are many shadows of foreign forces behind them, and they are shouting for the capital platform.

Even Huang Zhixian saw this matter!

3. Patriotism is the choice of one's destiny

There was a saying in ancient times: Under the whole world, it is not the king's land; On the shore of the land, it is not the king's minister. That is, everything we have is given by the state, and we are nothing without a strong Motherland. The poor have only one acre and three points of land under their feet, and the fate of the poor and the rise and fall of the country are tightly linked; Once the country is broken, the home is gone, and no matter what, they can only take up arms to defend their homeland and defend their homeland. They have no way out, and taking a step back is the ruin of their families. But for many wealthy people, they think that everything they have acquired is through their own ingenuity and has little to do with the state. Because they are able to make money not only in their own country, but also in other countries, they think that their achievements are not given by the state. Therefore, their feelings for the country are not heavy, and even when they are subject to some restrictions and blows, they even resent their homeland.

Even Huang Zhixian saw this matter!

But they have forgotten a truth, only a strong motherland can protect the rights and interests of every countryman, and your so-called efforts are actually based on the country's credit. For example, we mentioned earlier the story of Pierou, an executive at Alstom in France, such as the Meng Wanzhou incident at Huawei. If you don't have a strong motherland, no matter how hard you try, it will be in vain, because in this world, it is not as fair and just as we imagined, and in the face of hegemony, what is fair, what is reasonable, and what the rule of law is very ridiculous. In the face of relentless plunder, individual efforts seem meaningless. Therefore, only by letting them understand this truth can they start from their personal destiny choices and have a high degree of identification and strong feelings for the motherland, which is a certain premise.

Even Huang Zhixian saw this matter!

Fourth, patriotism is the adherence to traditional culture

Since ancient times, the mainland has been deeply influenced by Confucian culture, and the concept of loyalty and patriotism has always been engraved in our bones. In ancient times, both rich and poor, with a few exceptions, were mostly patriotic. During the Warring States period, there was a reason for the collapse of the country, and he was sad and threw himself into the Miluo River; There is a mother-in-law who is loyal to the country. Through thousands of years of moral education, the traditional cultural concept of patriotism has penetrated into the blood of every descendant of Yan and Huang, which is incomparable to other countries in the world. Throughout the 5,000-year history of development on the mainland, all dynasties have respected Confucian culture and formed a unified traditional culture of patriotism. Under the influence of this culture, a large number of patriots and national heroes have also emerged in history, and it is precisely this cultural concept that has inspired generation after generation of Chinese to continue to fight for the future of the country and the destiny of the nation.

Even Huang Zhixian saw this matter!

Therefore, whether in ancient times or in modern times, patriotism is an excellent traditional culture on the mainland and must be adhered to. In recent years, under the influence of Western culture, the word patriotism has suddenly taken on some new ambiguities. Some people say that only when the country loves me can I love the country; Some people also say that in the face of foreign provocations, if we do not resolutely fight back, we are unpatriotic; Some people say that patriotism means resolutely resisting all foreign things. In fact, we can understand this mood, but some practices are not advisable. Traditional culture stresses the importance of taoguang and obscurity, and it also stresses the weighing of pros and cons. For patriotism, it is a pure emotion, not a transaction, we must know that there is a country first, then there is a home, we cannot use our own personal gains and losses to bargain with the interests of the country, nor can we hurt the feelings of others because of our simple patriotic feelings.

Even Huang Zhixian saw this matter!

With the continuous development of society, Western ideas and concepts have begun to slowly erode people's minds. Under such circumstances, the current society has regarded "laughing at the poor and not at prostitution" and "the richer the more glorious it is" as an honor and a kind of capital to show off. In this system of social values, "poor" is a term that is even more contemptible than traitors, liars, and robbers. In my opinion, patriotism should not be the preserve of the poor, let alone the only self-confident emotion and pillar in the hearts of the poor. In recent years, the state has advocated the core values of socialism and vigorously promoted traditional culture, in order to maintain a clean and upright social environment.

Even Huang Zhixian saw this matter!

How to make all Chinese people have the same values, and how to engrave patriotism into everyone's bones, is not only a question of education, a family problem, but also a social issue. For some rich people, if they can tightly tie their fate with the fate of the country and control capital, it is equivalent to controlling their lives, and they can effectively control the other choices of some rich people, so that they can devote all their body and mind to the great cause of defending and building the motherland.

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