
Huang Zhixian's words woke up the dreamer! Evergrande Xu Jiayin lost 2.4 trillion in 5 years!

author:Humorous fat round rolling

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Huang Zhixian's words woke up the dreamer! Evergrande Xu Jiayin lost 2.4 trillion yuan in 5 years, which is a planned, premeditated, and extremely crazy financial crime!

Recently, the financial crisis of Evergrande Group has once again attracted the attention of public opinion. The former giant Xu Jiayin lost 2.4 trillion assets in only 5 years, is there a suspicious financial crime behind this?

Huang Zhixian's words woke up the dreamer! Evergrande Xu Jiayin lost 2.4 trillion in 5 years!

This article will closely link the latest media reports, with a systematic and detailed introduction and analysis, reveal this planned and premeditated financial crime, and take you to truly understand the process and shady scenes behind the entire incident.

Chapter 1: The Evergrande Crisis

As a giant in China's real estate industry, Evergrande has been attracting attention because of its huge scale of debt. However, in recent years, the crisis of the Evergrande Group has gradually emerged, and it is no accident. Looking at the data on Evergrande's balance sheet, there are many indications that its liabilities have become far beyond its sustainable range and have been artificially transmitted to other subsidiaries.

Huang Zhixian's words woke up the dreamer! Evergrande Xu Jiayin lost 2.4 trillion in 5 years!

Chapter 2: Xu Jiayin's Road to "Financial Crime"

According to the latest media reports, Xu Jiayin has made a series of adjustments to the flow of funds in the past five years, transferring large amounts of funds to his own private accounts and overseas institutions to avoid supervision and audits. What he did constituted in essence a financial crime with the aim of maliciously and deliberately harming the interests of creditors.

Chapter 3: The inside story of Evergrande surfacing in the dark

Through in-depth investigation and multi-faceted reports, the inside story of Evergrande gradually surfaced. Xu Jiayin and his cronies used the control and influence of huge enterprises to seek personal interests for themselves through fictitious transactions, internal and external collusion and other means to carry out unlimited capital transfers, artificial profits and losses, and financial fraud.

Chapter 4: Even if defeat is decided, justice is difficult to trace

Although Evergrande's financial crisis has not been hidden, Xu Jiayin is still at large. Due to the imperfections of the current legal system and the flaws of the regulatory authorities, although public opinion has exposed his criminal acts, it is difficult to pursue responsibility.

Huang Zhixian's words woke up the dreamer! Evergrande Xu Jiayin lost 2.4 trillion in 5 years!

Justice always seems to be delayed, and public trust in the law is eroding.

Chapter 5: The Deep Reasons and Lessons Behind the Evergrande Incident

The Evergrande incident has triggered thinking from all walks of life, and we need to learn lessons from it. The occurrence of the Evergrande incident is not only the behavior of individual people, but also a pathological manifestation in the current financial system. Regulators should strengthen the scrutiny of corporate finances and use stricter standards and means to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents.

Huang Zhixian's words broke the financial crime of Evergrande Xu Jiayin, but the reality is unacceptable. Behind the Evergrande incident is not only the pursuit of the interests of individuals, but also a disease in China's financial system. It is hoped that the relevant departments can take this as a warning, strengthen the supervision and review of enterprises, and restore a fair financial environment to the public. Justice is late, but it will come!

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