
Reverse Thinking: Let ordinary people do everything, "Everything for Her" movie interpretation

author:Those who know what they believe in

Anything complex has its innermost core.

Find this core, grasp the core, you can let a most ordinary person, but also instantly have omnipotent potential and ability.

Chen Liuzi, the protagonist of the TV series "The Great Dyeing Factory", grew from a beggar to one of the largest bosses in the dyeing industry in China at that time.

No culture, no literacy, but it does not affect him in the fierce competition in the dyeing industry, fighting treacherous businessmen, defeating foreign powerful and powerful peers, and finally standing out.

Chen Liuzi once said a classic line: first-class people do not have to teach; second-class people teach with words; third-class people teach with sticks.

In daily life, you will find that the first kind of person tends to grow up and be self-driven from the heart.

Whether they are working in the workplace or starting their own business, these people will have the fastest salary increase, the most flexible business, and they can constantly ignite themselves.

Reverse Thinking: Let ordinary people do everything, "Everything for Her" movie interpretation

Kazuo Inamori, the god of Japanese management, said that whether a person can succeed depends on two factors:

1. Engage in the work you like to do;

Second, make yourself like work.

A person without a visceral motivation will never be able to do a good job.

Today is the ninth day of the first lunar month of the Year of the Ox, and the Believers recommend you a wonderful French movie "Everything for Her".

To tell the truth, after watching this movie, the believers have a kind of indescribable excitement, and even the end of watching it with trembling.

As the most ordinary grassroots member of society, without any special ability and no background, facing a sudden and huge crisis, and difficult challenges that he simply cannot solve.

What can you do?

Only the determination to take it out and give it everything away.

Determination is useless, desperate is useless, only really calm down and find a way to solve your current problems is useful.

In this movie, one of the most ordinary French teachers in France, in a plain and happy life, suddenly breaks into the police, and his beloved wife is accused of murder and arrested and imprisoned.

Suffering inexplicable injustices, like many accidents in life, can not be predicted at all, there is no place to reason, and the difficulty of solving is far beyond their imagination and ability.

After repeated appeals and trials, the wife was finally found guilty, and the huge grievances caused the wife to almost collapse and even commit suicide to prove her innocence.

The kind teacher was even more overwhelmed by the sudden blow, strangling himself to the point of suffocation, and could not watch his beloved wife die unjustly, let alone accept the loss of his mother to his lovely child.

This is a cruel life, since you can't escape, then face it bravely!

Ordinary people are forced to make a decision that is not ordinary: to rescue their wives and escape from prison!

Reverse Thinking: Let ordinary people do everything, "Everything for Her" movie interpretation

Since no one can rely on it, it is up to you.

The teacher had no experience, so he found a practitioner who had escaped from prison in France 7 times and asked him for advice.

He told him that no prison in the world is really tight, and that every place has a "key point" as long as you find it

The first step is to find that the teacher does not make his own car behind closed doors and talks on paper, but to find a practical coach who has really done it, and his advice is the most valuable.

Just like in today's society, many experts who do not have any achievements themselves, rhetoric, teach you how to speculate in stocks;

Many young men in the intermediary teach you how to speculate in the house, and he does not have a set of real real estate of his own;

Insurance companies, many back-office training teachers in the so-called top courses, the head of the road, the sky is crazy, but they have never sold an insurance...

Strange, isn't it?

Never just listen to what he says, just watch, just see what he's doing every day?

Only people with real combat experience can tell you the "results" you really want.

Contrarian thinking is that with the "effect of leading the cause", there is the "result" of escaping from prison, and the rest is the process of reversing the unknown.

Through several field visits, the teacher began to develop a detailed plan, refining each step.

Every day, all the energy, day and night, is spent on one thing, to find the core "key point".

It was found that when a prisoner suffered from a serious illness, the prison had an obligation and had to send him out of prison to a specialized hospital.

And the ambulances coming in and out of the prison are the "key points."

Reverse Thinking: Let ordinary people do everything, "Everything for Her" movie interpretation

The teacher turned his home into a combat command center, the only difference being the sand table, deduction, planning, layout, implementation, and he was alone.

Focus on the core "key points", constantly deduce, and take into account all the loopholes and accidents that can be thought of and cannot be imagined, as well as the response to change.

To be unchanged, to be unchanged.

The rest is to follow the steps, according to the precise layout details to implement one by one.

In the end, according to the plan, the teacher did not make any low-level stupid mistakes, led the whole family to a victorious escape, and completed the task.

Game over, the game ends perfectly.

A conversation in the movie during the police's post-mortem investigation is interesting:

"Is he really just a French teacher?"

"Yes, he's just a French teacher, an ordinary man, but he really can do everything!"

Reverse Thinking: Let ordinary people do everything, "Everything for Her" movie interpretation

As long as anyone has a strong motivation and focuses on one thing, there is no unfinished task.

As long as you have an unattainable goal in your heart, no one in the world can stop you.

Then you will be amazed to find that everyone, everything, will make way for you!

Amir Khan, a national treasure actor in India, once starred in a movie "Wrestling Bar Daddy".

In order to make this movie, Amir Khan lost more than 50 pounds of weight in 5 months, and his body fat rate plummeted from 38% to 9.67%.

How did he do it?

In order to play a middle-aged uncle with a big belly and obesity, he first played with life and fattening, ate and drank wildly, and like you and me who did not know how to converge and enjoy, Amir Khan gained dozens of pounds in a few months.

No stand-ins, no makeup props, no post-production retouching, is a real show.

Later, desperately trying to lose weight, playing a wrestler who had a dream when he was young, many people, including the director, are very confused and strange?

Ask Amir Khan, wouldn't it be nice to photograph your younger self first and then gain weight?

Why bother yourself so much.

Look at Aamir Khan's reverse thinking...

Amir Khan said that I am also an ordinary person and need a strong motivation to lose weight for myself, and if I am like what you said, I am afraid that after I get fat, I will never be able to lose it back.

I just want to shoot the scene of my youth in the movie, no matter what, I have to lose my weight back and slim back, otherwise the shooting can't be carried out.

That's a strong motivation for a person.

Whatever you do, have you ever felt this way?

The movie "Everything for Her" tells the story of prison escape, and it is also a successful case of ordinary people counterattacking.

Although jailbreaking is not advocated, after all, it is against the law, and the voiceover at the end of the film also makes a warning.

Jailbreak experts say: Escape is simple, the difficulty is how to always maintain freedom in society.

Reverse Thinking: Let ordinary people do everything, "Everything for Her" movie interpretation

Is it really simple?

Simple things are often not simple, but the more complex things are, the easier there are solutions.

The core is two points:

First, you must have a strong and resolute motive;

Second, find the core "key point" to solve the problem!

Focus on the "key points" to plan the layout and not disturb anything else externally.

Around the "key points", develop careful and detailed links and steps, there must be no loopholes and defects, and all unexpected changes should be fully considered and contingency planned.

An ordinary person can also do extraordinary things!

The information explosion of modern Internet society, every day a huge amount of information hit everyone's eyeballs and nerves.

Coupled with the pressure of work and life, it is difficult for every ordinary person to have time to focus on energy and do a good job in a certain matter.

In the past one or two years, zhixin practitioners have engaged in their own future network layout, taking out two to three hours a day to concentrate on writing articles and engaging in network accurate drainage.

Many fans are always curious in the learning group to ask, how much money do you earn and how many fans do you drain?

In fact, seeing the phase is not the same, that is, seeing as it comes.

As a result, sometimes it is not the most important, what is important is the process of collating the output of this knowledge.

Each output is a large-scale carpet of self, knowledge search, accumulation, screening, filtering, induction of the input process.

There are always people in the group who question the believers, saying that you can't only have the first Chinese, hahaha.

Because you're good at doing this, I can't.

In fact, looking back, when I first broke into the Internet with a confused face, it was also a headless fly running around.

After all, no one is born with what they are good at?

Everything is done slowly, done, and becomes good at it.

The only hand of the oil seller, the skilled Ding Ding xie cattle, all of which are like this.

Don't care about what hot spots there are in society, just rub your life; don't care whose short video playback is hot; don't care about whose live streaming sales are hundreds of millions...

Even every time you write an original article, don't have to worry about how much to read? How many comments and retweets? How much is the amount of platform referrals?

Love how much, haha.

Reverse Thinking: Let ordinary people do everything, "Everything for Her" movie interpretation

Focusing on only one thing is how to improve your knowledge and writing level.

Some people say that your knowledge reserves must be very large?

If, you can calm down and think about it yourself.

Is there less knowledge stored in your computer, USB stick, network disk, mobile phone, and circle of friends?

It's just that you're not seriously using it.

Greedy for more and faster, go everywhere to learn, collect with your hands, learn too much knowledge.

But there is no time left for consolidation, integration and practice, and in the end nothing will happen.

The last time I recommended this "Everything for Her" movie to a friend, my friend was extremely shocked after watching it, and the believer sighed.

Society is like an invisible prison, and everyone in society is pursuing how to escape and find their own freedom all day long.

Like the line in the movie: Escape is simple, the most difficult challenge is, how do you keep free?

"All for Her" French movie, released in 2008, many video platforms can be watched for free, really can not find the resources to know the letter walker privately, send you a link.

I am a believer, I like to read books, watch movies, and sometimes a good movie will inspire you far better than those so-called ten thousand yuan training courses.

The first month is the year, and you can watch this movie when you have time.

As long as you first set a clear goal, then reverse thinking, reverse the middle link in the process, to find its core essence, it will be more effective.

Forward thinking, the method does not change the goal;

Contrarian thinking, the goal is unchanged, the method is ever-changing.

In the Year of the Ox, you have to let yourself take out a little bit of cow strength, sharp strength.

When your cow loses its temper, when you do something and the nine cows can't pull it back...

When you have a life in your heart that you must play with your life and complete your goals, no one in the world can stop you.

Everyone but yourself will make way for you!

This society is better off than on its own.

Let yourself, the cow turn clean, the bull flash is in 2021!

Finally, give a blockbuster e-book that helps to walk the society and inspires you to think backwards, as a New Year gift, pay attention to the believers, private message reply [New Year e-book], first-come, first-served, limited quantity.

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